Unit 2 Divisibility: 1º Bilingual Maths
Unit 2 Divisibility: 1º Bilingual Maths
Unit 2 Divisibility: 1º Bilingual Maths
Unit 2 Divisibility
Content (I)
1.Integer numbers
1.1. Order and representation at the number line
1.2. Absolute value of an integer number
1.3. Opposite number of an integer number
1.4. Comparing integer numbers
2. Operations
2.1. Adding and subtracting integer numbers
*Working out with parenthesis
2.2. Multiplication of integer numbers
2.3. Division of integer numbers
*Working out combined operations with integer
3. Multiples and divisors of integer numbers
*Working out all the divisors of a number
Content (II)
4. Factorization of an integer number
4.1. Rules of divisibility
4.2. Prime factorization
*How to factorize a number
5. G.C.D. (Greatest Common Divisor)
and L.C.M. (Lowest Common Multiple)
* Problem solving using either GCD
or LCM
3. Multiples and divisors of integer numbers
3. Multiples and divisors of integer numbers
(Divisibility) (II)
Working out all the divisors of an integer
number (Divisibility) (III)
2 Steps:
1st: divide the number by all the natural numbers til get
a quotient < divisor
2nd: From each exact division, get 2 divisors: the divisor
and the quotient.
Find all the divisors of 72:
Div(72)={1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36,72}
4. Factorization of an integer number
4.1 Rules of divisibility
4. Factorization of an integer number
4.1 Rules of divisibility (II)
5. Prime factorization (page 36)
Get the decomposition of a number in factors
means to express it as the multiplication of
some numbers.
The prime factorization of a prime number is
equal to the multiplication of the unit and itself.
For instance: 13=13·1
A compound number can accept more than
a single prime decomposition.
For instance: 6=6·1=2·3
Factorizing a number means to decompose it
in prime factors, expressing it as the product of
its prime divisors.
How to factorize a number (page 37)
1st: Divide the number, in ascending order,
between the prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11,…,
as many times as possible until get the unit.
2nd: Write the number as the multiplication of
all the prime factors got. If a factor is repeated
it must be expressed as a power (the
exponent is the number of times it appeared).
For instance: Factorize the number 17640:
17640 2
8820 2 2·2·2=23
4410 2
2205 3 3·3=32 So: 17640=23·32·5·72
735 3
245 5 5
49 7 7·7=72
7 7
Ex: 30, 31 and 33
6 Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
The GCD of two or more numbers N1, N2, N3,…
is the greatest among their common divisors. It
is expressed as GCD (N1, N2, N3,…).
To work out the GCD we follow these steps:
1st: Get the prime factorization of each
2nd: Choose the common factors raised to the
smallest exponents.
3rd: The multiplication of the chosen factors is
the GCD.
For instance: Work out the GCD of 40 and 50:
40 2 50 2
20 2 25 5
10 2 5 5
5 5 1
40=23· 5 50=2· 52
2 and 5 are common factors (appear in both
prime factorizations). We choose both raised
to the smallest exponents.
So: The GCD (40, 50) =2· 5
Work out the GCD of 45, 24 and 12:
45=32· 5 24=23· 3 12=22· 3
3 is the unique common factor (appear in the
three prime factorizations at the same time).
We choose it raised to the smallest exponent.
So: The GCD (45, 24, 12) = 3 It means that there
is not any other number except 3 which was
an exact divisor of 45, 24 and 12 at the same
What happens if two numbers are prime
between them (for example 3 an 5): The GCD
is equal to 1, because 3=3· 1 and 5=5· 1
Ex: 36 and 106 (homework)
7.- Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)
The LCM among different numbers N1, N2,
N3,…, is the smallest of the common multiples
among them.
To work out the LCM we follow these steps:
1st: Work out the prime factorization of the
2nd: Choose the common and non-common
factors raised to the greatest exponents.
3rd: The multiplication of the chosen factors
yields the LCM.
For instance: Work out the LCM of 90 and 21:
90 2 21 3
45 3 7 7
15 3 1
5 5