Methods of Fertilizer Application: Nutriseed Pack, Soil Application, Foliar Spray

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Nutriseed pack

 Nutriseed Pack is a tubular assembly for placing in soil to raise a plant.

 It contains nutrients as well as seed.

 Normally fertilizers are broadcasted in crop fields. In surface application,

the fertilizer use efficiency is low.

 It helps in improving the efficiency and yield by 10-30% in vegetables and

Each Nutriseed Pack contains

 seed at top,

 enriched manure in the middle and

 encapsulated fertilizer at bottom.

By placing a Nutriseed Pack vertically or horizontally in soil, each

plant can be established.
 Nutriseed Pack gives support for each plant in the root zone in terms of
optimum nutrient supply, biological activity, release of pesticide, etc. and
consequently enables the fullest utilization of nutrients by plants.

 Instead of sowing a seed, a Nutriseed Pack is to be placed in soil, No top

dressing is required.

 Soil nutrients are not removed and suitable for all soil types

 Suitable for drip irrigation also. Fertigation equipments are not required.
Nutriseed Packs nutrient pile for slow release of nutrients.

Horizontal placement of Nutriseed Pack is equally effective as that of

vertical placement.

Nutriseed Pack technique has been well tested in research trials and
demonstration plots on crops like maize, rice, cotton, cauliflower, tomato,
carnation and marigold

Nutriseed Packs can be produced at cheaper cost. Cost reduction is due to

savings in fertilizer input, cost on labour involved in fertilizer application.
Soil application:
Soil application is the best way to deliver nutrients to plants.

It maintains long term soil fertility. Soil application of insecticides

influences microorganisms and plant nutrients.

 soil applications of fertilizers are much more efficient than foliar sprays.

 We can make your soil more productive without groundwater

contamination risks. We have cost effective methods that will show rapid
results with ongoing visible improvements.
Types of soil application:
It is a method by which the fertilizers are applied on the surface across an entire
field. The advantages of the soil application methods are that they are
relatively fast and economical.
Broadcasting of fertilizers is of two types:

1. Basal application: The main benefits of broadcasting fertilizers at sowing time

are to uniformly distribute the fertilizer over the field, and to mix it with soil.
2. Top dressing: It is the broadcasting of fertilizers particularly nitrogenous
fertilizers in closely sown crops like paddy and wheat, with the objective of
supplying nitrogen in readily available form to growing plants
• Increased available nutrients and improved nutrient uptake

• Aided biological nitrogen fixation and Stimulated root development

• Reduced soil compaction

• Improved soil porosity, drainage and aeration and aided soil restoration

• Promotion of ecological balance in the soil

• Improved plant photosynthetic efficiency

• Improved water holding capacity, helping plants resist drought

• Better crops production in reduced moisture conditions

Foliar spray:
• Foliar spraying is a technique of feeding plants by applying
liquid fertilizer directly to their leaves. Plants are able to absorb
essential elements through their leaves.

• The absorption takes place through their stomata and also through
their epidermis. Transport is usually faster through the stomata, but
total absorption may be as great through the epidermis. Plants are
also able to absorb nutrients through their bark.
Using Foliar Sprays:
 Foliar feed should be applied in the early morning when the air is
cool , 24°C (75°F).

Spray plants until you see the mixture dripping from the leaves.
To help the foliar application stick to plants, add a small amount
of insecticidal soap or horticultural oil.

 Do not forget to spray the underside of leaves as well.

Foliar spray fertilizer is an excellent short-term solution for plants
experiencing stress.

 However, it is always best to build up your soil with plenty of organic

matter. The pH of your foliar sprays should be slightly acidic (~5.8) to
allow the solution to easily penetrate the cuticle

Foliar sprays are typically less concentrated than soil fertilizers.

Backpack sprayer Handheld sprayer
Nutrients applied through foliar spray

Phosphoric acid

Sulfate of potash

sodium molybdate or molybdic acid

Borax or other Boron sources

chelate sources of iron, zinc, copper and manganese

Clones and plants in the vegetative stage will greatly benefit from foliar
feeding. Since clones have no roots, they will extremely benefit from
foliar sprays as it will aid the rooting process.
It is recommended to avoid using foliar sprays during the flowering
stage. Spraying flowers will increase their chance of developing a mold
or mildew.

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