PPT Kelompok 3

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Foundations of Group

Course 3
The Subject Of Discussion…..
1. Definition and Classification of Group
2. Five Stages of Group Development and The Punctuated-Equilibrium Model
3. External conditions that affect group behavior
4. Variabels of organizational structure
5. Aspects and decision-making techniques
Definition of Groups

“A group of individuals small enough for all members to communicate relatively

easily. Members relate to each other with several common goals and have a kind
of organization or structure between them”
-De Vito (1997)-
“As two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come
together to achieve particular objectives”
-Stephen P. Robbins-
Classification of Groups

Formal Informal
A designated work group defined by A group that is neither formally
an organization’s structure. the structured nor organizationally
behaviors team members should determined; such a group appears in
engage in are stipulated by and response to the need for social
directed toward organizational contact.
"Don't have a structure and a goal for
Informal social relationships"

Command Group

Task Group

Interest Group

Friendship Group
Command Group

“Group created by an organizational structure consisting of

subordinates and superiors. For example, a manager and ten
employees form a command group, a chairman of the organization
and his departments”
Task Group

“the organizational groups, work together, and there is no direct boundary

hierarchy. task groups can cross the entire organization. For example, if a student
damages school facilities, it will be followed up by the homeroom teacher, student
guidance teacher and discipline teacher.”
Interest Group

“groups that have specific goals taking into account the

interests of each group. for example, a group of people
who will go hiking”
Friendship Group

“groups formed because individuals have one or more of the

same characteristics. for example, colleagues and classmates”
1. Security (Merasa lebih aman)
2. Status (Terlihat penting karena kehadiran sebagai bagian dari kelompok)
3. Self-Esteem (Menimbulkan perasaan akan “lebih Berharga Diri”)
4. Affiliation (Memenuhi kebutuhan sosial)
5. Power (Karena ada hal yang harus dicapai melalui kelompok, tidak sendiri)
6. Goal Achievement (Untuk mencapai sesuatu, butuh sekumpulan
keterampilan dan kemampuan untuk benar – benar mencapai hal tersebut)
Social Identity
• People develop a lot of identities through the course of their lives. You might define
yourself in terms of the organization you work for, the city you live in, your
profession, your religious background, your ethnicity, or your gender etc.
• 3 Social identities help us understand who we are and where we fit in with other
people, but they can have a negative side as well. Ingroup favoritism means we see
members of our ingroup as better than other people, and people not in our group
as all the same. This obviously paves the way for stereotyping. When do people
develop a social identity?
• Several characteristics make a social identity important to a person:
 Similarity
 Distinctiveness
 Status
 Uncertainty Reduction

one of intragroup
characterized by a
conflict. Members
great deal of
accept the
uncertainty about the close characterized by
existence of the stage in group
group’s purpose, relationships concern with
group but resist development,
structure, and develop and wrapping up
the constraints it during which the
leadership. Members the group activities rather
imposes on group is fully
“test the waters” to demonstrates than task
individuality. functional.
determine what types cohesiveness performance.
There is conflict
of behaviors are
over who will
control the group.
The Punctuated-Equilibrium Model

Temporary groups with deadlines don’t seem to follow the usual five-stage model. Studies indicate
they have their own unique sequencing of actions (or inaction). This pattern has 6 stages & 2
phases, called the punctuated-equilibrium model : (1) their first meeting sets the group’s direction,
(2) this first phase of group activity is one of inertia, (3) a transition takes place exactly when the
group has used up half its allotted time, (4) this transition initiates major changes, (5) a second
phase of inertia follows the transition, and (6) the group’s last meeting is characterized by markedly
accelerated activity.
External conditions that affect group behavior

“Memenuhi kebutuhan social”

External conditions that affect group behavior
1) Organizational strategy. Is the sum of the actions a company or
organization intends to take to achieve long-term goals.
2) Organizational structure, determines how the roles, power and
responbilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated and how
information flows beetween the differents level of management
3) Organizational regulation is specify the desired behavior of the actors in
the organization.
4) Organization sources
5) Selection process
6) Culture of the organization
7) Physical environment
Variabels of organizational structure
1. Formal Leadership
2. Roles
3. Norm
4. Status
5. Composition
Formal Leadership
“While the formal leader used to use powernya in a position to affect its members,
are in the informal use of personal power”

ROLES (Peran)
“All the members in the group have the role of each”
This type of role in the group, namely:
1. Perception (Views about how to behave in a particular situation)
2. Expectations (The hope would be expected behavior for a specific situation)
3. Conflict (Role conflict occurs when the role that traveled the same important
and must choose one to do)
NORMS (Norma)
“A standard of acceptable behavior for a specific scope”
This type of norm in groups, namely :
1. Performance Norms (Kalau bekerja, masih ada tanggungan segera diselesaikan,
kecuali terpaksa)
2. Appearance Norms (Acara Mantenan, dresscode Sunatan)
3. Social Arrangement Norms (Masih jam kantor, Makan siang diluar bareng
teman kerja bukan sama keluarga)
4. Resource Allocation Norms (Pekerjaan Sulit, Gajinya ya tinggi)
“A position or level provided by others”
How to measure "a position or level" given by others in the form of "Status", how there
are three (3):
1. The Power a Person Wields Over Others (Karena Ignasius Jonan, Kereta Api jadi
jauh lebih baik – Karena Jonan KAI jadi bagus seperti sekarang)
2. A Person’s Ability to Contribute to a Group’s Goals (Karena Messi, Barcelona
Mayoritas Menang - Karena kontribusi individu lebih signifikan)
3. An Individual’s Personal Characteristics (Karena Tampang dan Body, Duo
Serigala terkenal - Karena secara fisik terlihat signifikan)

Composition of the Group

“relating to heteroginitas group members such as; skills, abilities, knowledge,
personality, ethnic, culture etc.”
Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Decision Making

Advantages Disadvantages
1. More information and knowledge 1. Takes a lot of time to arrive at a "solution“
2. Heterogeneity gave a positive impact 2. The desire of one of the members of the
against the decision making process group who wish to be considered accepted
3. Provide more approaches and alternatives and will cause difficult decision-making
4. It's easier to accept a solution because feel 3. Discussion groups can be controlled by just
involved in decisions a few members only
4. If a lot of members in the group with low
and middle level then the effectiveness of
the overall group be low
5. In groups, the responsibility of each
Member to become fully incorporated
Group Decision Making Techniques…

There are three (3) techniques in decision making by the group, namely:
1. Interacting Groups (Face to face communication between group members)
2. Brainstorming (Some sort of problem-solving meetings with alternative solutions as
much as possible in order to find the best solution, by the way "to think the unusual"
without criticism even though "unusual" so that all can be analyzed)
3. The Nominal Group Technique (Interpersonal communication during the decision
making process)
a) Before the discussion, each Member writing ideas related issues that will be
b) Each member presented the idea
c) Discussion group related ideas and evaluate
d) Each Member of the group gives a ranking against those ideas, ideas with the
highest value is the final decision

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