Kenneth Myro D. Garcia, RN, MAN, EdDc
Assisting patient to walk using crutches while providing support and as a
convenient method of getting from one place to another.
Gait is a term to describe human locomotion, it is pattern of walking or a
sequence of foot movements.
Walking aids
Walking aid is a device designed to assist walking and improve the
mobility of people who have difficulty in walking or people who cannot
walk independently.
• Provide less lateral support due to absence of axillary pad.
• Cuffs may be difficult to remove.
• These can be expensive.
Measurement of crutches
*Crutch pad distance from armpits:
The crutch pads (tops of crutches) should be 1½" to 2"
two finger widths) below the armpits, with the shoulders
Place it so that the elbow is slightly bent enough so one
fully extend the elbow when taking a step.
*Crutch length (top to bottom):
The total crutch length should equal the distance from
armpit to about 6" in front of the shoe.
Crutches that are too tall or too short can affect
and also cause back pain.
Incorrectly fitted crutches or poor posture can cause a
disorder called crutch palsy in which the nerves under
arm mostly radial nerve (brachial plexuses) are
or permanently damaged, causing weakened hand,
and forearm muscles.
Types of crutch walking:
Bear the full weight through the normal limb and crutches
while standing and walking.
Balanced standing (Tripod position):
Bear weight through normal limb and the hand grips of the
Non weight bearing:
Bring the affected leg forward so that it is in line with the crutches. Only put
toes down on the ground up to a maximum of 4 kg of pressure.
Push down on the handgrips with hands while squeezing the top of the
crutches between chest and upper arms.
Putting weight through the handgrips, hop forward with unaffected leg to
meet the crutches, or slightly ahead of the crutches, making sure that only 4
kg of pressure is put through the affected leg.
Partial weight bearing walking
Bear some weight about 50 per cent on affected limb as one walks.
Standing on unaffected leg, lift both crutches at the same time and
place the crutches one step’s length in front.
Bring the affected leg forward so that it is in line with the crutches.
Only put up to 50% of body weight on this leg as place it on the
Push down on the handgrips with hands while squeezing the top of
the crutches between your chest and upper arms.
Putting your weight through the handgrips, hop forward with
unaffected leg to meet the crutches, or slightly ahead of the crutches,
making sure that only 50% of body weight is put through the affected
Full weight bearing walking
Bear most of the weight on affected limb as tolerated.
Place only a little remaining weight on crutches.
* Place crutches onto the lower step, bringing affected leg forward at
the same time. Only put affected leg down on the step if allowed.