The document discusses two categories of traffic flow: uninterrupted and interrupted. It then focuses on uninterrupted flow, describing Greenshield's model which presents linear relationships between speed, density, and flow. The model satisfies boundary conditions and can be used to compute traffic parameters.
The document discusses two categories of traffic flow: uninterrupted and interrupted. It then focuses on uninterrupted flow, describing Greenshield's model which presents linear relationships between speed, density, and flow. The model satisfies boundary conditions and can be used to compute traffic parameters.
The document discusses two categories of traffic flow: uninterrupted and interrupted. It then focuses on uninterrupted flow, describing Greenshield's model which presents linear relationships between speed, density, and flow. The model satisfies boundary conditions and can be used to compute traffic parameters.
The document discusses two categories of traffic flow: uninterrupted and interrupted. It then focuses on uninterrupted flow, describing Greenshield's model which presents linear relationships between speed, density, and flow. The model satisfies boundary conditions and can be used to compute traffic parameters.
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras College of Engineering and Architecture
Categories of Traffic Flow
Learning Objectives • To define the two categories of flow. • To understand the uninterrupted traffic flow model and analyze the relationships between speed, flow and density. • To make computations with the Greenshield’s and Greenberg’s models of traffic stream study. • To use linear regression analysis for modeling observed field data. J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering Categories of Traffic Flow • Categories 1. Uninterrupted flow – occur on facilities that have no fixed elements, such as traffic signals, external to the traffic stream, that cause interruptions to traffic flow 2. Interrupted flow – occurs on transportation facilities that have fixed elements causing periodic interruptions to traffic flow. These devices cause traffic to stop (or significantly slow down) periodically irrespective of how much traffic exists
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Categories of Flow • Categories – ‘Uninterrupted’ or ‘Interrupted’ refers to the type of facility, not the quality of flow – Example: • A congested freeway where traffic is almost coming to a halt = still uninterrupted flow facility • A well-timed signaling system on an arterial may resulting to an almost uninterrupted traffic flow = still interrupted flow facility
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering THE UNINTERRUPTED TRAFFIC FLOW MODEL
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Mathematical Relationships Describing Traffic Flow • Relationships – Mathematical relationships describing traffic flow can be classified into two general categories: Macroscopic and microscopic – Macroscopic: considers flow-density relationships – Microscopic: considers traffic streams and develops algorithms that relate the flow to the density and space mean speeds
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering MACROSCOPIC MODELS OF TRAFFIC FLOW
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Greenshield’s Model • Greenshield’s Model – Greenshield’s (1935) carried out one of the earliest recorded works in which he studied relationship between speed and density – Hypothesized that a linear relationship existed between speed and density – As field measurements of speed, flow, and density became available, several researchers evolved traffic flow models based on actual curve fitting and statistical testing J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering Greenshield’s Model • Model Evaluation Criteria 1. Relationships of q-k-v were tested in terms of goodness of fit to actual field data. 2. Relationships were supposed to satisfy certain boundary conditions a. Flow is zero at zero density. b. Flow is zero at maximum density. c. Mean free speed occurs at zero density. d. Flow-density curves are convex (i.e. there is a point of maximum flow).
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering Greenshield’s Model • Greenshield’s Model – Provides the slope and intercept by hand- fitting a straight-line to plotted data or by using linear regression – Satisfies all the four boundary conditions, although the statistical quality may be poor (e.g. low coefficients of determination and high standard errors) vf v vf k k j J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering Greenshield’s Model • Greenshield’s Model k v v f 1 k j – Where: v = space speed vf = free-flow speed kj = jam density k = density
(Speed – Density Relationship)
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering k v v f 1 k j
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
k 2 q vfk kj
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
v 2 q k jv vf
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Fundamentals of Speed, Density and Flow • Theory – When the density on the highway is 0, the flow is also 0 because there are no vehicles on the highway. – As the density increases, the flow also increases. – However, when the density reaches its maximum, generally referred to as the jam density (kj), the flow must be 0 because vehicles will tend to line up end to end. J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering k 2 q vfk kj
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Fundamentals of Speed, Density and Flow • Theory – It follows that as density increases from 0, the flow will also initially increase from 0 to a maximum value. Further, continuous increase in density will then result in continuous reduction of the flow, which will eventually be 0 when the density is equal to the jam density. – The absolute maximum speed (free-flow speed) is obtained as the flow tends to 0.
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Fundamentals of Speed, Density and Flow • Theory – Continuous increase in flow will result in a continuous decrease in speed. – A point will be reached, however, when the further addition of vehicles will result in the reduction of the actual number of vehicles that pass a point on the highway (that is, reduction of flow) that results in congestion, and eventually both the speed and the flow become 0.
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
v 2 q k jv vf
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Example • Problem – The data shown below were obtained on a highway. Use regression analysis to fit these data to the Greenshield’s model and determine: a. The mean free speed (MPH) b. The jam density (veh/mi, VPM) c. The capacity (veh/hr, VPH) d. The speed at maximum flow (MPH)
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Example • Problem – Data: Speed (mi/h) Density (veh/mi) 14.2 85 24.1 70 30.3 55 40.1 41 50.6 20 55.0 15
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Example • Problem – By assuming a linear speed-density relationship, the mean free speed on a highway facility lane equals 55 mph near zero density, and the jam density is observed to be about 170 veh/mi. – Required: 1. Plot the q-k-v curves in proper order. 2. Compute speeds and densities corresponding to a flow of 900 veh/hr, describing traffic conditions from a driver’s point of view. J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering Example • Problem – Required: 3. Calculate average headways, gaps, clearance, and spacing at maximum flow and at jam density.
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering
Example • Problem – The traffic density at certain section of a highway was found to be 17 vehicles per kilometer. Assuming that the average speed was found to have been 75 KPH, compute the flow rate and construct a speed-density model using average vehicle length as 4.50 m and bumper-to-bumper spacing as 3.0 m.
J. J. J. Cabanban University of the Cordilleras Transportation Engineering