GE Talent Machine: The Making of A CEO
GE Talent Machine: The Making of A CEO
GE Talent Machine: The Making of A CEO
General Coffin laid the foundation of the Talent Machine which produced a pool of skilled
managers that not only met the company’s own needs, but also became a major
Electric : An source of CEO talent for corporate America.
Four successive CEOs each made the development of management talent a high
overview priority, and in doing so, made GE’s human resource management processes
among the most sophisticated in the world
40% of the time was devoted to people issues
History of GE’s HR Practices
Cordiner’s contribution : Strenghtneing the foundations(1958)
Implemented a bold decentralization plan of responsibility and authority for making business decisions
New corporate system : Session C, was designed to support an ongoing dialog about managers’ career interests
and development needs
Session C Process Flow :- Generated evaluations , career forecasts and succession plan
Each subordinated would compare their self evaluation with the boss
Managers then prepared an Individual Career Forecast, rating each subordinate on a six-point scale from “high
potential” to “unsatisfactory.”
• Challenged business leaders to identify potential managerial talent from the engineers and
professionals on their staff
• Asked EMS consultants to participate fully in all Session C reviews, compile a central corporate
inventory on management talent
GE’s HR Practices(Continued..)