Sea Transport: Business Logistics Management, Vogt/Pienaar/de Witt
Sea Transport: Business Logistics Management, Vogt/Pienaar/de Witt
Sea Transport: Business Logistics Management, Vogt/Pienaar/de Witt
Overhead costs
• general overheads (management,
administration, and office commitments);
• marketing costs (advertising, sales costs,
and agents’ commission); and
• marine costs (land administration directly
involved in shipping activities).
Standing costs
• maintenance and repairs;
• vessel inspection and check-ups (usually every
four years);
• insurance;
• depreciation;
• fixed crew costs (unless contracted for individual
• radio and communication dues; and
• auxiliary stores aboard.
Variable costs
Variable costs of shipping are voyage-specific and
• fuel;
• crew costs (when contracted for individual
• port and other terminal costs;
• insurance to cover risks on the water,
• maintenance relating to motion;
• freight (all costs associated with freight storage,
loading, stowing, and unloading); and
• miscellaneous sailing costs.