Foundations of Group Behaviors in Consum
Foundations of Group Behaviors in Consum
Foundations of Group Behaviors in Consum
Properties of a group
“Two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come
together to achieve particular objectives”.
1. Formal group
A designated work group defined by the organization‘s structure
E.g. the six members making up an airline flight crew.
2. Informal group
A group that is neither formally structured nor organizationally
determined; appears in response to the need for social contract.
3. Command group
A group composed of individuals who report directly to given
manger. It is determined by organization chart.
4. Task group
Those working together to complete a job task. These are also
organizationally determined.
5. Interest group
Those working together to attain a specific objective with witch
each is concerned or each is interested.
6. Friendship group
Those working together because they share one or more
common characteristics. They may of similar age or ethnic heritage.
Shakespeare said, “All the world is a stage, and all men and women are
merely players” using same, all members are actors, each playing a role.
Definition: “A set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone
All groups have established norms
Definition: “Acceptable standards of behaviors within a group that are
Definition: “A socially defined position or rank given to groups or group
members by others”.
Status characteristics theory: Theory stating the differences in status
characteristics creates hierarchies within groups.
Status and group interaction: Interactions among the members of group
is influenced by status.
__ high status people tends to be more assertive speak out more often,
more commands, criticize more, and interrupt more others
__low status members tends to be less active, SO over all performance of
the organization reduces.
Size of a group also the most important property of that group and it
Affects the groups over all behavior.
Social loafing: The tendency for individuals to expand less effort when
working collectively than when working individually.
Definition: “Degree to which group members are attracted to each other
and are motivates to stay in the group”.
Strengths of group decision making
Groups generate more complete information and knowledge.
By adding several individuals, groups bring more inputs into
decision process.
Groups can bring heterogeneity to decision process.
They offer increased diversity of views.
This opens more approaches and alternatives to be considered.
Finally it leads to increased acceptance of solution.
Group members also encourage others to accept it.
Weaknesses of group decision making
They are time consuming (groups take more time to reach a