Mental Health Presentation

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By: Isabel Quintero, Lorena Munguia, Lupita Reynosa,

Michelle Watson
Mental Health Talk
What is Mental Health?
*There are a number of different

1) It can be a goal, something to be attained and


1) It can be the ability to contribute to

relationships with other people
- To function reasonably productively
- To care about others
- To conform to normal social and legal requirements
- To have a reasonable eset of social and problem-
solving skills
3) the ability to ward off unpleasant mood states, to
adjust to changing situations, and to cope with stress
and distress.

- Prevents us from lapsing into a depression, anxiety

state, or other form of distress
- An ongoing task or process

* Mental health is much more than the absence of

mental illness
What can you do?
● Re-examine your goals and basic life expectations
- Happiness happens on the inside
● Yoga
● Meditation
● Guided Imagery
● Massage
● Herbs
● Exercise
● sleep
- Therapeutic potential to treat
a variety of phobias and other
psychotic conditions
● Powell’s The Mental Health Handbook
- 7 keys to mental health:

1) take responsibility (do not blame)

2) be flexible in your thinking

3) Confront rather than avoid difficulties and


4) look after your own needs

5) express yourself

6) strive for balance

7) develop and maintain

Benefits (Physical Activity and Exercise) CONSEQUENCES
● Increase of:
- Academic performance ● Compulsiveness
- Confidence ● Decreased involvement in
- Emotional stability
- Mood
- Perception ● Escape or avoidance of
- well-being problems
● Decrease of: ● Fatigue
- Anger ● Poor eating habits
- Anxiety ● Preoccupation of
- Confusion
fitness, diet, body
- Depression
- Headaches
- Tension
How to tell your kids
● “Emotional Volcano” method
- Draw a volcano and explain that everyone has
different feelings throughout the day, if not dealt
with, there would be an explosion of emotions
● Teach by example and be mindful of your habits
- Lead by example and share vulnerabilities so that the
kids will be comfortable talking about their own
● Take note of the language you use
- Let them tell you how they feel, don’t tell them how
they feel
● Teach them mindfulness techniques
● Encourage them to journal
- Can reduce stress and help people manage anxiety and
What factors affect mental health?
● Self-esteem
● Feeling loved
● Confidence
● Family break-up or loss
● Difficult behavior
● Abuse
This can affect children in the short term as well as long

Some short term effects are that they may have lower scores
on self concept and social relations. Higher levels of
psychological distress or depression.

Long term effects are that in adolescence they may

demonstrate antisocial behavior, depression, and have
problems with intimate relationships.
physical abuse, sexual abuse, intimate partner violence

In the article I read they described some mental disorders

that could occur. These were data made on adults, but I
thought some of these could still apply to children.

They could develop depression, bipolar disorder, generalized

anxiety disorder… and in the later future they may develop
alcohol abuse/dependence, and drug abuse/dependence.
What factors can contribute to good mental health?
● Learning how to externalize
problems in a healthy way --
instead of internalizing
○ How?
■ Talking about feelings, and
problems out loud.
■ Having a creative outlet such as
art, sports, etc.
● Creating a positive self image
● Forming healthy relationships
What are the signs to identify mental health?
● Long-lasting sadness or irritability
● Extremely high and low moods
● Excessive fear, worry,or anxiety
● Social withdrawal
● Dramatic changes in eating or
sleeping habits
What can teachers do to? Training? funding?
Breaking down the stigma

● Mandated training
● Access to resources
● In house workshops
Mandated training
● current requirements
● minnesota is taking the
first step
● Training in school
● Outside courses

In house workshops
● Putting together workshops at the district level
● Using the community as a support system
● Involving family in the learning experience
Making resources available
● Books for teachers
● Books for students
● Learning what help is out
● Creating a safe space for
● Breaking down the stigma

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