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 Explain what is a social group

 Explain on how a society is organized

 Differentiate the types of social group

Level off

 Game: The boat is sinking

 1. Gender - ( talk about your characteristics)

 2. Course you want to take up in college – ( Goal in taking up that course)

 3. Religion – ( Core teaching )

 4. Sports – ( benefit )

 5. Club/Affiliation/ organization – ( Advocacy )

Process question

 1. How is a group organized?

 2. How are you influenced by a certain group?

 3. Is it possible for an individual to have no group?

 Society – is a social system that is composed of people assigned to

perform a definite task and function in a social system called social

Take off:

 Group – is a number of people with similar norms, values, and

expectations who regularly and consciously interact with one another.

( Richard Schaefer)

e.g. schools organization ( dance troupe, athletics group, etc.)

Requirements for a Group:

 Two or more people

 There must be an interaction.

 Members of the group must be together physically.

Types of Group

 1. Primary group – small group characterized by intimate, face to face

association and cooperation among the members.

Types of Group

 2. Secondary group – refers to formal and impersonal group wherein

members have little social intimacy or mutual understanding.

Types of Group

 3. In – group – people with whom one shares a common identity

 4. Out – group – those perceived as different from one’s ingroup

Types of Group

 5. Reference group – in person or group that serves as a point of

comparison (or reference ) for an individual in forming either general or

specific values, attitudes, or a specific guide for behavior.

Review: List down all the groups which
you are presently affiliated.
Primary group Secondary In – group Out - group Reference
group group
Review: Identify the following
 1. Occurs when the action of one person causes another person or persons to act.

 2. Commonly viewed as outsiders by the in group.

 3. A number of individuals who have common identity, interact with one another, and feel
belonging together.

 4. Initial groups that a person joins and they provide him/her with experiences in social

 5. Groups which are important to us as models even though we are not part of the group.

 6. People with whom one shares a common identity.

 7. The members of the group have the ability to function and interact together towards the
pursuit of their goal.

 Make a Sociogram
Processing question:

 How a group maybe included in network of other organization?


 Structure of connection of an individual with oneself, with other individual/s,

and group/s. ( Faust, 1944).

 It can either be small or vast, intrapersonal or interpersonal, emergent and

3 General Levels of Networks
1. Micro – Level Network

 Starts from a single individual, expanding his/her contacts with other


E.g. barkadahan
2.Meso - Level

 Not only individuals may be affiliated with their fellow individuals. Even groups

can be linked with individuals and with each other , forming what sociologist call

the meso – level network. It is more complicated than micro level but has low

density of connections.

 E.g. Parent – Teacher Association

3. Macro - Level

 The most complex level of network, where a high density of connections is


 E.g. Social networking sites, Global organizations

Exercise1. Give examples of networks you are
presently connected with.

Micro - Level Meso - Level Macro - Level

1.______________________ 1.______________________ 1.______________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

2. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 2. ___________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
Exercise 2.

 Define network

 Describe each type of network.

Assignment: Concept Paper 1

 1. According to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1943),belongingness is the

third highest necessity of a human needs, next to physiological and safety needs.

People tend to feign for affection or to belong in a group ( e.g. family, barkada, socio –

civic group, etc.) as part of becoming a true member of society. How possible it is for an

individual to become a part of a group in the existence of deviancy?

 2. The strict military establishment was instrumental in suppressing the freedom of

speech of the people. However, this restriction only ignited the Filipinos to organize

and express themselves even more to beset the society. During the restoration of

democracy after the 1986 People Power Revolution ,Filipinos were completely

given democratic space to organize affiliations. What do you think is the result of

many political groups and other organizations of various interest and focuses in our

political system? Ae they really gearing towards the same goal? Rationalize your

Performance Task:
 Choose one group where you are affiliated. Enumerate the objectives of this group

and share them on the global network on social media. Be sure to present your

objectives publicly and in an interesting manner.

 Rubrics:
Criteria Points
Content 15 Points
Visual impact 15 Points
Total 30 Points

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