Strategic and Operational Planning

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Strategic and Operational


What is a strategic plan?

Why do we put so much
effort into strategic
How do we plan
Strategic and Operational

What is a strategic plan?

Strategic and Operational

Why do we put so much effort into

strategic planning?
How do we plan

 A team approach  Important objectives

 SWOT  Clearly focussed
 Client input strategies
 Real priorities  Realistic actions
 Cyclical  Monitoring progress
 Using indicators
The Strategic Planning
The University’s Strategic Plan has three
1. Strategic Directions

2. University Wide Strategies

3. Cost Centre Operational Plans

Strategic Directions

Provides the basis for all other

planning. It is intended to convey to
stakeholders the thrust and nature
of the University
University Wide Strategies

Focused strategic plans which offer

direction for key areas of University
activity, identifying University wide
objectives and strategies and informing
cost centre operational plans. They are
revised progressively through the year.
University Wide Strategies
 Indigenous Education  International
 Capital Management  Marketing
 Equity  Public Relations
 Financial Management  Research
 Higher Education  Staffing
 Information and  Training and Further
Flexible Learning Education
Cost Centre Operational

Focus on strategies, programs,

activities or actions that will give
effect to Strategic Directions and the
University wide strategies
Strategic Planning
The three levels are integrated with:

 the budget cycle

 the performance management and
development scheme
 the Quality Improvement System (QIS)
Integrating with the budget

We aim to develop a close

relationship between Strategic
Directions and the University’s
budget and between the operational
plan and budget of each cost centre
so that our budget priorities reflect
our planning priorities.
Integrating with the Performance
Management & Development

We aim to relate personal goals and

objectives to the University’s goals
and objectives - through operational
plans and University wide strategies
to Strategic Directions
Integrating with the Quality
Improvement System

The Quality Improvement System

identifies strengths and
opportunities for improvement
which are addressed through
operational planning
The Strategic Planning
Strategic Directions
 Major review Jan - - - Aug; Minor review Mar - - - Aug
University Wide Strategies
 Mar - - - Sept
 Apr - - - Nov
Cost Centre Operational Plans
 Aug - - - Dec
Cost Centre Budget
 Sept - - - Dec
Elements of Plans
Strategic Directions All levels
 Mission  Vision
 Values  Key result areas
 Strategic Themes  Key performance

Defines the focus of the University:

The University will provide education,
training, research and related services
locally, nationally and internationally to
support and advance the social, cultural,
intellectual and economic development of
Australia’s Northern Territory.
Attempt to capture the principles which
inform all the University’s activities:
 Fairness, openness, honesty and trust
 Respect for all
 Freedom of enquiry and expression
 Continuous improvement
 Innovation
 Equal opportunity, affirmative action and access
Strategic Themes
Seek to position the University:
 Innovative and flexible delivery
 Integration of higher education and TAFE
 Distinctive niches
 Equity and access
Presents a desirable future:

The University in the future - a vision of

continuing achievement
Key Result Areas
Focus our activities on the areas in which
achievement of desired outcomes is
 Education and Training
 Research
 Community and Industry Service
 Management
Key Result Areas (cont)
Management includes:
 leadership and management
 staff
 financial resources
 infrastructure
 quality
 image and marketing
Key Result Areas (cont)
All key result areas include:
 international
 equity and access
 quality
Key Performance Indicators
 Meaningful
 Measurable
 Quantitative or qualitative
 Routinely collected
 Comparable - for benchmarking
 Useful
Putting the Plan together
 Using the template
 Addressing the key result areas
 Establishing objectives
 Identifying key performance indicators
Using the template

Operational Plan For:

Key Result Area: Key Performance Indicator (s):

Objective Strategy Action Responsibility Progress

and Timeframe

1. 1.1 1.1.1
Addressing the key result
areas (KRAs)
 Objectives: what will the cost centre do to
advance each KRA?
 Strategies: how will it achieve those objectives
(ie. medium to long term initiatives)?
 Actions: which short term activities will further
those strategies?
 Who is responsible?
 Progress: where is the action now?
Establishing objectives
 Pursuing the strategic themes
 Expressing the values
 Implementing the vision
 Core business
 Immediate issues
Identifying key performance
 What measures (quantitative or
qualitative) indicate achievement of
 Is there a key indicator of achievement of
the KRA?
 Would it be useful to monitor the progress
of each strategy?
Using the Plan
 A living, useful tool
 Review
 Reporting
 Annual Report
 Newsletters
 Webpages
 Noticeboards
 Meetings
Presentation of progress
 Graphical techniques
 Data analysis
 Natural variation
 Danger of targets
Trying it out
What are the roles and functions of the cost

 SWOT - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

 Client feedback
 Immediate priorities
 Vision
What will your team do to fulfil that role,
advancing each key result area?
 Implementing the vision
 Core business
 Immediate issues
 Pursuing the strategic themes
 Expressing the values
Performance Indicators
What will tell you whether the team has
achieved each of its objectives?
 Which performance indicator best shows
progress in the key result area? = This is the KPI
for the KRA
 Others may be useful for management and
may relate to individual strategies or actions
Six to eight KPIs should be sufficient
How, in the medium to long term, will your
team achieve its objectives?

What provision needs to be made in the

budget to support these strategies?
Which activities will, over the next twelve
months or so, further the team’s

Responsibility and Timeframe: Who is responsible

and by when?

What provision needs to be made in the budget to

support these actions?
Where is the team’s action now?

Can you report any success to date for each of the

strategies or actions?
 Use the budget proforma (available from
Financial Services Division) to develop a
cost centre budget which will support the
planned strategies and actions (within
allocated resources).
 Does the operational plan cover all
responsibilities and activities of your cost
 Does it address Strategic Directions and
the University wide strategies?
 Does the cost centre budget include
corresponding resource allocations?
Implementation & Review

How will you ensure that the

operational plan is implemented,
monitored and reviewed regularly?

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