Jean Watson's Philosophy and Science of Caring

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Jean Watson’s

Philosophy and Science

Of Caring

Attended the Lewis

Gale School of Doctorate in
She earned her BSN
Nursing in Roanoke, educational
in in University of
Virginia from which psychology and
she graduated . counseling
1940 1961 1961 1964 1966 1973
Moved to Colorado MSN in psychiatric-
Born in southern West
with her husband, mental health nursing
01 Author and co-author 20 books

02 Fulbright Research Award in Sweden

The foundation of Jean Watson’s theory of

03 nursing was published in 1979 :”The philosophy
and science of caring”

04 In 1988, her theory was published in “ nursing:

human science and human care”
05 Jean Watson founded and directs the non-profit
Watson Caring Science Institute.

06 1993 National League for Nursing Martha E.

Rogers Award

07 Norman Cousins Award in 1999

08 In 2002 she published the book “Assessing and

measuring caring in nursing and health sciences”
09 Holds 10 honorary Doctoral Degrees including
International honorary Doctorates 10 holistic
nurse of the year

10 Past president of National League of Nursing

11 Fellow of American Academy of nursing

12 Founding member of International Association

in Human Caring and International Caritas
13 In 2010 launched the Million nurse Global Caring

14 October 2013 was inducted as a Living Legend by

the American Academy of Nursing


Evolution of Theory

The foundation The original

of her theory as theory included
first published 10 Carative
in 1979 Factors
Caring can be effectively
demonstrated and practiced The practice of caring
only interpersonally. is central to nursing

Caring consists of carative

factors that results in the
satisfaction of certain
Caring is more “health
human needs.
organic” than is curing. A
science of caring is
Effective caring complementary to the science
promotes health and if curing.
individual or family
growth. A caring environment is one
Caring responses that offers the development of
accept person not only potential while allowing the
as he or she is now but person to chose the best
as what he or she may action for himself at a given
become. point in time.
Major Elements of Watson’s Theory
The Ten Carative Factors

Transpersonal Caring Caring Occasion

Nursing Conceptual Model of care
Carative Factor Caritas Process

-Guidelines the core -Caritas meaning

of nursing “to cherish”
Used to “honor the -The processes
human dimensions allow for the
of nursing’s intersecting of the
experiences of the personal and
people we serve” professional
aspects of nursing
Carative Factor Caritas Process

Practicing loving-kindness
Formation of a humanistic- and equanimity within
01 altruistic system of values 01 context of caring

Being authentically present

and enabling, and sustaining
02 Instillation of faith-hope 02 the deep belief system and
subjective life world of self
and one-being cared for.
Cultivation of sensitivity to Cultivating one’s own
03 one’s self and to others 03 spiritual practices and
transpersonal self, going
beyond ego self.
Carative Factor Caritas Process

Development of a helping Developing and sustaining a

04 helping-trusting, human 04 helping-trusting, authentic
caring relationship caring relationship.

Being present to, and

supportive of the expression
05 Promotion and acceptance of 05 of positive and negative
the expression of positive
and negative feeling feelings.
Creatively using self and all
Systemic use of a creative ways of knowing as part of
06 problem-solving caring 06 the caring process; engaging
process in artistry of caring-healing
Carative Factor Caritas Process

Engaging in genuine teaching-

learning experience that attends to
Promotion of transpersonal wholeness and meaning,
07 teaching-learning 07 attempting to stay within other’s
frame of reference.
Provision for a supportive, Creating healing environment at all
protective and/or corrective levels, whereby wholeness, beauty,
08 mental, physical, socio- 08 comfort, dignity, and peace are
cultural and spiritual potentiated.
environment Assisting with basic needs, with an
intentional caring consciousness,
Assistance with the administering ‘human care
09 gratification of human needs 09 essentials,’ which potentiate
alignment of mind-body-spirit,
wholeness in all aspects of care.
Carative Factor Caritas Process

Opening and attending to

Allowance for existential- mysterious dimensions of one’s
10 phenomenological- spiritual 10 life-death; soul care for self and
forces the one-being-cared for; “allowing
and being open to miracles.
The Transpersonal Caring Relationship
This portion of theory focuses on the
“the one caring and the one cared for.”
The nurse and patient can develop a
deep divine relationship that blends and
promotes overall health and well being.

Respect/”love” for the person—honoring

his/her needs, wishes, routines, and

Caring Consciousness of self as

person/nurse and other as person—
connection as human beings

The nurse should be using her

professional experience to promote
healing and bonding with the patient.
Caring Occasion/Caring Moment
This portion of theory focuses on an
actual tangible moment in time in which
the nurse recognizes the connection that
developed between him/ herself and the
patient. This moment dictates the ability
for the nurse to have an overall impact
on the patient
When two people, each with their own
“phenomenal field”/background come
together in a human-to-human

Implementation of nursing actions

Four Major Concepts

A valued person in and of him or Overall physical. Mental and social
herself is to be care for, respected, functioning, adaptability and the
nurtured, understood, and assisted. absence of illness.

A human science of persons and
ENVIRONMENT human health-illness experiences
Caring exists in all societies and is that are mediated by professional,
passed by the profession as a personal, scientific, esthetic, and
unique way of coping with the ethical human transactions..
“Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch, a smile,
a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of
which have potential to turn a
life around.”

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