The Zener Diode: R V V I

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The Zener Diode

The zener diode exhibits a constant voltage
drop when sufficiently reversed-biased.
This property allows the use of the zener zener
diode as a simple voltage regulator. point

-6 -3
1 2 3

Here, Vr will be equal to the reverse breakdown voltage of
the zener diode and should be constant. What is the purpose
of the resistor in this circuit? Its job is to limit the current
flowing through the zener diode:
D V  Vr

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 1

The Bipolar Junction Transistor
The transistor is a versatile device usually configured to perform as a switch or
as an amplifier. The bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is the most common type
and has three leads:

3 3
Collector Collector
2 2
Base Base
1 Emitter 1 Emitter

PNP Transistor NPN Transistor

In a transistor, the flow of current from the collector to the emitter is controlled
by the amount of current flowing into the base of the transistor. If no current
flows into the base, no current will flow from the collector to the emitter (it acts
like an open switch). If current flows into the base, then a proportional amount
of current flows from the collector to the emitter (somewhat like a closed switch).

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 2

The NPN Transistor

Rb c Rb c
b +
b +
+ e + e
- -

- Re - IB Re

No current flows from base to emitter, so Current now flows through the transistor from
the transistor acts like an open switch and base to emitter. This causes the transistor to
no current flows from collector to emitter. allow current to flow from the collector to the
emitter. The size of the collector current
(Note: current never flows from base to depends on the size of the base current and
collector or vice versa, regardless of the the beta  of the transistor:
base current.)
  IC I B
A typical transistor has a beta of about 100.

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Base and Collector Currents
What’s the base current IB? Use
Kirchhoff’s voltage law:
RB c
b +
E  I B RB  I B RE  0.7 V e E

E  I B ( RB  RE )  0.7 V -

0.7 volts is lost at the IB RE

E  0.7 V junction of the base
IB  and emitter
What’s the maximum value for the
Now find the collector current IC: collector current?

IC    I B E
IC 

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 4

The PNP Transistor

Rb c
b -
Ib e


The PNP transistor behaves identically to the NPN transistor, except that all
polarities are reversed. The voltages are applied with opposite polarity, and
the currents run opposite to those in the NPN transistor, but all other behaviors
are the same.

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 5

The SW+ Transmit Switch
to transmit
With the key open,
Q3’s base and emitter
key (J3) are at the same
R21 potential, and no current
Q3 flows from emitter to
1 3
10K base. Therefore, no
22K R20 collector current flows.
circuit copyright 1998 Dave Benson NN1G
V in (12-15V)

Closing the key allows current to flow through R20 and R21. The voltage drop across R20
lowers the potential at the base of Q3 and current flows from emitter to base. This also
turns on the transistor and allows a collector current to flow. The collector current is fed to
the transmit circuit, turning it on. R20 and R21 form a voltage divider to provide the correct
bias voltage to the base. With the switch closed, what is the voltage at the base of Q3?

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 6

In radios, a mixer is a device which is used to shift the frequency of a signal. It
does so by multiplying the signal with another carefully-chosen frequency:
The output of a mixer is a signal
which is a combination of two
Input (F1) output (F) frequencies: F1+F2, and F1-F2.
In reality, other frequencies are
also present at the output,
due to distortion. All the
local unwanted frequencies need to be
oscillator (F2) filtered out.

The SW+ has three mixers: two in the receiver and one in the transmitter. In the
receiver, the received 7 MHz signal is mixed with 3 MHz from the VFO to get the
4 MHz intermediate frequency (IF). The IF is further mixed with the beat frequency
oscillator (BFO) to get audio frequencies out. In the transmitter, the VFO is mixed
with a 4 MHz signal to get the 7 MHz output.

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 7

Mixing Two Signals

Here, V1 and V2 are the voltages of two signals (sine waves), and they are
plotted versus time t. V1’s frequency is 30 Hz and V2’s frequency is 40 Hz. The
third line on the graph is V1 times V2, and it has a frequency which is higher
than both V1 and V2. Can you see from the graph what the frequency is? It’s
easy to see the sum frequency, but can you see the difference frequency in
the signal?

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 8

The NE602 Mixer Chip

The NE602 mixer chip (or the

SA602, NE612, or SA612, which
are all essentially identical) is a
low-cost solution for mixing needs
and is often used in kits.

In order to produce an output at pins 4 and 5, three things are required:

1) A supply voltage Vcc which is well-regulated, between 4.5 and 8 volts

2) An input (this is the signal whose frequency is to be shifted)
3) An oscillator to provide a signal to mix with the input.

The NE602 has built-in circuitry for providing the oscillator input, requiring only the addition
of a few parts which determine its frequency.

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Inputs to the NE602
V+ (9 to 18V DC)
The input signal can be
unbalanced, as shown 1
RF input
here (either pin 1 or 2 can
1K 2
be used). The input signal
1 F 6.8V
should be small (less than
180 mV peak-to-peak).

NE602 1
RF input

Pin 8 powers the NE602. It requires

from 4.5 to 8V DC. The above The input signal can also be applied in a balanced
configuration provides a regulated 6.8V configuration. Here a transformer is used, and it is chosen
input. The 1K resistor serves to limit such that it provides a match to the 1500-ohm input
current, while the capacitor provides a impedance of the NE602. Other configurations might add
path to ground for any AC. Pin 3 is the a capacitor across pins 1 and 2 in order to form a tuned
chip’s ground. circuit, passing only the frequencies of interest.

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The NE602 Oscillator


Remember our simple oscillator circuit from Lesson 2? Here it is again--a tank circuit
with an amplifier to amplify and reinject a part of the signal to keep the oscillator
going. The NE602 provides the amplifier internally. To use its internal oscillator, all
that’s required is to connect a suitable tuned circuit across pins 6 and 7. Alternatively,
if we want to use our own oscillator, its output should be connect to pin 6, with pin 7
unconnected, and the input level should be between 200 and 300 mV.

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NE602 Oscillator Circuits

NE602 6

NE602 6
7 C1

7 C1 C2

Here, a crystal is used to set Here, an inductor has been added in series with
the oscillator frequency. Crystals the crystal. This has the effect of increasing the
can be thought of has having both inductance of the circuit, which causes the
internal inductance and capacitance, resonant frequency to decrease. This is known
and these set the frequency of the as pulling the crystal--getting it to chance its
crystal. C1 and C2 form the oscillation frequency a bit. What would happen if
feedback network for the oscillator. we replaced the inductor with another capacitor?

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 12

The NE602 Outputs
Pins 4 and 5 of the NE602 are the outputs. The signals from each pin are identical but of
opposite phase (pin 4 is negative when pin 5 is positive, and vice versa). Either or both
pins can be used for output.

use either pin
NE602 NE602 RF out
5 for RF out

This is an example of an unbalanced output. Here, both pins are used for output. Since they
Only one of the two pins is used--the other is are of opposite phase, the voltage between them
left unconnected. is twice the voltage of either with respect to
ground. The transformer is used to transform the
impedance for the next stage of the circuit.
Capacitors could be placed in parallel with either
side of the transformer to form tuned circuits to
act as a bandpass filter.

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The SW+ Transmit Mixer
V in (12 to 15V)
from transmit switch
The transmit mixer in the SW+ mixes Here, mixing only
the VFO output with the output from R19 1K occurs when the key
a crystal oscillator using the 0.01 F D11 7.6V is closed.
NE602’s internal oscillator.
C109 8

from VFO
2 4
NE602 to bandpass filter
3 5
The desired output from the
The tuned circuit connected to 7 C28 6 mixer is the VFO frequency
the NE602 uses a 4.00 MHz plus the crystal oscillator
crystal for its main component. C29
frequency (about 7 MHz).
Y5 47 160
The inductor connected with the 4.0 MHz The outputs are passed
crystal in series has the effect of through a bandpass filter to
lowering the frequency a few RFC2
22 H get rid of unwanted
hundred hertz. Why is this done? frequencies.
circuit copyright 1998 Dave Benson NN1G

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 14

Troubleshooting Tips
• Reasons for problems: • Tracking down problems:
– poor soldering – double check parts placements
– wrong part installed and values
– part installed backward – look for missed or bad solder
– part installed in wrong holes joints and bridges
– – ensure all parts are installed
solder bridges (connecting
parts which shouldn’t be) – is power applied? Key down?
– bad board traces etc.
– follow voltages from source
– bad parts
– make sure test equipment is
connected correctly and
– if you can narrow the problem
to one place, suspect the part
or the traces on the board

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• Install the following parts (all • Testing:
are in Group 5). Be sure to – connect key and tuning pot
observe correct orientation for – apply power
U5, Q3, D11, and C110. – measure voltage at pin 8 of U5
– U5 & its socket with key down. What should it
– Q3 be?
– D11 – measure same voltage with
– C28, C29, C108-C111 key up. What should it be?
– R19-R21 (note: R21 lays down – with key down, use
on the board) oscilloscope to examine signal
on pin 4 or 5 of U5. Do you see
– RFC2
RF? What does the signal look
– Y5 like? Why?
– J3 – any signal on pin 4 or 5 with
– J3 wiring harness and jacks the key up?
(see enclosure instructions)

Kit Building Class Lesson 3 Page 16

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