Lecture 3: Logic Systems, Data Types, and Operators For Modeling in Verilog HDL

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Lecture 3: Logic Systems, Data Types,

and Operators for Modeling in Verilog


Variables and Logic Value Set

Variables: represent the values of signals in a circuit

Two kinds of variables: Nets and Registers
Nets: represent the structural connectivity in a circuit
Registers: represent storage elements

Logic Value Set

Logic Value Interpretation
0 Logic 0, or false condition
1 Logic 1, or true condition
x represent an unknown logic value
z represent a high impedance condition

Data Types: Nets
Nets for connectivity:
wire establishes connectivity
tri same as wire and it will be tri-stated in hardware
wand a net has multiple drivers, wires and, i.e., open
collector circuit
wor a net has multiple drivers, wired or, i.e., emitter
coupled circuit
triand a net that has multiple drivers. It models wired-and. It is
trior a net that has multiple drivers. It models wired-or. It
is tri- stated.
supply0 a global net connected to the circuit ground
supply1 a global net connected to the power supply
tri0 a net connected to the ground by a resistive
pulldown connection.
tri1 a net connected to the power supply by a resistive
pullup connection.
trireg a net that models the charge stored on a physical
Data Types: Registers

Registers for storage

A register variable is an abstraction of a hardware storage
element, but it needs not correspond to a physical storage
element in a circuit.
An example
module synDFF (q, d, clock);
output q;
input clock, d;
reg q;
always @(negedge clock)
q <= d;

Net Declaration

wire [7:0] data_bus; // 8 bit bus, data_bus[7] is MSB

wire [0:3] control_bus; // control_bus[0] is MSB
data_bus[3] // access data_bus bit 3
data_bus[3:0] // access bit 3 to bit 0 of data_bus
data_bus[k+2] // access a bit of the data_bus,
// depending on k+2
wire scalared [31:0] bus_a // bits can be accessed individually
// part-select, by default a net is scalar.
wire vectored [31:0] bus_a // access bus_a as a vector,
individual // bits may not be
wire y, x, z; // y, x, z are three wires
wand A, B,C; // A, B, C wired and nets
trireg [7:0] A; // declare A as charge storage net
wire A = B + C,
D = E + F; // declarations and assignments

What if a wire or tri type net is driven
by multiple driver?

Verilog issues a warning and determines the value by pairwise

application of the following table

wire/tri 0 1 x z
0 0 x x 0
1 x 1 x 1
x x x x x
z 0 1 x z

Design engineers don't want to drive a wire with more than

one signals.
Undeclared nets will default implicitly to type wire.

BUF and NOT gates

BUF input output

0 0
1 1
x x
z x
NOT input output
0 1
1 0
x x
z x

BUFIF and NOTIF gates

Bufif0 control input

0 1 x z
data 0 0 z L L
input 1 1 z H H
x x z x x
z x z x x

Bufif1 control input

0 1 x z
data 0 z 0 L L
input 1 z 1 H H
x z x x x
z z x x x

BUFIF and NOTIF gates

Notif0 control input

0 1 x z
data 0 1 z H H
input 1 0 z L L
x x z x x
z x z x x

Notif1 control input

0 1 x z
data 0 z 1 H H
input 1 z 0 L L
x z x x x
z z x x x

What is the initial value of a net?

A net driven by a primitive , module, or continuous

assignment has a value "x" at the start of simulation.
A net without any drivers is default to "z".

wire a, b, c;
assign a = b+ c; // initial value by default b = z, c = z, a = x

The initial value for a register variable is by default also "x".

Wired logic

/wand 0 1 x z
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 x 1
x 0 x x x
z 0 1 x z

/wor 0 1 x z
0 0 1 x 0
1 0 1 1 1
x x 1 x x
z 0 1 x z

Verilog examples

module good_wand;
reg a, b, c;
wire w_nor, w_buf. w_mult;
wand w_wand;

nor (w_nor, a, b);

buf (w_buf, c);

nor (w_mult, a, b); // incorrect connecting

buf (w_mult, c); // two outputs w_mult

nor (w_wand, a, b);

buf (w_wand, c);

Register Data Types

Rgister Data Types: reg, integer, time, realtime

Register type Usage
reg Stores a logic value
integer Supports computation
time Supports time as a 64-bit unsigned number
real Stores values (e.g., delay) as real numbers
realtime Stores time values as real numbers
A register may never be the output of a primitive gate, or the
target of a continuous assignment

Verilog Example: using register

module synTriState (bus, in, driveEnable);

input in, driveEnable;
output bus;
reg bus;

always @(in or driveEnable)

if (driveEnable)
bus = in;
else bus = 1`bz;

Initial Value of a Register Variable

reg A, B;
A = 0; // assign an initial value to A
B = 1; // assign an initial value to B
// All registers have an initial value of "x" by default.

Passing Variables Through Ports

Port Mode
Variable Type Input Output InOut
net variable yes yes yes
register variable no yes no

input port of a module is of type net.

output port of a module is of type net, or reg.
inout port of a module is of type net.

Memory Declaration

Memory Declaration

reg [31:0] m [0:8191]; // 8192 x 32 bit memory

reg [12:0] pc; // 13 bit program counter
reg [31:0] acc; // 32 bit accumulator
reg [15:0] ir; // 16 bit instruction register
reg ck; // a clock signal

Hierarchical De-referencing
module test_Add_rca_4();
reg [3:0] a,b;
reg c_in;
wire [3:0] sum;
wire c_out;

$monitor ($time,, "c_out= %b c_in4=%b c_in3=%b c_in2=%b
c_in=%b ",
c_out, M1.c_in4, M1.c_in3, M1.c_in2, c_in);
// stimus patterns generated here
Add_rca_4 M1 (sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);

Verilog model: 4 bit RCA

module Add_rca_4 (sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);

output [3:0] sum;
output c_out;
input [3:0] a, b;
input c_in;
wire c_out, c_in4, c_in3, c_in2;

Add_full G1 (sum[0], c_in2, a[0], b[0], c_in);

Add_full G2 (sum[1], c_in3, a[1], b[1], c_in2);
Add_full G3 (sum[2], c_in4, a[2], b[2], c_in3);
Add_full G2 (sum[3], c_out, a[3], b[3], c_in4);

Parameters Substitution
module modXnor (y_out, a, b);
parameter size=8, delay=15;
output [size-1:0] y_out;
input [size-1:0] a, b;
wire [size-1:0] #delay y_out=a~^b;
module Param;
wire [7:0] y1_out;
wire [3:0] y2_out;
reg [7:0] b1, c1;
reg [3:0] b2, c2;

modXnor G1 (y1_out, b1, c1);

modXnor #(4, 5) G2 (y2_out, b2, c2);

Indirect Parameters Substitution
module modXnor (y_out, a, b);
parameter size=8, delay=15;
output [size-1:0] y_out;
input [size-1:0] a, b;
wire [size-1:0] #delay y_out=a~^b;
module hdref_Param;
wire [7:0] y1_out;
wire [3:0] y2_out;
reg [7:0] b1, c1;
reg [3:0] b2, c2;
modXnor G1 (y1_out, b1, c1);
modXnor G2 (y2_out, b2, c2);
module annotate;
hdref_Param.G2.size = 4,
hdref_Param.G2.delay = 5;
Verilog Model Example
Design a 4-to-1 mux by cascading 2-to-1 muxes.

module mux2to1 (f, a, b, sel);

output f;
inputa, b, sel;
and g1 (f1, a , nsel),
g2 (f2, b, sel);
or g3 (f, f1, f2);
not g4 (nsel, sel);

module mux4to1 (f, a, b, c, d, sel0, sel1);

output f;
inputa, b, c, d, sel0, sel1;
wire w1, w2;
mux2to1 m1 (w1, a, b, sel0),
m2 (w2, c, d, sel0),
m3 (f, w1, w2, sel1);
module test_mux4to1 (a, b, c, d, sel0, sel1, f);
// generating all inputs to the mux4to1,
// receiving f from the mux4to1 output
output a, b, c, d, sel0, sel1;
reg a, b, c, d, sel0. sel1;
initial begin
$monitor ($time,, "a = %b, b = %b, c = %b, d = %b,
sel1 = %b, sel0 = %b, f = %b", a, b, c, d, sel1, sel0, f);
a = 1; b =0; c =1; d =0;
sel = 0; sel0 = 0;
#10 sel1= 0; sel0 = 1;
#10 sel1 = 1; sel0 = 0;
#10 sel 1 = 1; sel0 = 1;
#10 a = 0; b =0; c= 1; d = 1;
sel = 0; sel0 = 0;
#10 sel1= 0; sel0 = 1;
#10 sel1 = 1; sel0 = 0;
#10 sel 1 = 1; sel0 = 1;
#10 $finish;
endmodule 23
module testbench;
wire a, b, c, d, sel0, sel1, f;

test_mux4to1my_tester (a, b, c, d, sel0, sel1, f);

mux4to1 my_design (f, a, b, c, d, sel0, sel1);

the simulation output should look similar to the following

0 a =1, b = 0, c= 1, d= 0, sel1= 0, sel0=0. f = 1

10 a =1, b = 0, c= 1, d=0, sel1=0, sel0=1, f = 0


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