Astable Multivibrator Using 555 Timer

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Astable Multivibrator using 555

Timer IC
 jojo  June 20, 2017  15 Comments
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In this article, we are explaining an astable multivibrator, often called a free-running multivibrator. An astable
multivibrator can be designed using different types of components, say using transistors (and associated
components) alone or by using op amps (and associated components). In this article, we are designing an
Astable Multivibrator using 555 Timer IC.

If you are wondering what all are the practical applications of an astable multivibrator, lets begin by seeing a
few. One of the most common application for an astable multivibrator is to generate time delays. Let’s say you
want to turn an LED “ON” for 1 second and keep it “OFF” for 0.5 seconds, then an astable multivibrator is the
best circuit you could use to build this application.

Unlike the monostable multivibrator, this circuit does not require any external trigger to change the state of
the output, hence the name free-running. Before going to make the circuit, make sure your 555 IC is working.
For that go through the article: How to test a 555 IC for working (
circuit) An astable multivibrator can be produced by adding resistors and a capacitor to the basic timer IC, as
illustrated in gure. The timing during which the output is either high or low is determined by the externally
connected two resistors and a capacitor. The details of the astable multivibrator circuit are given below.

So let’s begin to design an astable multivibrators using 555 timer IC. Let’s rst draw the 555 timer astable
multivibrator circuit.

555 Timer Astable Multivibrator Circuit Diagram

An Astable Multivibrator can be designed by adding two resistors (RA and RB in circuit diagram) and a
capacitor (C in circuit diagram) to the 555 Timer IC. These two resistors and the capacitor (values) are selected
appropriately so as to obtain the desired ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ timings at the output terminal (pin 3). So basically, the
ON and OFF time at the output (i.e the ‘HIGH’ and ‘LOW’ state at the output terminal) is dependent on the
values chosen for RA,RB and C. We will see more about this on the astable multivibrator design section given

Note:- The capacitor C2 (0.01uF) is connected to pin number 5 (Control Voltage Terminal) in all 555 IC based
circuits in which that particular pin (pin 5 – control voltage terminal)is not used. This capacitor is used to avoid
noise problems that could arise in the circuit if that pin is left open.


555 Astable Mode Circuit Diagram

Take a look @ 555 Ic Pin con guration ( guration) and

555 block diagram ( before reading further.

The Connections

Let’s see how the 555 timer astable multivibrator connections are made in the circuit diagram.
Pin 1 is grounded; pins 4 and 8 are shorted and then tied to supply +Vcc, Output (Vout) is taken from pin 3; pin
2 and 6 are shorted and then connected to ground through the capacitor C to ground terminal, pin 7 is
connected to supply + VCC through a resistor RA; and between pin 6 and 7 a resistor RB is connected. At pin 5

either a bypass capacitor (to bypass noise signals) of 0.01uF is connected or modulation input is applied.

Astable Multivibrator Working

So far we have seen how an astable multivibrator is designed using 555 timer IC, the circuit diagram and how
the pin connections are made. Now let’s see the operation and working of an astable multivibrator. To explain
the 555 timer astable multivibrator working, we have drawn an internal circuit diagram of 555 timer IC
(consisting of two Op Amps, an SR Flip Flop and the transistor connected at the discharging terminal – pin 7)
along with the necessary external connections (RA, RB and C). Wave forms from the output terminal (Vout –
pin 3) is shown towards the right side of the circuit diagram.  Carefully observe the circuit diagram and the
output waveforms before we begin the explanation.



The basic objective of an astable multivibrator is to switch the output status (from HIGH to LOW and from
LOW to HIGH) at the desired time intervals, without any external intervention (say an input trigger pulse like
in the case of monostable multivibrator). We achieve this (in a 555 IC) by controlling the discharge terminal
(pin 7) of 555 IC through a capacitor (C). Inside the 555 IC, this discharge terminal (pin 7) is connected to the
collector terminal of a transistor whose base is directly connected to the output terminal (non inverting
terminal – Q) of SR ip op. You have to notice that Vout (pin 3 – output terminal of 555 IC) is taken from the
inverting output terminal (Q complimentary terminal) of SR ip op. So when when ip op output (non
inverting) Q is HIGH, Vout will be LOW and when ip op output Q is LOW, Vout will be HIGH.
Now let’s see how the automatic switching of ON and OFF state at the Vout terminal is achieved by the
capacitor C connected to the dicharge terminal -pin 7.

You may also recall the Block Diagram ( (given

below) and the Working Principle of 555 IC (,
explained in our previous chapter/tutorial on 555 Timer.


Block Diagram – 555 Timer IC

The block diagram of a 555 timer is shown in the above gure. A 555 timer has two comparators (which are
basically 2 op-amps), an R-S ip- op, two transistors and a resistive network.

The Resistive network consists of three equal resistors (5K Ohms each) and acts as a voltage divider. Notice
that the resistor network is designed in such a way that the voltage at the Inverting terminal of Comparator
1 will be 2/3Vcc and the voltage at the Non Inverting terminal of Comparator 2 will be 1/3Vcc.
Comparator 1 – compares the threshold voltage (at pin 6) with the reference voltage + 2/3 VCC volts.

Comparator 2 – compares the trigger voltage (at pin 2) with the reference voltage + 1/3 VCC volts.

For the sake of explanation, lets assume the circuit is powered up and right now the status at non inverting ip
op output – Q is LOW. When Q is LOW, Vout will be HIGH (which we call as Timer Output).  You see that Q is
directly connected to base of transistor (at the discharge terminal). So when Q is LOW, transistor will be in its
cut off state (OFF state). In this state, capacitor C is directly connected to power supply Vcc through resistors
RA and RB. So the capacitor will start charging towards the supply voltage Vcc and the charging time constant
will be de ned by RA and RB values as (RA+RB)*C. The capacitor will charge towards Vcc and this will increase
the threshold voltage (voltage across pin 6) of 555 IC. When the capacitor charges upto 2/3Vcc and beyond,
the threshold voltage will also surpass 2/3Vcc level and this will force the op amp output (comparator 1) to go
HIGH (take note that the reference voltage at – terminal of comparator 1 is 2/3Vcc).  Since the op amp output
of comparator 1 is connected ‘S’ (SET input) of SR ip op, the ip op will be triggered and the Q output (non
inverting output) of ip op will turn HIGH. You got upto this? You may recall that we have begun this
explanation by assuming Q is LOW initially. Now as a result of capacitor charging, Q has turned HIGH
automatically from LOW. When Q goes HIGH, Vout will automatically go to LOW as Vout is nothing but a
compliment of Q.

When Q is HIGH, the transistor at pin 7 (the discharge terminal) will be turned ON and the transistor will get
saturated. When the transistor gets saturated, the pin 7  (discharge terminal) will act as a ground for the
capacitor.As a result, a new path is available for the capacitor to discharge from 2/3Vcc level to zero volts. The
capacitor will start discharging through the new path (through RB) and this will result in decrease in voltage
across the trigger terminal (pin 2) of 555 IC. The discharging time constant is de ned by RB*C. Once the
capacitor discharges to a level below 1/3Vcc, resulting in the same voltage (voltage of capacitor) across the
trigger terminal (notice that the reference input voltage at + terminal of comparator 2 is 1/3Vcc), the op amp
output of comparator 2 will go HIGH. Since the output of comparator 2 is connected to ‘R’ – the RESET input
terminal of SR ip op, the Q output of ip op will go from HIGH to LOW. When Q goes to LOW, Vout will
automatically go to HIGH. Thus an automatic transition from HIGH to LOW and then from LOW to HIGH is
achieved in an Astable Multivibrator. The cycle repeats.

We have successfully completed the working explanation of an astable multivibrator using 555 IC. You can see
the output wave forms in the diagrams given above. The two important parameters that we should understand
from the output of timer is ON Time (THIGH) and OFF Time (TL0W).

ON Time – is the time for which the timer output Vout has remained in HIGH State. We notate this with THIGH.

OFF Time – is the time for which the timer output Vout has remained in LOW state. We notate this with TL0W.

ON Time and OFF Time are dependent on the values of RA, RB  and  C. So we can obtain the desired ON Time

and OFF Time at the timer output with the proper calculation of  RA, RB  and  C values.

Astable Multivibrator using 555 – Design Theory

The time during which the capacitor C charges from 1/3 VCC to 2/3 VCC is equal to the time the output is high

and is given as tc or THIGH = 0.693 (RA + RB) C, which is proved below.

Voltage across the capacitor at any instant during charging period is given as,vc=VCC(1-et/RC)

The time taken by the capacitor to charge from 0 to +1/3 VCC

1/3 VCC = VCC (1-et/RC)

The time taken by the capacitor to charge from 0 to +2/3 VCC

or t2 = RC loge 3 = 1.0986 RC

So the time taken by the capacitor to charge from +1/3 VCC to +2/3 VCC

tc = (t2 – t1) =  (10986 – 0.405) RC = 0.693 RC

Substituting R = (RA + RB) in above equation we have

THIGH = tc = 0.693 (RA + RB) C

where RA and RB are in ohms and C is in farads.

The time during which the capacitor discharges from +2/3 VCC to +1/3 VCC is equal to

the time the output is low and is given as

td or  TL0W = 0.693 RB C where RB is in ohms and C is in farads The above equation is worked out as follows:

Voltage across the capacitor at any instant during discharging period is given as

vc = 2/3 VCC e– td/ RBC

Substituting vc = 1/3 VCC and t = td in above equation we have

+1/3 VCC = +2/3 VCC e– td/ RBC

Or  td = 0.693 RBC

Overall period of oscillations, T = THIGH + TLOW = 0.693 (RA+ 2RB) C , The frequency of oscillations being the

reciprocal of the overall period  of oscillations T is given as

f = 1/T = 1.44/ (RA+ 2RB)C

Equation indicates that the frequency of oscillation / is independent of the collector supply voltage +VCC.

Often the term duty cycle is used in conjunction with the astable multivibrator.

The duty cycle, the ratio of the time tc during which the output is high to the total time period T is given as

% duty cycle, D = tc / T * 100 = (RA + RB) / (RA + 2RB) * 100

From the above equation it is obvious that square wave (50 % duty cycle) output can not be obtained unless RA

is made zero. However, there is a danger in shorting resistance RA to zero. With RA = 0 ohm, terminal 7 is

directly connected to + VCC. During the discharging of capacitor through RB and transistor, an extra current

will be supplied to the transistor from VCC through a short between pin 7 and +VCC. It may damage the

transistor and hence the timer.

However, a symmetrical square wave can be obtained if a diode is connected across resistor RB, as illustrated

in dotted lines in gure. The capacitor C charges through RA and diode D to approximately + 2/3VCC and

discharges through resistor RB and terminal 7 (transistor) until the capacitor voltage drops to 1/3 VCC. Then

the cycle is repeated. To obtain a square wave output, RA must be a combination of a xed resistor R and a pot,

so that the pot can be adjusted to give the exact square wave.

Although the timer 555 ( has been used in a wide

variety of often unique applications it is very hard on its power supply lines, requiring quite a bit of current, and
injecting many noise transients. This noise will often be coupled into adjacent ICs falsely triggering them. The
7555 is a CMOS version of the 555. Its quiescent current requirements are considerably lower than that of
555, and the 7555 does not contaminate the power supply lines. It is pin compatible with the 555. So this
CMOS version of the 555 should be the rst choice when a 555 timer IC is to be used.

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