3d Printing
3d Printing
3d Printing
3D Printing
-:Submitted By:-
(Roll. No.-1516540023)
• What is 3D printing?
• General Principles
• 3D printing Methods
• Applications
• Challenges
• Conclusion
• Reference
What is 3D Printing?
• For methods of applying a 2-D image
on a 3-D surface
• Additive manufacturing or 3D
printing is a process of making a
three-dimensional solid object of
virtually any shape from a digital
model. 3D printing is achieved using
an additive process, where
successive layers of material are laid
down in different shapes.
What is 3D Printing?
• Additive Manufacturing: The
term additive manufacturing refers to
technologies that create objects
through a sequential layering
process. Objects that are
manufactured additively can be used
anywhere throughout the product life
General Principles
• Modeling
• Printing
• Finishing
• Additive manufacturing takes virtual
blueprints from computer aided
design (CAD) or animation modeling
software and "slices" them into
digital cross-sections for the
machine to successively use as a
guideline for printing.