The Executive Branch: Article Vii
The Executive Branch: Article Vii
The Executive Branch: Article Vii
Cosain, Sauda P.
Manalocon, Benjamin
Amin, Najima M.
Winfield, Jea Roshi
Dulguime, Karla Joy
Maulana, Jehan
Macaandog, Hanira B.
Basaroden, Aisah T.
Acoon, Nasimah B.
A right to hold office, on the other hand, is the just legal claim to enjoy
the powers and responsibilities of the office.
Shall receive an annual salary of two
hundred forty thousand pesos
(Php 240,000).
They shall not receive any other emolument
from the government or any other resources.
President-elect fails to
Death or permanent
disability of the President-
No president and VP
chosen or qualified,
• In an acting capacity PRESIDENT
• In an acting
Section 15
• Two months immediately before the next
presidential elections and up to the end of his term,
a President or Acting President shall not make
appointments, except temporary appointments to
executive positions when continued vacancies
therein will prejudice public service or endanger
public safety.
Section 16
• The president shall nominate and, with the consent of the
Commission on Appointments, appoint the heads of the
executive departments, ambassadors, other public ministers and
consuls, or officers of the armed forces from the rank of colonel
or naval captain, and other officers whose appointments are
vested in him in this Constitution. He shall also appoint all other
officers of the Government whose appointments are not
otherwise provided for by law, and those whom he may be
authorized by law to appoint. The Congress may, by law, vest the
appointment of other officers lower in rank in the President
alone, in the courts, or in the heads of department, agencies,
commissions, or boards.
• The president shall have the power to make appointments during
the recess of the Congress, whether voluntary or compulsory, but
such appointments shall be effective only until disapproved by
the Commission on Appointments or until the next adjournment
of the Congress.
• Appointments requiring the Appointments without the need
consent of the Commission on of CA Confirmation
Appointments (VII, Sec16)
Those vested by the
Heads of executive Constitution on the President
departments(except VP) alone
Ambassadors and other public Appointments that are not
ministers and consuls otherwise provided by law
Officers of the AFP from the rank Those authorized by law to
of colonel or naval captain appoint
Officers whose appointments Officers lower in rank whose
are vested in him by the appointment is vested by law in
Constitution the President alone
Not all Cabinet members, however, are subject to Confirmation of the CA.
According to the CA website, the following need confirmation in order to assume
their posts:
1. Executive Secretary
15. Secretary of Science and technology
2. Secretary of Agrarian Reform
16. Secretary of Social welfare and
3. Secretary of Agriculture
4. Secretary of Budget and
management 17. Secretary of the interior and Local
5. Secretary of education
6. Secretary of energy 18. Secretary of trade and industry
7. Secretary of Environmental and 19. Secretary of transportation and
Natural resources Communications
8. Secretary of Finance 20. Secretary of tourism
9. Secretary of Foreign affairs 21. Commission on higher education
10. Secretary of Health 22. Director General of the National
11. Secretary of Justice Economic and Development Authority
12. Secretary of Labor and Employment
13. Secretary of National defense
14. Secretary of Public works and
APPOINTMENT - the act of designation by the executive officer, board,
or body to whom the power has been delegated, of the individual who
is to exercise the functions of a given office.
• Regular appointments
• Ad Interim appointments
Appointment by
the President
• When done verbally or in writing(EXPRESS); and