3G Drive Test Analysis

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* Part-1 : Customize Actix to prepare reports

*Part-2: SSV & Cluster Reports for 2G

*Part-3: SSV & Cluster Reports for 3G

*Part-4: Advance features of Post Processing by Actix

•Customize Actix to prepare reports
After installing & licensing actix then open the program from start menu, it will look like below picture
Create a site database in xcel single sheet containing all necessary site/cell info and
save it to text (Tab Delimited) format which is required to prepare cellrefs file for actix
Go to cell tab > Network Explorer > right click on network explorer > import > click to import from new
Template, select data file to import window will appear> select the text file which was saved in previous
page/step and click open
After opening text file from previous steps, import setting window will appear > put the template name > go
Next, column Setting window will appear > select the column for specific fields according to database that
we saved in test file in the previous steps. And go finish.
After click finish, another window will appear, select
Yes and save it, restart actix, go view then new map
After creating cellrefs file, saved it and restart actix then go to view > Display new Map, then new map
window will appear.
Click to Cell-Site Tab > Select the fields that you want to display color for cell color and cell size and click OK.
To view the cell site layer go to layer control and select cell or site to make label or zoom options.

Layer control > Cell layer or site layer >

change the zoom, display and label

Remove the
tick from
within Zoom
range to see
the cell in
the map”
without map
Open Actix Analyzer > File > Open
Logfile or Press Ctrl+O

Then show the Log file that we need

for the report, for example I choose
coverage Log to see RSCP, PSC & EcNo
After Open the Log files complete:
1. If you have more than one logs for getting same item; you need to merge the logs by super stream, go to Tools Tab >
Create Superstream > Select the MSs and Logs that you want to merge > you can also rename the super stream name
as you want > click OK and then you can see at the attribute Explorer inside the Superstream and all the items you can
find inside the super stream whatever available in that logs you have merged.
SSV & Cluster Reports for 2G
Basically we should check for 2G(GSM) SSV & Cluster reports:

1. Cross connection by Serving cell ID plots in Idle mode.

2. Signal strength of each sector by RxLev
3. Signal Quality of each cell by SQI & RxQual
4. GPRS/EDGE Throughput.
5. HO
6. Call statistics
Go to Attribute Explorer > Loaded data files >> Independent > Site Data Node > Serving Sector ID >
Right Click and select Display on map or drag and drop into opened map. Serving sector ID will
appear in the map, before that you have to change the cell color by cell/site tab and for GSM cell,
select Sector ID for its color.
Go to Attribute Explorer > Loaded data files >GSM > Downlink
Measurements > SerRxLevSub > Right Click and select Display on
map (or chart or Workbook ,if you want). or drag and drop into
opened map. RxLev sub will appear in the map.
Go to Attribute Explorer > Loaded data files >GSM > Downlink Measurements >
SerRxQualSub > Right Click and select Display on map (or chart or Workbook ,if you
want). or drag and drop into opened map. RxQual sub will appear in the map.
Go to Attribute Explorer > Loaded data files >GSM > Downlink Measurements >
Tems_SQI_Exp > Right Click and select Display on map (or chart or Workbook ,if
you want). or drag and drop into opened map. SQI will appear in the map.
Go to Attribute Explorer > Loaded data files >GSM > Event Data> Right Click and
select which you want to Display on map (or chart or Workbook ,if you want). or
drag and drop into opened map. Selected Event will appear in the map.
Go to Attribute Explorer > Loaded data files >select superstream or specific MS
in log folder > right click > select specific analysis or reports that could help you
to prepare 2G SSV or Cluster reports. Attached excel reports are 2 of them
SSV & Cluster Reports for 3G
Single site verification or check report means the graphical representation of
the field test that proves the site is working well at all the features
implemented according to the agreement between Vendor & Operator.
Basically we should check:

1. Cross connection by SC plots in Idle mode.

2. Signal strength of each sector by RSCP
3. Signal Quality of each cell by EcNo
4. HSDPA throughput in good radio environment like,
good RSCP, good EcNo, Good CQI.
5.HSUPA Throughput in good radio environment.
6. Soft/softer HO.
7. IRAT HO, inter-freq HO etc..
8. Voice Call statistics
9. Video call statistics
After Opening the Log file and creating superstream in case of multiple logs, go to MSs that you want plot for lets say
RSCP, in the report for SSV for example I choose Idle mode coverage Log.

Go to Loaded data files in the attribute

Explorer > Specific Log file or stream > 3G
UMTS > Downlink measurements >
Uu_ActiveSet_RSCP_0 > right click and select
“ Display on Map” if there is still no map yet,
if there is map window already opened then
just drag and drop it into map. After that RSCP
will appear in the map as shown here in left.
You can now take screen shot and paste it to
your excel or word format report.

Note: For RSCP in data mode Ue/MS

you have to get from calculated RSCP
Go to Loaded data files in the attribute Explorer > Specific Log file
or stream > 3G UMTS > Downlink measurements >
Uu_ActiveSet_EcNo_0 > right click and select “ Display on Map” if
there is still no map yet, if there is map window already opened
then just drag and drop it into map. Then EcNo will appear in the
map as shown here at below . You can now take screen shot and
paste it into your excel or word format report.
Go to Loaded data files in the attribute Explorer > Specific Log file or
stream > 3G UMTS > Downlink measurements >
Uu_ActiveSet_EcNo_0 > right click and select “ Display on Map” if
there is still no map yet, if there is map window already opened then
just drag and drop it into map. Then PSC will appear in the map as
shown here at below . You can now take screen shot and paste it
into your excel or word format report. Or you can check if there is
any cross connection over the site by check the SCs according to their
3dB beam direction.
Go to the Layer that you want to modify legends, right click and
select modify ranges and you can change ranges, color and
update then click OK. Also there is another options if you right
click on specific Layer like changing the size of sample by clicking
attribute style.
Go 3G UMTS > RLC > Uu_RLC_DL_AM_PDU_Throughput_3
> right click and select “Display on chart(or select “Display
on map for plots). Similarly EcNo and AS SC just drag &
drop on chart. Then take screen shot & paste to report
Go 3G UMTS > UL Measurements > 3G HSUPA >
Ue_HSUPA_Throughput_MAC > right click and select
“Display on chart(or select “Display on map for plots). .
Similarly EcNo and AS SC just drag & drop on chart. Then
take screen shot & paste to report format
Go 3G UMTS > Event > right click on which you want in
plot and select “Display on map for plots. Then take
screen shot & paste to report format
Cluster report means the graphical representation of the field test that shows
the network quality and features implemented according to the agreement
between Vendor & Operator.
Basically we should check:

1. Coverage distribution by SC plots by scanner data.

2. Signal strength of entire cluster by RSCP by scanner
MS or idle mode MS
3. Signal Quality of entire cluster.
4. HSDPA throughput.
5.HSUPA Throughput.
6. Soft/softer HO.
7. IRAT HO, inter-freq HO etc..
8. Voice Call statistics
9. Video call statistics
Open any IE from GPS data like Speed
km/h into map > open layer control >
click export to KML > choose the IE
that opened on map > select location
for KML file > click OK. Open that
created KML file by google earth and
customize it by color & size suitable
with the report format
Go to superstream > 3G UMTS >
Downlink measurements >
Uu_Active_set_RSCP > “Display on
map” and click “Display on chart” for
the stat in Histogram. Similarly other IE
plots like EcNo, SC, HSDPA thrpt,
HSUPA thrpt, events etc you can get in
report format
Go to superstream > right click > Display form > UMTS AS and Monitor set or whatever you
want to see for analysis, for example there are some IE display form customized in the next
page for analysis purpose
Go to superstream > right click > there are some pre-installed reports by actix for statistical reports, for
example, click UMTS call statistics, then you can see details in the right side window and if you want to see in
excel format just click below report format and you can get it for your DT KPIs and event KPIs.
Advance features of Post Processing
by Actix
The purpose of using Network Image of Actix is for post processing a huge size of Log file specially for big cluster or city or
country wise data. Normally we cannot load more than 100 logs or more than 100 to 200 MB log files in Analyzer classic
mode of Actix. In that case we have use Network image to get the large amount of data into Actix for post processing.
Specially we use Network Image feature for creating the plots of various IE s of the drive test Logs like RxLev, RSCP, SQI, EcNo
Etc…..thats are for binning data.

Let’s say we have to create a report from a big cluster Logs . It must should have the following binned

1. RxLev for GSM Network

2. RxQual for GSM Network
3. RSCP for WCDMA Network
4. EcNo for WCDMA Network

The Test was done by the following MS Configuration:

MS1= 2G Short Call

MS2= 3G Short voice Call
Click Network Image > Click “Network Image Template Wizard > Template wizard window will appear, if
there is no previous Template specially for new user click “Next” .>> see next page for next steps.
Note: It is better to load a log to understand the MS type in the Network Image Template wizard.
Step 2 for Choosing devices will appear. > Click “Add ” > Add device Name and filter that Actix will load data from Only that
MS. In the filter option you must write exact name displaying left side of loaded data for 100% accuracy. > Click “OK” >
similarly add 2nd device for MS2 like below: > after that in the right box the two device will appear like below picture: > then
click “ next”. (for next step go next pages)
Step 3 for choosing the attributes for added devices will appear . > add the attribute from the left side to right side for
added devices. > for RSCP and EcNo or like similar attributes in UMTS which have more than one array, choose the best one
by selecting in the appeared box, “From=0”, “to=0” and “Range=0” . > after adding the required attributes go for “Next”
steps. (for next step go next pages)
For 4th Step Select the binning method you want for both devices that you have added. Then go Next.
(for next step go next pages)
For 5th Step Select the Queries that if you prepared already before starting with Network Image. We will learn about Queries
after this chapter > If you don’t need any queries then do not add any queries because adding any item will just increase the
time to load the log files into Actix for processing. Click “Next”. (for next step go next pages)
IN the final step to create a template of Network Image you can have overview the selections and you can go back to edit
the settings, then complete this wizard by clicking “Finish” After that you have to put the name of the template that you will
use later. I named it as below, “Training 20110814”. > save it . Now you can make a Network Image with this Template.
(go next pages to see how to create Network Image)
Click Network Image > Click “Create Network Image” > New window will appear for > Put a Name for Your Network Image
like Your Cluster Name or your choice. > Select the Template that you created “Training 20110814” > Click OK and save it.
After That Network Image created and you can See in the Attribute explorer at left side.
In the Attribute explorer, click the Network Image and there must be the created Network Image. > Right click on it and
select “ Batch Load Files” and select/open the logs that you want to load in the Network Image for create report/plots. Now
Actix will load the Logs at Network Image…………………you have to wait until complete the loading.
After logs loading complete the Network Image is ready . Also later you can use this Network Image without loading Logs or
you can add more logs if you want by same procedure. Now you can just get the attributes which you selected during the
Template wizard and plot them on map or drag and drop on map, take screen shot > paste it to report format or where ever
you want.
Using Analysis Manager we can Manage the Log processing according to the requirements of the report for both binning
data, cross Tab data, for Filtering, managing repository etc.

For Example we have a cluster Logs MS1 is for GSM short call & MS2 is for WCDMA short call, using this huge logs we will
prepare the following items in our report:

Plots for : 1. RSCP

2. EcNo
3. RxLev
4. RxQual
No. ofMOC Call No. of MTC Avg. CPICH Avg. CPICH Avg. Serving cell Avg. Ue Tx
cell ID SC call type Avg. MOC Call Setup Time(ms)
OK Call OK EcNo RSCP Distance Power
U21_0150_1 499 0 0 0 -10.34 -91.33 33572.05137 -3.1
U21_1088_1 1 0 0 0 -5.25 -68.44 533.332361 -23.2
U21_1088_3 17 1 0 0 -5.29 -62.88 444.853331 -28.8 6070

Cell ID BCCH MOC Call OK MTC Call OK RxLev Sub RxQual Sub Serving cell Distance Call Setup Time(ms)
Site1088_DCS_1 766 1 0 -63 0 485.459823 2590
Site1153_DCS_1 784 1 0 -54 0 242.239167 2780
Site1158_DCS_3 786 1 0 -73 0 465.232265 2460
Site1160_DCS_1 776 1 0 -62 0 624.792008 3000
Site1166_DCS_1 789 1 0 -101 0 273.998467 2800
Site1167_DCS_1 1 0 -76 0 268.574801 3000
Using Analysis Manager we can Manage the Log processing according to the requirements of the report for both binning
data, cross Tab data, for Filtering, managing repository etc.

Click “Tools”> Click “Analysis Manager” or press “Ctrl+A” > Analysis Manager window will appear. There is some existing Queries and filters as
well, you can use those or edit or copy for creating new queries which can be used in analysis classic or network image or repository.
Go to Tools > Analysis Manager > Click “Cross Tab Queries” > Click “ New” > Here you have to create New query, Enter Name of the query at top
box > In the Middle box, Put there IE value or any attributes that must exist in the loaded log files to make subclass array in the excel workbook >
At the bottom box Put there the item of call stat or any IE or Attributes that you want in the statistics work book from the query.
After filling those boxes and making filter if there is required then click OK, your Query will be appear in the query box, then click “OK” > it will
appear in the Loaded Log files Query folder at left side in attribute explorer. Right Click on it and get the workbook, you can see the statistics of
call in excel file.
Filter option can be helpful if you have big size of logs but , you need to see the specific cell or sites data on plot or on
histogram or on statistics.
Lets say we have a log file and the RxLev of that log file as below picture. And we need to see or plot only the RxLev from the
single site “Site1340” to avoid redo drive test locking that site only.
GO to “Tools” > “Analysis Manager” > Click “Filter”>
Click “New” > Enter the name of the filter, for example “
Filter Sector ID” > Select the Attribute from the list by
which you want to filter but must be exist in the loaded
log file, for example we select “ Serving Sector ID” and at
the bottom box put the name of the cell that you want to
see RxLev from , just write exact name of the cell
according to the cellrefs file. > Click OK > it will appear in
in the existing filters. Which is shown in next page.
After creating the filter , go to the Log folder > selected MS or super
stream > right click on it > select “ filter” > select the filter you
created to see the RxLev from the single sector or cell. And then see
the map window, RxLev samples from other serving cells disappeared
and RxLev from filtered cell existed only. Which is shown in the next
We can see the RxLev only from the selected cell avoiding all other serving cell, we can now change the sell name from the
analysis manager > existing analysis > filters > edit that filter you created last time and just change the cell or sector name
at bottom box according to your requirements to see on map, but must be exact name as cellrefs file.
Click to “Repository” > Click “Template Manager” > Select “New” >. Repository Template Wizard will appear. Go next.
If you have more than one MS in the log file and you want to get Attributes separately than choose “Separate data into
multiple logical devices”. We also select this because we have 2 MS in our log file by which we are going to prepare report.
> Click “ Next”> Select the devices that you have (better to choose a log file from the cluster logs that you are going to use
for automatic devices scanning by Actix) > after that existing MS configuration in the loaded log file will appear, you can
edit them as well. I edited them as GSM & WCDMA . See next page:
GO next > Select “ Use same binning method for all devices” for plots > Go Next > see next page for binning setting
Select the setting as you want, better is location as below settings. > Go Next > Click “ Add different Attributes for each
devices because we have GSM & WCDMA MS, so attributes must not be same. > go Next > see next page
Select the MS type, and then the attributes that we need to prepare report for both MS separately. It will look like below
picture at right side. > Click Next> see next page
Select “Add different queries for each devices” > Go next > Select the Queries for GSM (GSM call stat) And for WCMA (UMTS
call stat) which you created previously according to your report format requirements. > Go Next > see next page
Select Filters that you want or do not want. Here we choose no filter because we prepared queries according to our report
format and MS configuration already . GO Next > Have a overview to go back to edit or go Next to complete your repository
settings. > GO Next > Put a name to save the repository template and save it > see next page
After saving it Template is ready for use and available at the template manager. Close Template Manger, Go to Repository
Tab again > create Repository > See in next page
Create repository window will appear > Choose a name for your repository > select the template that you created > click “
Create & Open” then repository will be appeared in the attribute explorer left side as below picture and load the Logs file.
Select the Log files from your Hard disk and in the repository you can select / add logs from different folders.. > after select
logs then click OK > Logs will be loaded at repository and you have to wait……………..until complete loading.
After Loading of the Log files complete, then We can see all the required attributes and queries are ready in the attribute
explorer window at left site. For GSM & WCDMA Call statistics Go to queries and right click > display with work book.
For plots of the RSCP, EcNo, RxLev & RxQual are also ready for plot and need to just copy and paste on the word or excel or
ppt report format.
Post Processing
Actix Analyzer
Most of the optimization engineer are looking for the IE s of TEMS in the actix. We can see some of the TEMS IE s which are
permitted by Actix. Lets see how can we check out the TEMS information Elements in Actix like interference , SQI etc….

Open Actix Analyzer > go

to “Tools” Tab > Click to
“Preferences” > change
preferences window will
appear > go to General
Settings > TEMS > mark
the tab “Allow Unfiltered
TEMS Attributes”
And select the Attributes
that you want to see in
Actix Analyzer.
> After complete
preference changes click
OK> then Load the TEMS
Log files > go next page for
After TEMS Log loading complete > go to Attribute explorer > loaded data files > go to your GSM mobile items or super
stream > go GSM> and you can see there the permitted TEMS attributes available there. Right click on the attribute and
display on map or on chart or workbook whatever you want. Lets click on TEMS_C2I_Hopping_List_0 and display on map

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