161 CH 7 Electrons
161 CH 7 Electrons
161 CH 7 Electrons
Electrons in Atoms
Properties of Electrons
• Electrons display both particle properties and
wave properties.
• Electrons were discovered by JJ Thompson
• Thompson also measured the charge/mass
• Milikan was able to determine the charge on
an electron, thus allowing the mass to be
• Davisson and Germer discovered the wave
nature of an electron at Bell Labs in 1927,
thus showing the particle/wave nature of an
The Atom Model
Different models of atoms
• Thompson developed the plumb pudding model
of an atom 1898
• Rutherford suggested the planetary model (i.e.
electrons orbit the nucleus)
• Bohr applied concepts of quantization to
Rutherford’s model to develop the Bohr model
• Bohr model lasted 10 years, and was replaced by
a wave model, called the quantum mechanical
model, based on the wave nature of electrons.
Properties of Waves
Energy has properties of waves, for example
electromagnetic energy
Wavelength (m)
Amplitude (m)
Speed 3.0X108 m/s
Energy (j)
Increasing energy
Visible Radiation
Electromagnetic Radiation
Our major source of
EM comes from our
EM travels at the
speed of light
Has both wave
properties and
particle properties
Photons are the
particles possessed
by EM
Behavior of Waves
• Waves refract or bend when they pass from one
medium to another with different densities.
• Diffraction is the bending of electromagnetic
radiation as it passes around the edge of an object
or through narrow openings.
• Interference is the interaction of waves that results
in either reinforcing their amplitudes or canceling
them out.
Diffraction and Interference
White Light
The shortest wave G
lengths bend longer B
ones, thus violet is the
Davisson and Germer discovered the wave nature of an
electron at Bell Labs in 1927 by observing electron
Evidence of Quantization
2 2me4 1 1
E = 2 2 - 2
h n1 n2
Hydrogen Spectrum
• An energy level is
an allowed state that
an electron can
occupy in an atom.
• Movements of
electrons between
energy levels are
called electron
Electronic States
• The lowest energy level available to an electron in
an atom is its ground state.
We call the lowest energy level the ground state. The higher
energy level is called the excited state.
Problems with the Bohr Model
• The Bohr model applies only to one electron atoms.
• The Bohr model doesn’t account for the observed
spectra of multielectron elements or ions.
• The movement of electrons in atoms is much less
clearly defined than Bohr allowed.
Particle or Waves?
• If electromagnetic radiation behaves as a
particle, de Broglie reasoned, why couldn’t a
particle in motion, such as an electron,
behave as a wave?
• de Broglie’s Equation
= h/mu (m in kg and u in m/s)
Electrons as Waves
• De Broglie reasoned that
an electron in a hydrogen
atom could behave as a
circular wave oscillating
around the nucleus.
The Uncertainty Principle
• Quantum mechanics allows us to predict the
probabilities of where we can find an electron.
• We cannot map out on the path an electron
The Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
says that you cannot determine the
position and momentum of an electron at
the same time.
Electron Wave Equations
• The description of the behavior of particles as
waves is called wave mechanics or quantum
• The mathematical description of an electron
wave is called the wave equation.
• Wave functions, , are mathematical
descriptions of the motion of electron waves
as they vary with location and with time.
Quantum Numbers
• The principle quantum number, n, is a
positive integer that indicates the shell and
relative size of orbital(s).
• The angular momentum quantum number, l,
is an integer from zero to n-1. It defines the
shape of the orbital and subshell.
Value of l 0 1 2 3 4
Letter identifier s p d f g
Quantum Numbers
• The magnetic quantum number, ml, is an
integer with a value from -l to +l. It defines
the orientation of an orbital in the space
around the nucleus of an atom.
• The spin magnetic quantum number, ms, is to
account for the two possible spin orientations.
The values for ms are +1/2 and -1/2.
Quantum Number Relationships
Electron Identifier
It takes a total of 4 quantum numbers to identify an
electron in a particular atom. Like it’s student ID no.
spin QN; ms=1/2 (clockwise or counterclockwise
magnetic QN; ml=0 (shape orientation)
angular momentum QN; l=1 (volume shape)
principal QN; n=4 (size and energy)
Quantum Numbers
n l ml # orbitals
1 0 0 1
2 0 0 1
1 -1,0,+1 3
3 0 0 1
1 -1,0,+1 3
2 -2.-1,0,+1,+2 5
4 0 0 1
1 -1,0,+1 3
2 -2.-1,0,+1,+2 5
3 -3,-2.-1,0,+1,+2,+3 7
What are the letter designations of all the subshells
in the n = 5 energy level or shell? What is total
number of orbitals in the n = 5 shell?
Shape and Sizes of Orbitals
• Psi squared, 2, defines the space, called an
orbital, in atom where the probability of
finding an electron is high.
• A radial distribution plot is a graphical
representation of the probability of finding an
electron in a thin spherical layer near the
nucleus of an atom.
Probability Electron Density for
1s Orbital
Comparison of s Orbitals
The Three 2p Orbitals
The Five 3d Orbitals
Assigning Quantum Numbers
• Pauli’s exclusion principle - no two
electrons in an atom may have the same set
of four quantum numbers.
An orbital can only hold two electrons and
they must have opposite spins.
Write the set of quantum numbers which
describe each electron in the three 2p orbitals.
Which of the following combinations of
quantum number are allowed?
1. n = 1, l = 1, ml = 0
2. n = 3, l = 0, ml = 0
3. n = 1, l = 0, ml = -1
4. n = 2, l = 1, ml = 2
Orbital Energy Notation
Hydrogen Atom
3s 3p 3d
E 2s 2p
Many Electron Atoms
• They do not follow the diagram for the
hydrogen atom.
“The orbitals of lower energy are filled in first with the electrons
and only then the orbitals of high energy are filled.”
“The orbitals of lower energy are filled in first with the electrons
and only then the orbitals of high energy are filled.”
1s orbital
“The orbitals of lower energy are filled in first with the electrons
and only then the orbitals of high energy are filled.”
1s orbital
2p orbital
Aufbau Principle
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a Li atom?
Li has Z = 3 so has 3 e-.
Aufbau Principle
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a Li atom?
Li has Z = 3 so has 3 e-.
1s subshell
Aufbau Principle
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a Li atom?
Li has Z = 3 so has 3 e-.
1s subshell
Aufbau Principle
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a Li atom?
Li has Z = 3 so has 3 e-.
1s subshell
Aufbau Principle
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a Li atom?
Li has Z = 3 so has 3 e-.
2s subshell
1s subshell
Aufbau Principle
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a Li atom?
Li has Z = 3 so has 3 e-.
2s subshell
1s subshell
Aufbau Principle
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a Li atom?
Li has Z = 3 so has 3 e-.
2s subshell
1s subshell
In particular:
• p subshells have three orbitals with the same energy
• d subshells have five orbitals with the same energy
• f subshells have seven orbitals with the same energy
px py pz
p subshell
px py pz
p subshell
Pauli Exclusion Principle
When we do put two electrons in one orbital then they obey the
Pauli exclusion principle.
px py pz
p subshell
px py pz
p subshell
Orbital Notation
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a N atom?
1s subshell
Orbital Notation
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a N atom?
1s subshell
1s subshell
Orbital Notation
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a N atom?
2s subshell
1s subshell
Orbital Notation
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a N atom?
2s subshell
1s subshell
Orbital Notation
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a N atom?
2p subshell
2s subshell
1s subshell
Orbital Notation
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a N atom?
2p subshell
2s subshell
1s subshell
Orbital Notation
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a N atom?
2p subshell
2s subshell
1s subshell
Orbital Notation
How would we use our rules to “build up” the electron
configuration of a N atom?
2p subshell
2s subshell
1s subshell
H: 1s1
He: 1s2
Li: 1s22s1
Be: 1s22s2
B: 1s22s22p1
Orbital Diagram Configuration
1s 2s 2p
C: 1s22s22p2
C: 1s22s22p2
Hund’s Rule tells us which configuration is correct.
Orbital Diagram Configuration
Electron Configuration 1s 2s 2p
C: 1s22s22p2
N: 1s22s22p3
O: 1s22s22p4
F: 1s22s22p5
Ne: 1s22s22p6
Electron Configurations
Fourth Period Elements
K 1s22s22p63s23p64s1 or [Ar]4s1
Ca 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 or [Ar]4s2
Sc 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1 or [Ar]4s23d1
Ti 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d2 or [Ar]4s23d2
V 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d3 or [Ar]4s23d3
Cr 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5 or [Ar]4s13d5
Mn 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d5 or [Ar]4s23d5
Cu 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d10 or [Ar]4s13d10
Anomalies in Configurations
• Chromium and Copper do not follow the
pattern of the other elements.
You should remember these two families,
because other elements in these families
exhibit the same types of configurations
• You can use the Periodic Table to guide you in
writing electron configurations.
Diagonal Rule
A) B) C)
A) λH > lD B) λH < lD C) λH = lD
A) ~1 B) ~102 C) ~104
Laser Cooling of Sodium Atoms
Please consider the following arguments for each
answer and vote again:
A) B) C)
Emission Spectra
Consider the following arguments for each answer and
vote again:
Emission Spectra
Emission from which of the following
energy level diagrams would produce
the spectrum shown to the left?
A) B) C)
Energy Levels
Consider the following arguments for each answer and
vote again:
Energy Levels
The diagram to the left shows the
spacing of the first five energy levels
for a hydrogen atom. Which of the
following transitions in He+ has the
same wavelength as the 4→2 transition
in H?
A) Li B) Be- C) B+
Electron Configurations
Consider the following arguments for each answer
and vote again:
Ionization Energies
Consider the following arguments for each answer
and vote again:
A) K+ B) Ar C) Cl-
A) Cl B) Br C) I