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Definition: Pre-stressing is technical process in which internal stresses of structure

are introduced so that stresses resulting from external loads are counteracted to a
desired degree. In short pre-stressing is counteracting of stresses.
 The concept of prestressing came into action firstly in 1886 by Mr. Jackson of
Sanfrancisco, USA. In which prestress was introduced by tensioning of reinforcing
 Generally, high strength concrete (HSC) is preferred for prestressing because it offers
high resistance in tension, shear, and it is less liable to shrinkage cracks, higher
modulus of elasticity and HSC resulting smaller losses in prestressing.
 In India First Prestressed concrete bridge was constructed in 1948 under the Assam
Rail Link Project. While Pamban Rail bridge in Tamilnadu Remains the classic example
of prestressed concrete girders
 Methods of Pre-stressing:
1. Pre-tensioning
2. Post-tensioning

A method of prestressing in which the tendons are tensioned before
placing of the concrete. In this method prestress is imparted to
concrete by bond between strand and concrete.
A method of prestressing in which the tendons are tensioned after
hardening of concrete. In this method prestress is imparted to
concrete by bearing.
Types of Prestressed Concrete :-
 Bonded Prestressed Concrete:
Pretensioning members belongs to this group.
 Non-Bonded Prestressed Concrete:
Post-tensioning members belongs to this group.

Principal of Prestressing :-
Where the load causes tensile stresses that portion of concrete will be
put under compression by means of prestressing so that the load
causing tension will first have to cancel the compression induced by
Pretensioning Sequence :-

• Anchoring the tendons against

the end abutments
• Placing of jacks
• Applying tension to the tendons
• Casting of concrete
• Cutting of tendons
Post-tensioning Sequence
• Casting of Concrete
• Placement of tendons
• Placement of anchorage
blocks and jacks
• Applying tension to the
• Seating the wedges
• Cutting the tendons
• Grouting the sheathing
PT ducts
Advantages of Prestressed Concrete :-

• As this technique eliminates weakness of concrete in tension, such members

remain free from cracks; hence can resist the effects of impact, shock, and reversal
of stresses more efficiently than R.C.C. structure.
• They provide reliable long-term performance.
• Prestressed concrete bridges are not easily damaged by fire. Have excellent fire
resistance, low maintenance costs, elegance, high corrosion resistance, etc.
• Precast concrete components lend themselves to fast construction schedules.
• Fast construction means earlier completion and the resulting cost savings.
• Reduced cross sections of concrete which saves the concrete and steel quantities.
• Light weight concrete structures as compared to RCC structures.
Disadvantages of Prestressed Concrete :-
• The unit cost of high strength materials being used is higher as mostly
high tensile steel is used.
• extra initial cost is incurred due to use of prestressing equipment and
its installation.
• extra labour and transportation cost for prestressing is also there.
• prestressing is uneconomical for short spans and light loads.
• Harder to recycle.
• More complex technically
Construction Applications of Prestressing
 Pretensioning Applications:
Railway Sleepers
Concrete Precast ‘I’ girders
 Electrical Poles
Precast Piles (Driven)

 Post-tensioning Applications:
Longer Precast I Girders
Bridge Decks
Precast segments
Cast In Situ concrete Box Girders
RCC Building slabs
Prestressing Material and their Specifications
HT Strands (Tendons)

Guide Cones (Castings)


GI Sheathing Ducts

Bearing Anchors
Hydraulic Jacks used for Prestressing

 Mono Strand
Jack: Used for
stressing of mono
or single stands.
Multi Strand Jack:
Used for stressing of
multiple stands.
Dial Gauges:
Used for measuring
applied pressure
High Tensile Strands (HTS)
• Uncoated Stress Relieved Low Relaxation Seven-ply Strand for
Prestressed Concrete – IS14268-1995
• Strand: A length of finished material which comprises six wires
formed together in helical form around a Centre line.

• Strand Diameters:
Worldwide strand diameters are
12.7mm and
• Breaking Load: The maximum load reached in a tensile test of the
• Coil or Reel: One continuous length of strand in form of coil or reel
• Elongation: The increase in length of a tensile test piece under stress.
Elongation is measured prior to fracture of any of the component
wires and is expressed as the percentage of original gauge length of
strand test piece.
• Length of lay: It is distance (measured along straight line parallel to
strand) in which a wire forms a complete helix.
• Proof Load: The load which produces residual strain of 0.2 % of
original gauge length
Length of Lay : Actual Measurement at laboratory
• The Seven wire strand shall have a centre wire atleast 1.5 percent
greater in diameter than the surrounding six wires which are tightly
and helically placed around it.
• The Lay Length must be atleast 12 times the nominal diameter of
strand but in no case shall be more than 16 times the nominal
diameter of strand.
• Joints: there shall be no joints, welds be made at any point in full
length of strand unless specified by purchaser. However, welding is
permitted only prior to last heat treatment. During fabrication butt
welds may be made in length of not less than 45m.
• The reels of strand shall be stored with oil quenching to protect from
rusting of strands.
• Elongation: Total elongation under load shall not be less than 3.5% on
minimum gauge length of 600mm. The total elongation shall be
measured by suitable extensometer which is attached to a test piece.
Relaxation Properties :-
• Relaxation- Definition: Simply it is loss in applied stress over the
period of time. Strands usually tends to lose some pressure applied to
it over the time passage
• In general uncoated low relaxation class II strands are used widely in
Indian construction market.
• Test sample is loaded to 70% of minimum breaking load for period of
1000 Hrs.
• Relaxation losses shall not be more than 1.8% after 100Hrs and 2.5%
after 1000Hrs.
Testing of HT Strands : IS14268-1995
• A single test piece diameter wise shall be cut from one end of a coil selected
randomly for a group of every five numbers of coils.
• Demarcation of Reels: Each Reel shall carry label giving following details
i) Name of the manufacturer
ii) Coil Number/Heat Number
iii) Nominal diameter of strand
iv) Class of strands
• Acceptance criteria for material conformity:
If a sample fails then two additional samples shall be drawn from the same
end of same coil from which original sample was failed. If these two
samples pass the test then only the coil is said to be complied to
requirements of IS 14268. If either of the test samples fails then that coil
shall be rejected.
From parcel of ‘n’ number of coils if 10% or more of selected coils fails then
that parcel shall be deemed to be rejected.
Laboratory tensile testing of Strands:-
Tests on strands:-
1. Breaking load test
2. 0.2% proof load test
3. Elongation
4. Relaxation losses
Please see the sample
test reports as in next
Tensile Test….Test Reports….
• Lay Length will be
measured with help of
carbon paper
• The diameter of all the 7
wires is measured with
the help of micro-meter
• Cross sectional area of
tendon is calculated.
• Unit weight is measured
for test sample.
Tensile test Graph :
In this test, an initial load equivalent to 10% of
minimum breaking load shall be applied to the
test piece and sensitive extensometer then
attached. The dial gauge shall be adjusted to
read 0.001mm of the gauge length to represent
the extension due to initial load. In case of
dispute 0.2% proof load shall be considered. The
load shall be increased until extensometer
shows the an extension corresponding to 1.0%.
And the load at this extension shall not be less
than the minimum 0.2% proof load as specified
in table 1 of IS 14268.
Following an extension of 1%, the extensometer
can be removed and loading will be continued to
ultimate failure.
Basic Requirements and assumptions in
Before starting with the actual Stressing Operations, certain
preparations should be made; some are required to be done prior to
concreting. They are listed out as below :-
• Basic Requirements:
1. The Stressing Operation can be initiated, only after concrete attains
it’s strength (usually 60% to 80% of it’s ultimate strength). This can be
ascertained by testing the cube strength of the concrete.
2. 3 or 4 sets of Cube moulds (Size: 150 x 150 x 150 mm) should be
poured/prepared along with the concreting of the main structure, to be
Stressed. Each set should consist of minimum 3 numbers of moulds.
3. Stressing drawing should be thoroughly studied to
ascertain following parameters, and if required, should be
consulted with the Principal/Design consultant.
• i) Stressing Schedule - Minimum Stay period after
concreting, Minimum Concrete strength for Stressing,
Sequence of Stressing for various cables etc. should be
obtained from the drawing.

• ii) Anchorage/Cable Type – The configuration and type

of the cables is also shown in the drawing (i.e. No. of
Strand x Dia. of Strand). A suitable Guide/Trumpet and
suitable size of Sheathing duct should be installed in
the structure at the time of fixing of reinforcement
cage and before the actual concreting is done.

• iii) Assumptions – At the time of designing any

structure, designer assumes the standard values of
certain parameters for deriving the designed forces &
elongations. These parameters are shown in the
drawing as Assumptions and are mainly known as
Cross-Sectional Area of Prestressing steel (Strand),
Modulus of Elasticity of Prestressing Steel, Friction &
Wobble Coefficient of Duct and the Wedge Set etc.
• iv) Stressing Force - Stressing force to be applied on each cable.
Different cables may require to be stressed at different force level.
• v) Elongation - Elongation to be achieved, in each cable. Different
cable may require to be stressed for different elongation.
• vi) Type of Stressing - One End Stressing or Stressing from both the

Stressing Data & Records:

• Friction & Wobble Coefficient of Ducts are the standard data and
does not necessarily need any modifications in normal conditions.
These values are given in various approved certificates. Unless
mentioned otherwise, they remain constant irrespective of the
different supplier or supplies.
• Check the concrete strength and if it attains 60% to 80% strength of
its prescribed value, Stressing operation may be started.
• Apply necessary correction to the ‘Stressing Force’ and ‘Elongation’,
with respective available ‘Cross-sectional Area’ & ‘Modulus of
Elasticity’ of Prestressing steel, ‘Friction & Wobble Co-efficient’, if any,
and the recommended ‘Wedge Set’ for the equipment etc.
Stressing operation is monitored in two ways:
• A) By Pressure Gauge Reading: Pressure gauge reading on the power
pack is translated into the force applied by the jack and ultimately
transferred to the anchorages through Prestressing Steel. The tendon
force can be calculated by multiplying the pressure gauge reading to
the ‘Ram Area’ of the Jack. Ram area of the Prestressing Jack is
generally provided by the manufacturer.
• B) By Elongation Method: Actual elongation can be compared with
the theoretical elongation of the Prestressing steel. It can be
calculated with respect to data available for the Prestressing steel
Prestressing Sequence:
• 1. If the Prestressing steel (Strands) are laid prior to concreting, Try to
move the strands to & fro, individually or in group, to ascertain, the
cable is free from any incursions or clogging. If the cable is found to
be free, we can proceed with the stressing operation. Otherwise
some efforts are required to make the cables free and stress able.
• 2. Pull the projected length of the strands outside the cable opening,
up to a length equals to the “Strand Gripping Length of the
Prestressing Jack” + “Double of the Elongation required”. Thoroughly
clean them with some fluid cleaner and make them free from
corrosion, dust and any short of inhibitions etc
• 3. Repeat the above procedure from the other end of the cable too.
• 4. Push the extra length of the strands, inside the cable and adjust the
projected length of the strands equal to the prescribed “Strand Gripping
Length” for the Jack in use. Repeat this procedure from other end of the
cable too.
• 5. Check the Taper holes of the ‘Bearing Plates’, and if necessary, remove
rust and clean them. Please consider unpacking and placing of ‘Bearing
Plates’ and ‘Grips’ only shortly before the stressing. This will prevent the
‘Bearing Plate’ holes and ‘Grips’ from getting exposed to atmosphere as
little as possible. They should be free from rust and corrosion, until fully
• 6. Thread the ‘Bearing Plate’ over the strands and rotate it for 5 to 6 times
in clockwise direction and then reverse the rotation in anti-clockwise
direction for equal number of times. By doing this a considerable length of
strand inside the cable gets freed from entanglement.
• 7. Install the ‘Grips’ over the strands and push them into the taper holes of
‘Bearing Plate’ with the help of a pipe. ‘Grips’ should be pressed into the
‘Bearing Plates’ simultaneously from both the ends of the tendons, till it
gets fixed on the surface of the ‘Guide Cone’.
Setting-up Equipment Connections:
• 1. Check for the Oil level in the reservoir of the power pack. Top up if
necessary with required quantity of ENKLO-68 (Hindustan Petroleum)
Hydraulic Oil.
• 2. Connect the Jack with high-pressure hose pipes to the hydraulic
power pack. Check the connectors/couplers for the leakage, if any.
Secure them firmly and keep them as clean and dry as possible.
Leaking couplers attract more dust & dirt and can easily get inhibited
in the hydraulic system through oil.
• 3. Check the hose pipes also and ensure that they are also clean dry
and dirt free.
• 4. Check the Pressure gauges are connected properly and the end
connections are leak-free, clean and dry. Leaking joints shall reflect a
continuous pressure drop and will create hindrance in the stressing
• 5. It is recommended that the pressure gauges fitted on the power
pack are properly calibrated with Master gauges or Dead Weight
Calibrator and an authentic calibration certificate is there in the
possession of the engineer.
• 6. After connecting all the Hoses, bleed the air from the hydraulic
system. For this close the hydraulic circuit and idle run the Jack for full
extension and retraction. Repeat this for 3 to 4 cycles.
This way any air bubble present in the hydraulic circuit/system
shall escape and will prevent any short of partial pressure drop
and jerky or rattled movement of the piston.
Jack Mounting & Necessary Arrangement:
• Insert the ‘Bearing Plate’ at both ends of the Tendon and press to
fully to sit properly over the ‘Guide Ring’.
• Insert the ‘Pressure Plate’ as per the orientation of the Bearing Plate
• Jack should be suspended through a ‘Jack Handling Gantry’ with the
help of ‘Chain Pulley Block’. The arrangement should be such that it
gives a full flexibility of movement to the Jack in both transverse &
longitudinal direction.
• Insert the bunch of strands in the central hole of the jack.
• Axis of the Jack should coincide with axis of the tendon.
• Insert the bunch of the strands in the central hole of the jack.
• Jack should coincide with axis of the tendon.
• Raise, lower or tilt the jack, as required, the face of the jack should be perfectly
seating over the face of the ‘Bearing Ring’.
• Insert the ‘Rear Anchor Plate’ on the strands as per the orientation of the tendon
and then firmly locate it over the back seat of the Jack Piston.
• Sprinkle ‘Molylube Spray’ or apply any other ‘Grip Releasing Agent’ on to the
external surface of all the ‘Master Grips’ and inside the taper hole of the ‘Rear
Anchor Plate’ as well.
• Insert the 3 piece ‘Master Grips’ over the strands coming out of the
back side of the ‘Rear Anchor Plate’ holes. Push ‘Master Grips’ into
the taper holes of ‘Rear Anchor Plate’ with the help of a pipe, to sit
tightly inside the Anchor plate.
• Check all the connection of jack with power pack, giving flexibility to
hose pipes for movement of jacks at the time of stressing.
• It is important that supporting chains or hooks should be slackened
off as soon as the jack starts carrying load. Similarly they should also
be ready to support the jack again while retracting.
• Now the system is ready for STRESSING OPERATION.










Zero Correction for Elongation:
Initial load applied will cause an extension as there is some slack in the
tendon, it is very difficult to establish the datum from which elongation
should be measured. To overcome this Problem there are two methods
being followed.
• Type 1: A Nominal force to get the Jack tightened, is applied to the
tendon. It’s assumed that jack gets tightened only when the slackness
is removed. This level is then assumed as the datum for elongation
measurement. After, force is applied in steps to achieve final design
force and elongation is recorded values are plotted on stress-strain
diagram. The Graph with Gauge reading (Pressure) on ‘X’ axis and
elongation on ‘Y’ axis. On extra Polation the plotted line intersects ‘Y’
axis which gives us initial effective elongation required for removing
slackness. This initial elongation should be added to measured
elongation to get total elongation.
• Type 2: In this method, a force equal to P/3 is applied to the tendon
to establish the datum, and the extension is measured between the
‘Force P/3’ and the ‘Force P’. The measured extension is thus
corresponds to ‘Force 2/3 P’ and the full extension at ‘Force P’ can be
calculated by formulae of proportion. And a modified elongation is
calculated with formulae as,
Modified elongation = Design elongation X At X Et
Aa X Ea
At = Theoretical area of tendon, (Given in Dwg/IS Code)
Et = Theoretical modulus of elasticity of tendon, (Given In dwgs/IS Code)
Aa= Actual area of tendon and (From Test Report MTR)
Ea= actual modulus of elasticity of tendon. (From Test Report MTR)
Jacking Pressure :-
• Example:
Design Jacking force per strand=203KN
Number of strands=12 Nos
Total Jacking Force= 203KN X 12= (203X102KgX12)/1000=248.472 Ton
Jack Efficiency= 0.99
Ram Area of jack= 563.72 Cm²
Jacking Pressure (kg/Cm²) = Jacking Force (Ton)
Jack Efficiency X Ram Area
1Kg/Cm² = 1 bar

A) Desired Force is achieved but the Extension is very Low.


1. Stroke Length of the Piston has Temporarily block the Grips and, Retract
reached to the final stage the Piston and start with new stroke

Calibrate the Pressure Gauge or connect

2. Faulty Pressure Gauge
a Master Gauge in Pressure Line
3. Error in computing the Stressing
Notify the Design Engineer, correct error
Values: Incorrect assumptions or error
and recalculate stressing values.
in calculations
4. Cross-Section Area of Prestressing
Steel is larger than assumed. (i.e. Notify the Design Engineer, and
Strand Dia. is Ø15.7 instead of Ø15.2 recalculate the Elongation value.
or Ø12.9 instead of Ø12.5 mm
Repeatedly overstress the tendon up to
5. Tendon is clogged due to ingress of 80% of UTS and Relax. This may break
cement slurry in the duct. the loose slurry, if any, and can free the
6. Higher friction in the Sheathing/Duct. Repeatedly overstress the tendon up to
This may be caused due to rust, dents, 80% of UTS and Relax. This may relieve
depression or the deviation angle the tendon. If not, then notify the
larger than assumed designer.

Check for free travel for the Jack Piston.

7. Higher friction in the Stressing Jack
If tight, notify the jack manufacturer.

8. Higher friction in the Stressing Jack Check for abnormal strand deviation, if
due to deviation of strand, inside the any, inside the Jack. Take Corrective
jack. action
B) Elongation achieved but the Gauge Pressure is very Low.


Some of the Master Grips are Missing or De-stress the tendon, check the Master
slipping grips and replace the defective ones.
Calibrate the Pressure Gauge or connect
Faulty Pressure Gauge
a Master Gauge in Pressure Line.
Error in computing the Stressing Values:
Notify the Design Engineer, correct error
Incorrect assumptions or error in
and recalculate stressing values.
Cross-Section Area of Prestressing Steel
is smaller than assumed. (i.e. Strand Dia. Notify the Design Engineer, and
is Ø15.2 instead of Ø15.7 or Ø12.5 recalculate the Elongation value.
instead of Ø12.9 mm)
Anchorage is yielding: Insufficient Essential Judgment by the Engineer
concrete strength or honeycombs in may stop mishap. Stop Stressing and
the concrete in Anchorage zone. repair the Anchorage Zone.
Replace the faulty Anchors, Couplers or
Some strands may be slipping at the
Splices etc if possible. Otherwise notify
Dead End Anchor, or the Coupler Joint
the engineer to check the design for
or the Tendon Splice etc.

Smaller friction in the Sheathing or Notify the Design Engineer to review and
duct. recalculate the Elongation value.

Check the Jack efficiency and re-evaluate

Frictional Losses in the Jack are
the frictional losses. And make necessary
considerably less than assumed.
correction in applicable forces.
Losses in Prestressing:-
Loss due to Creep of concrete

Loss due to shrinkage of concrete

Loss due to relaxation of strands

Loss due to shortening (elastic deformation) of concrete

Loss due to friction and slip of anchorage

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