3G Drive Test Analysis
3G Drive Test Analysis
3G Drive Test Analysis
Remove the
tick from
within Zoom
range to see
the cell in
the map”
without map
Open Actix Analyzer > File > Open
Logfile or Press Ctrl+O
Let’s say we have to create a report from a big cluster Logs . It must should have the following binned
For Example we have a cluster Logs MS1 is for GSM short call & MS2 is for WCDMA short call, using this huge logs we will
prepare the following items in our report:
Cell ID BCCH MOC Call OK MTC Call OK RxLev Sub RxQual Sub Serving cell Distance Call Setup Time(ms)
Site1088_DCS_1 766 1 0 -63 0 485.459823 2590
Site1153_DCS_1 784 1 0 -54 0 242.239167 2780
Site1158_DCS_3 786 1 0 -73 0 465.232265 2460
Site1160_DCS_1 776 1 0 -62 0 624.792008 3000
Site1166_DCS_1 789 1 0 -101 0 273.998467 2800
Site1167_DCS_1 1 0 -76 0 268.574801 3000
Using Analysis Manager we can Manage the Log processing according to the requirements of the report for both binning
data, cross Tab data, for Filtering, managing repository etc.
Click “Tools”> Click “Analysis Manager” or press “Ctrl+A” > Analysis Manager window will appear. There is some existing Queries and filters as
well, you can use those or edit or copy for creating new queries which can be used in analysis classic or network image or repository.
Go to Tools > Analysis Manager > Click “Cross Tab Queries” > Click “ New” > Here you have to create New query, Enter Name of the query at top
box > In the Middle box, Put there IE value or any attributes that must exist in the loaded log files to make subclass array in the excel workbook >
At the bottom box Put there the item of call stat or any IE or Attributes that you want in the statistics work book from the query.
After filling those boxes and making filter if there is required then click OK, your Query will be appear in the query box, then click “OK” > it will
appear in the Loaded Log files Query folder at left side in attribute explorer. Right Click on it and get the workbook, you can see the statistics of
call in excel file.
Filter option can be helpful if you have big size of logs but , you need to see the specific cell or sites data on plot or on
histogram or on statistics.
Lets say we have a log file and the RxLev of that log file as below picture. And we need to see or plot only the RxLev from the
single site “Site1340” to avoid redo drive test locking that site only.
GO to “Tools” > “Analysis Manager” > Click “Filter”>
Click “New” > Enter the name of the filter, for example “
Filter Sector ID” > Select the Attribute from the list by
which you want to filter but must be exist in the loaded
log file, for example we select “ Serving Sector ID” and at
the bottom box put the name of the cell that you want to
see RxLev from , just write exact name of the cell
according to the cellrefs file. > Click OK > it will appear in
in the existing filters. Which is shown in next page.
After creating the filter , go to the Log folder > selected MS or super
stream > right click on it > select “ filter” > select the filter you
created to see the RxLev from the single sector or cell. And then see
the map window, RxLev samples from other serving cells disappeared
and RxLev from filtered cell existed only. Which is shown in the next
We can see the RxLev only from the selected cell avoiding all other serving cell, we can now change the sell name from the
analysis manager > existing analysis > filters > edit that filter you created last time and just change the cell or sector name
at bottom box according to your requirements to see on map, but must be exact name as cellrefs file.
Click to “Repository” > Click “Template Manager” > Select “New” >. Repository Template Wizard will appear. Go next.
If you have more than one MS in the log file and you want to get Attributes separately than choose “Separate data into
multiple logical devices”. We also select this because we have 2 MS in our log file by which we are going to prepare report.
> Click “ Next”> Select the devices that you have (better to choose a log file from the cluster logs that you are going to use
for automatic devices scanning by Actix) > after that existing MS configuration in the loaded log file will appear, you can
edit them as well. I edited them as GSM & WCDMA . See next page:
GO next > Select “ Use same binning method for all devices” for plots > Go Next > see next page for binning setting
Select the setting as you want, better is location as below settings. > Go Next > Click “ Add different Attributes for each
devices because we have GSM & WCDMA MS, so attributes must not be same. > go Next > see next page
Select the MS type, and then the attributes that we need to prepare report for both MS separately. It will look like below
picture at right side. > Click Next> see next page
Select “Add different queries for each devices” > Go next > Select the Queries for GSM (GSM call stat) And for WCMA (UMTS
call stat) which you created previously according to your report format requirements. > Go Next > see next page
Select Filters that you want or do not want. Here we choose no filter because we prepared queries according to our report
format and MS configuration already . GO Next > Have a overview to go back to edit or go Next to complete your repository
settings. > GO Next > Put a name to save the repository template and save it > see next page
After saving it Template is ready for use and available at the template manager. Close Template Manger, Go to Repository
Tab again > create Repository > See in next page
Create repository window will appear > Choose a name for your repository > select the template that you created > click “
Create & Open” then repository will be appeared in the attribute explorer left side as below picture and load the Logs file.
Select the Log files from your Hard disk and in the repository you can select / add logs from different folders.. > after select
logs then click OK > Logs will be loaded at repository and you have to wait……………..until complete loading.
After Loading of the Log files complete, then We can see all the required attributes and queries are ready in the attribute
explorer window at left site. For GSM & WCDMA Call statistics Go to queries and right click > display with work book.
For plots of the RSCP, EcNo, RxLev & RxQual are also ready for plot and need to just copy and paste on the word or excel or
ppt report format.
Post Processing
Actix Analyzer
Most of the optimization engineer are looking for the IE s of TEMS in the actix. We can see some of the TEMS IE s which are
permitted by Actix. Lets see how can we check out the TEMS information Elements in Actix like interference , SQI etc….