The Image of Nursing

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The Image of

What is the Image of
Where is the nurse??
“on T.V. that is”
• The image of the nurse is
not strongly represented in
the media
• Name a show that has a
doctor as a main
character….. Now name a
• In the media today the nurse
is portrayed mainly as one
of the 3 S’s.
The Sinner, Saint or the
In the media today the nurse is portrayed mainly as one of the 3 S’s.
• Nurse Jackie –sinner

• HawthoRNe –the saint

The Sinner, Saint or the
How did the image of nursing go from , nighting gal the nun to the sex pot
Halloween costume
Is This a Professional
• To counteract intentional and non-
intentional misrepresentation of nurses
and what they do, the Center of Nursing
Advocacy was developed
• An example of the Center's work was a
persuasion of Sketchers to halt the
massive global ad campaign featuring
Christina Aguilera as a dominatrix nurse.
Through their global campaign, the
Center raised public awareness of
inaccurate mass media images of nursing,
especially the damaging "naughty nurse"
stereotype, and the effect that such
images have on understanding the vital
work of the nursing profession. After
3000 letters received over a two-week
period from nurses, nursing students and
supporters, Skechers decided to pull the
ad in August 2004.
• Protect the name of “Nurse”
• Expect to be addressed in a
professional manner as you
would address other

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