Recruitment, Selection, Retention
Recruitment, Selection, Retention
Recruitment, Selection, Retention
An organization can make a strategic choice to focus recruiting efforts on m
inorities and women.
Organization can choose to “make” or “buy” their employee
Organizations make strategic decisions regarding the budget allocated for r
ecruiting and selecting employees
An organization can make a strategic choice to explore untapped labor sour
Organizations make strategic decisions regarding the technological sophisti
cation of their recruiting and selection devices
An organizations can choose the extent to which internal vs external recrui
ting methods are used
An organizations must decide whether or not to develop a plan to retain qu
alified workers
Advantages Disadvantages
Increasing morale and motivation for Morale problem for those not promoted
Advantages Disadvantages
New ideas and approaches Lack of “fit” between employee and organization
“Clean slate” regarding company specific Lowered morale and commitment of employees
experiences from which to build
To avoid disparate treatment charges, recruiting firm should keep in mind the
following :
• Prior using any type of selection test, it should be thoroughly tested for j
ob validity.
• If using an interview, make sure that is highly structured and that all interv
iewers ask exactly the same questions. If panel interviewers is used, c
heck the composition of the panel. If only one race, sex, and age the grou
p is represented, think about changing the panel. Finally, interviewers sh
ould be in-structured to write down only job – related item about the ca
• Be leery of testers. Testers usually works in pairs and apply for the same j
ob. Both applicant will supply virtually identical resumes, with the only s
ignificant difference being race, sex, or age. If the applicant from the prote
cted class gets turned down for the job and the majority candicate is hir
ed, the testers may be able to sue for discrimatory practices.
Reference Checks
Job Offer
Physical Examination