Wiring Diagram
Wiring Diagram
Wiring Diagram
EMT Pipe 1 ½”
2 x Belden CAT5E/CAT6
2 x Belden CAT5E/CAT6
5 x Belden 1 pair
2 x Belden 1 pair
12” x 12” x 4”
Located above the 12” x 12”
To Control Room ceiling where the x 4” Pull EMT Pipe ½”
existing lighting box 2 x Belden 1 pair
are located XLR Surface
EMT Pipe 1 ½” (Optional) EMT Pipe 1 ½” mount
4 x Belden CAT5E/CAT6 4 x Belden CAT5E/CAT6
10 x Belden 1 pair 10 x Belden 1 pair
EMT Pipe 1 ½”
2 x Belden CAT5E/CAT6
- Panel Board is located at the control room
5 x Belden 1 pair
- Pull-box for electrical outlet are located above
the ceiling where the speakers are located.
12” x 12” x 4”
- Separate pull-box for electrical and signal
wiring Located above the
ceiling where the
existing speakers
are located
2 x Belden CAT5E/CAT6
2 x Belden 1 pair
St. Jude Electrical Supply for Topp Pro Speaker
1 3
2 4
12” x 12” x 4”
CB 2 CB 7
12” x 12”
CB 3 CB 8 x 4” Pull 1 x AC power cord
CB 4 CB 9 EMT Pipe 1 ½”
8 x THHN # 12 (Red)
CB 5 CB10 8 x THHN # 12 (Black) EMT Pipe 1”
2 x THHN # 12 (Green) 4 x THHN # 12 (Red)
Panel Board 4 x THHN # 12 (Black) 1 x AC power cord
1 x THHN # 12 (Green)
- Panel Board is located at the control room 5 6
- Pull-box for electrical outlet are located above
the ceiling where the speakers are located.
- Separate pull-box for electrical and signal 6 8
12” x 12” x 4”
4 x AC power cord
St. Jude Audio signal diagram
Main Out
Aux out