New Microsoft Office Power Point Presentation
New Microsoft Office Power Point Presentation
New Microsoft Office Power Point Presentation
ROLL NO. 140
Decision-making will continue to be based principally on
consultation and consensus. Where consensus cannot be
achieved, the ASEAN Summit may decide how a specifi c decision
can be made.
Flexible participation, such as the ASEAN Minus X formula, may
be applied where there is a consensus to do so.
• The mandate and role of the SG of ASEAN shall be enhanced
especially in interpreting the ASEAN Charter if and when requested,
and in advancing the interest of ASEAN and its legal personality.
• Four Deputy Secretary-Generals (DSGs) shall be appointed. The
three ASEAN Community Councils will be headed by one DSG
each and the fourth DSG may concentrate on ASEC affairs and on
narrowing the development gap among ASEAN Member States.
• There shall be no change to the equal sharing of contributions to the
annual operating budget of the ASEAN Secretariat.
Non-ASEAN countries have criticized ASEAN for being too soft in its approach
to promoting human rights and democracy in the junta-led Myanmar. Despite
global outrage at the military crack-down on peaceful protesters in Yangon,
ASEAN has refused to suspend Myanmar as a member and also rejects
proposals for economic sanctions. This has caused concern as the European
Union, a potential trade partner, has refused to conduct free trade negotiations at
a regional level for these political reasons. international observers view it as a
"talk shop", which implies that the organization is "big on words but small on
Head of the International Institute of Strategic Studies– Asia, Tim Huxley cites
the diverse political systems present in the grouping, including many young
states, as a barrier to far-reaching cooperation outside the economic sphere. He
also asserts that in the absence of an external threat to rally against with the end
of the Cold War ASEAN has begun to be less successful at restraining its
members and resolving border disputes such as those between Burma and
Thailand and Indonesia and Malaysia .