Customer Relationship Management: Group - 3 Anesha Sharma Anurag Mathur Bharat Kalra Mansi Saluja Shashank Sharma
Customer Relationship Management: Group - 3 Anesha Sharma Anurag Mathur Bharat Kalra Mansi Saluja Shashank Sharma
Customer Relationship Management: Group - 3 Anesha Sharma Anurag Mathur Bharat Kalra Mansi Saluja Shashank Sharma
Anesha Sharma
Anurag Mathur
Bharat Kalra
Mansi Saluja
Shashank Sharma
SBI Homepage
Customer Acquisition
Net Promoter Score
Rate thru’ Referrals
• The result of this score tells the bank how likely a
customer would be to recommend his/her bank to • Customer satisfaction should never be confused
any of his/her friends or relatives with customer loyalty, particularly in the banking
industry. Just because a customer says he or she
• The net promoter score is determined by
is satisfied, this does not necessarily mean that
subtracting the percentage of detractors from the
customer could refer their bank to others
percentage of promoters
• This information can be obtained by conducting a • An effective method to gauge customer loyalty
survey and simply asking a customer how likely he is to determine the percentage of customers
or she is to refer his or her to friends/relatives, using growing the number of accounts with your bank
a scale of 1-10
Customer Retention Rate = ((CE-CN)/CS) x 100 • CES considers repeat calls, transfers and
medium switches. This is important as there is
CE = number of customers at end of period active involvement of the customers
CN = number of new customers acquired during period
CS = number of customers at start of period
Compensation Customer-oriented compensation focuses the effort of both
employees and managers towards providing world class service
resulting high concerned for customer satisfaction
Motivating Employees should be motivated in such a way that they focus
employees not only on mere performance but also on customer satisfaction