Metering Storage and Export

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• Process in which the natural gas and oil
are managed and monitored.

• Special Metering Station are used to

measures natural gas and oil as it flows
through the pipeline without impending
it’s movement
What is Custody Transfer Metering?

• Custody Transfer in the oil and gas industry refers to the

transactions involving transporting physical substance

from one operator to another. This includes the

transferring of raw and refined petroleum between tanks

and tankers; tankers and ships and other transactions.

During custody transfer, accuracy is of great importance

to both the company delivering the material and the

eventual recipient, when transferring a material.


• Storage is a means of collecting products before

being distributed downstream to refineries and

retailers. Downstream operations might also use

storage tanks to collect oil for further processing

and marketing.
Different Types of Storage

Subsea Storage
Storage Tanks
• There are various tank designs depending on

the needs and usage - fixed roof and floating

roof. open top and closed top, flat bottom,

cone bottom, slope bottom and dish bottom

and single walled and double walled.


• Oil is often produced in remote locations away

from where it will be

consumed; therefore, transportation networks

have been built to transport the crude

oil to refineries where it is processed and to

ship the refined products to where they will

be consumed .
Oil is normally transported by one of four options:

• Pipeline – the most commonly used form of oil

transportation is through oil pipelines.

Pipelines are typically used to move crude

oil from the wellhead to gathering and

processing facilities and from there

to refineries and tanker loading facilities.

• Rail – Oil shipment by train has become

a growing phenomenon as

new oil reserves are identified across

the globe.
• Truck – while the most limited oil

transportation method in terms

of storage capacity, trucks have the

greatest flexibility in potential

• Ship/Oil Tanker – where oil transport over land is

not suitable, oil can be transported by ship. A

typical 30,000-barrel tank barge can carry the

equivalent of 45 rail tank cars at about one-third

the cost. Compared to a pipeline, barges are

cheaper by 20-35%, depending on the route.


• To ensure the efficient and safe

operations of the pipelines, operators

routinely inspect their pipelines for

corrosion and defects through the

process of pigging
What is Pigging?

• Pigging in the context of pipelines refers to

the practice of using devices known as

"pigs" to perform various maintenance

operations. This is done without stopping

the flow of the product in the pipeline.

What is Pigging?

• These operations include but are not limited to cleaning and

inspecting the pipeline. This is accomplished by inserting the

pig into a "pig launcher" (or "launching station") — an

oversized section in the pipeline, reducing to the normal

diameter. The launching station is then closed and the

pressure-driven flow of the product in the pipeline is used to

push the pig along down the pipe until it reaches the receiving

trap — the "pig catcher" (or "receiving station").

Oil Tanker / Ships
• Loading on tanker involves loading
systems that includes:

Single Buoy Mooring

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