Fundamental of Programming Language
Fundamental of Programming Language
Fundamental of Programming Language
Programming Languages-I
Prof.Laxmi Thakare
FPL - 1
Teaching Scheme:
◦ Theory: 2 hr/week
◦ Practical: 4 hrs/week
Examination Scheme:
◦ Online: 50 marks
Syllabus Overview
Unit 1 - Introduction to Computer
Unit 2 - Programming language ‘C’
Unit 3 - Decision Control Structures in
‘C’, Pointers in ‘C’
Unit 4 – Arrays in ‘C’, Functions in ‘C’,
Strings in ‘C’.
Books for Reference
Yashavant Kanetkar, “Let Us C” – BPB Publications
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, “The C
Programming Language”, Prentice Hall, ISBN
0131103628, Second Edition
Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg,
Programming approach using C”, Indian Edition,
Thomson, 3rd edition
Introduction to Computer
Computer Fundamentals
System software's
Introduction to computer programming tools
Software development life cycle (SDLC)
Open source software's
Introduction to Computer
Intelligent machine has a great impact on
our day–to-day activities.
◦ Eg: Online Booking tickets (Railways, Airlines,
Movies, ATM machines, First year admission
process, etc
Reduces paperwork, data storage capacity
is more.
Definition of Computer
Computer is defined as “an electronic
device that is able to take raw input or
data from a user, store it, process it and
eventually output information as per
Features of Computer
Storage capacity
Generations of Computer
First Generation (1945-1954)
Second Generation (1955-1964)
Third Generation (1965-1974)
Fourth Generation (1975-1989)
Fifth Generation (1990 – till date)
Difference Engine and Analytical
It an automatic, mechanical calculator designed to
tabulate polynomial functions.
Invented by Charles Babbage in 1822 and 1834
It is the first mechanical computer.
Some Important Facts
First Computer programmer- Augusta Ada Byron (1840)
First electro-mechanical computer- Havard Mark 1 (IBM Automatic
Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC)) . Invented by Howard H.
Aikenin 1943
First programmable computer- Z1. Created by Konrad Zusein
Germany from 1936 to 1938.
First electronic digital computing device- Atanasoff-Berry
First electronic general-purpose computer- ENIAC (Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer). Developed by John Presper
Eckertand John W. Mauchl.
First commercial computer- UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic
Computer 1). Designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
The First Stored Program Computer- EDVAC (Electronic Discrete
Variable Automatic Computer) . Designed by Von Neumann in 1952.
First portable computer- Osborne 1
First computer company - Electronic Controls Company. Founded in
1949 by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
First Generation( Vacuum Tubes)
Second Generation(Transistors)
Third Generation (ICs)
Fourth Generation
Fifth Generation(AI)
Block Diagram of Computer
Main Memory
Control Arithmetic/
unit logic unit
Input devices Output devices
Register storage area
Basic Operations of Computer
Inputting-Process of Entering data & instruction in Computer.
Unit Symbol
Kilobyte KB 1024B
Megabyte MB 1024KB
Gigabyte GB 1024MB
Terabyte TB 1024GB
Primary Storage Devices
Memory (Primary) also called as Random
Access Memory or RAM is the main memory
of the computer.
It is the temporary memory i.e volatile of the
It consists of electronic components that store
data including numbers, letters or graphics and
Any information stored in RAM is lost when the
computer is turned off.
Primary Storage Devices
Read Only Memory or ROM is the memory that is
etched on a chip that has startup directions for your
computer .
It is permanent memory.
Types of memory
◦ RAM : Random Access Memory
◦ ROM : Read Only Memory
◦ PROM : Programmable Read Only Memory
◦ EPROM : Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
◦ EEPROM : Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only
Secondary Storage Devices
Auxiliary storage devices are used to
store data when they are not being used
in memory.
Control unit(CU)
• Coordinates flow of data in/out of ALU, registers,
primary and secondary storage, and various output
• High-speed storage areas used to temporarily
hold small units of program instructions and
data immediately before, during, and after
execution by the CPU
◦ Railway reservation system (IRCTC website)
◦ Shopping websites (
◦ Office Automation (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
◦ Utility softwares (notepad, calculator, calendar, etc)
System Software
System software consists of programs that
manage the hardware resources of a computer
and perform required information processing
(Present in auxiliary
General Problem Solving
We make decisions everyday for daily tasks.
◦ Eg: What to watch on television, Choosing a new
profession, etc.
◦ Bad decision leads to waste of time and resources.
A. Scanner
B. Joysticks
C. Printer
D. Keyboard
Q. Which is not a output device
B. Video games
C. Speakers
D. Keyboard