Tango SOP - Subhouses - Buyers Consol
Tango SOP - Subhouses - Buyers Consol
Tango SOP - Subhouses - Buyers Consol
From Tab Pick up from Ref. = Loading ref. (If you don’t have a loading ref.
Pick up from = Loading address you have to enter Wacker Neuson, China)
Planned Start = next working day Carrier = ATRIEBR0001
Carrier Ref. = Archive No.
To Tab
Deliver to = ATRIEBR0001
Planned End = next working day after the Planned Start
Deliver to Ref. = Wacker Neuson China
Print – Pick up Instructions (Final), single stop
Flag E-Mail = [email protected]
Flag EDI
7. Export Customs Declaration leg
If you entered the details in EOR (partners tab) correctly the export customs declaration leg only will be
displayed in the case you have to issue a customs order
Fill in as follows:
Supplier = ATRIEBR0001// ATLNZBR0001
Klick the “Submit Customs Export” Button and Print
Customs Agent Instructions Export + Job Dossier
Flag E-Mail: [email protected]
8. Events Tab
Only in case you canceled the pick up leg you have to add the SDV event
Actual = current date
Save and the subhouse file input is finished