Traffic Engineering (10-1 To 10-10) : Presented By: de Roxas, Jesther G. Macarandang, Miguel Tristan B. Tañas, Princess G
Traffic Engineering (10-1 To 10-10) : Presented By: de Roxas, Jesther G. Macarandang, Miguel Tristan B. Tañas, Princess G
Traffic Engineering (10-1 To 10-10) : Presented By: de Roxas, Jesther G. Macarandang, Miguel Tristan B. Tañas, Princess G
(10-1 to 10-10)
The importance of road signs have been
recognized world wide because of the increasing
incidence of road accidents due to the volume of traffic
and bad habits of motor vehicle drivers.
On June 6, 1973, Presidential Decree No. 207
was issued by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos.
The three efficacy principle of Uniformity,
Homogeneity and Simplicity are not being inforced.
Instead, a very complicated mixture of International
and US rules are adopted which leads to
misunderstanding and consequently non-respect of
Uniformity includes the prohibition to use
unofficial signs and markings.
Homogeneity requires that in the same
conditions, the user notices signs or marking with the
same value, same importance and located according to
the same rules.
Simplicity is to avoid superabundance of signs
that over strain the drivers having the tendency to
neglect the given instructions. Sometimes drivers
cannot read, understand, or register the meaning of
the signs or markings.
Road Signs has the Following
1. To lead to a safest road traffic.
2. To facilitate this traffic.
3. To indicate or to remind some particular
traffic rules.
4. To inform the drivers how to use the highway.
The Different Categories of Signaling
Devices are:
1. Road traffic signs.
2. Road traffic signals.
3. Pavement markings.
4. Guide posts and delineators.
Road Signs are Classified into the
Following Categories
1. Danger Warning Signs
2. Intersection Signs
3. Prescription Signs
a) Prohibitive
b) Obligation
4. General Information Signs
5. Direction Signs
6. Agglomeration Signs
7. Railway Crossing Signs
8. Temporary Signs (on road works)
9. Special Instruction Signs
Visibility and Legibility
Signaling devices whether horizontal or
vertically installed has the following objectives:
1. To Inform
2. To Prevent
3. To Guide
4. Act as liaison agents between the driver and
the driver and the highway alignment.
At night, drivers has no complete view of
the highway environment. His only guide is the
headlight. The percentage of fatalities at night is
double than during daytime.
This difference can be explain only by the
modification of one factor- Visibility. To be
effective, road signs and signaling must be
visible and readable considering human eye
limit that is not adaptable at night driving.
Visibility and Legibility of road signs or
pavement markings are dependent on
three parameters:
1. The Detection
2. The identification
3. The reading
Detection is the minimum area in contrast
with the environment perceptibility by human eye.
Identification is an analysis of the form and
color of the road signs to understand the messages
it conveys.
Reading is the fundamental role of road signs
conforming to alpha numerical language or by
symbol of information transmitted to the driver.
Type Triangle Side Circle Diameter Octagon Width Square Side
The small type of road signs are used only when some
difficulties prevent implementation of the normal type
such as line of trees, mountainous road, reduced
shoulder, small side walks and the like. The very small
type is used exceptionally in cities for aesthetical
10-2 Basic Principle of Road Signs
The basic principle of road sign is to be
perceived clearly by a driver at relatively high
speed, whose attention is solicited by the
driving requirements. To be useful, road signs
must be efficient according to:
1. Valorization Principle
2. Concentration Principle
3. Legibility Principle
Valorization Principle means to use only the
needed and useful signs. Too many road signs
lessen its efficiency. Regulatory and warning signs
should be installed sparingly because excessive use
of these signs will only decrease the authority.
Concentration Principle. When it is necessary
that some road signs must be seen at the same
time, they should be installed for the driver to see
at a glance by night and day.
Legibility Principle. Excessive efforts of
reading or memory cannot be required from the
10-3 Warning (Danger) Sign
Warning Sign is used to warn traffic of
potentially hazardous conditions on or adjacent to
the roadway. Warning Sign is always Triangular in
Shape with one Vertical Angle and dark blue
symbol, two borders one white and red with
reflectorized white background.
There is no exception to this rule, and the use
of yellow color for background is strictly prohibited
for permanent signs.The yellow color is reserved
only for temporary signals used during road
construction or maintenance work.
Objectives of Warning Signs
The objectives of warning sign is to attract driver’s
attention in the areas where his watchfulness has to increase
on account of the obstacle or of the dangerous points linked
1. The highway structure such as curves, humps, dips and
2. Conditions of the road such as slippery, falling rocks and
the like.
3. Other transport infrastructure like opening bridge, airport
vicinity, railway crossing etc.
4. The condition of vehicles and pedestrian traffic,
pedestrian crossing, children area, two-lane highway after
a multi-lane highway.
5. Local circumtances such as: factory exit, quarry exit etc.
The No U Turn
This signs is used to notify the U-Turn
prohibition up to the next intersection.
This intersection is included in the
The No Overtaking Sign
The R3-16 sign signifies the drivers that
it is prohibited to overpass any vehicle
except the two wheel vehicles without
sidecar. The R3-16 sign must be
completed by continuous line marking
on the pavement
Stop Control
The R3-17 sign is used to notify the
proximity of a control point where the
vehicle has to stop. The sign is divided
into two by a dark blue horizontal bar.
10-6 Obligation Signs
The meaning of the following Obligatory Direction signs
R2-1 - Obligation to continue straight ahead
R2-2 (R) - Obligation to follow the right direction
R2-2 (L) - Obligation to follow the left direction
R2-3 (R) - Obligation to turn the obstacle by its right side
R2-3 (L) - Obligation to turn the obstacle by its left side
R2-4 (R) - Obligation to turn right
R2-4 (L) - Obligation to turn left
R2-8 (R) - Obligation to go straight ahead or to turn right
R2-8 (L) - Obligation to go straight ahead or to turn left
R2-9 - Obligation to turn right or left
R2-10 - Obligation to use the roundabout
The Obligation Signs are circular in shape. The
background is dark blue. The symbols and
border is white. If the administration enforces
prohibition or an obligation sign, it has to inform
the driver the end of this restriction to the
highway use. For example; the No Passing Zone,
the No Parking Zone, the speed limit, the
prohibition to use audible warning signal and
10-7 End of Prescription Signs
The end of all prohibition signs is also circular in shape
and represents the same bar sign obligation symbol. A
red bar from the right top to the left bottom cancels this
obligations. The R4-2 informs the drivers of the end of all
the previous prescriptions. However, it does not include
the law that prescribes the national speed limit.
The R4 notifies the driver of the end of all particular
speed limits other than those defined by general laws,
speed limits previously applied to all vehicles or only to
one or several categories. The sign should not be setup
on the road where the speed limit is greater or smaller
than the ones prescribed by the general rules.
10-8 Direction Signs
Direction signs are divided into four categories.
1. Advance direction sign
2. Intersection direction sign
3. Reassurance of confirmatory sign
4. Entering and exit of urban area
Material Requirements
Sign panels for warning, regulatory and informative signs are
manufactured from aluminum sheeting of at least 3mm in
thickness. The reflective sheet used for road signs consist of
spherical lens elements embedded in transparent plastic having
smooth, flat surface with protective pre-coat adhesive which are
pressure sensitive for manual application or tack free heat
activated for mechanical vacuum heat application.
1. The reflective sheeting should be flexible to permit
application and adhesion to moderately embossed surface.
2. The sheeting should be solvent resistant capable of
withstanding cleaning with petrol, diesel fuel, mineral spirits,
turpentine or methanol. It should be weather resistant
without discoloration, cracking, blistering, peeling or ant
dimensional changes.
3. The sheeting must show no cracking or reduction in
reflectivity after dropping a 25mm diameter steel ball from a
height of 2 meters into its surface.
4. The adhesive should permit the reflective sheeting to adhere
accurately 48 hours after application of 90 degrees Celsius
Pavement of Signs
The position of individual sign depends upon its purpose and
circumstance peculiar to its location. If possible, location should
be standardized. Positioning provide another set of cues to
motorists. The Manual recommended the right positions for all
situations to wit: