Cetl Strategic Plan 2020 Update

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Strategic Plan


Table of Contents

Vision and Mission 2

Connecting to UNC’s Vision 2030 3
Strategic Planning Process 4
2020-2022 Goals, Objectives, Strategies, And Actions 5
Appendix 9

Vision and Mission
Vision: The Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) is recognized as the place for
teaching-related development at UNC and a leader in advancing teaching excellence. At UNC, teaching
excellence is linked to student achievement, retention, and graduation.

Mission: The CETL serves as a hub to discuss teaching practice and teaching-focused scholarship. The
CETL advances teaching excellence of all members of the teaching community by providing professional
learning opportunities and resources on pedagogy, equity-minded practice, curriculum development,
instructional models, and student learning assessment. CETL programming is responsive to current
needs of educators and cultivates a campus culture that values and rewards teaching excellence. The
CETL carries out this mission through:

Teaching Support
• Workshops
• Videos
• One on one training
• Group training
• Consultations
• Peer observation program
• New Faculty Orientation
• New faculty mentoring
• Graduate student training
• Certificate programs
• Faculty learning communities
• Conferences
Equity, and Inclusion Support
• Equity and inclusion teaching circles
• Equity-minded assessment workshops
Academic Leadership Support
• Leadership training for chairs/directors
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
• Research groups
• SoTL grants
• Online journal
• Showcases campus experts
• Grants for innovative teaching for all faculty levels
• Funds campus teaching awards
• Showcases the work of college and campus teaching award winners

CETL Core Values

Teaching Excellence, Equity-Minded Practice, Responsive to Current Needs, Personalized Support, Data

Connecting to UNC’s Vision 2030
The CETL supports the following UNC Vision 2030 plan areas: Innovate & Create, Students First, Enhance
& Invest

Innovate & Create

• UNC delivers the highest quality student experience in Colorado through our personalized
approach to instruction.

The CETL supports this outcome by providing professional development on program and course
assessment and effective teaching practice. Continued professional development for all UNC educators
ensures that we deliver the highest quality classroom experience. Focusing on equitable and inclusive
teaching practices and effective assessment of learning ensure a personalized approach to instruction.

Students First

• We acknowledge that all staff and faculty are educators who contribute to our students’

The CETL supports this outcome by providing campus-wide programming opportunities, learning
communities, and workshops. CETL conducts research and assessment that connects faculty
development to student achievement.

Enhance & Invest

• We provide and support personal and professional development opportunities and recognize
those who seek enrichment through learning on and off campus

The CETL supports this outcome through programming. The CETL recognizes teaching excellence at the
annual Teaching & Learning Symposium

• We share a responsibility to continuously improve campus climate and culture to ensure a

collective sense of belonging

The CETL supports this outcome through our Equity & Inclusion Program. CETL conducts research and
assessment that connects TIE participation to changes in teaching practice and student achievement and
sense of belonging.

Strategic Planning Process
In Spring 2020 a new director was appointed to a 3-year position in the CETL. The strategic planning
process began in January 2020 with an evaluation of the CETL using the ACE/POD Matrix, a recognized
evaluation took for faculty development centers. This evaluation provided a snapshot of CETL in terms
of organizational structure, resource allocation and infrastructure, and programs and services. This set
the priorities for CETL Revitalization. In February 2020 the director brought together a CETL
Revitalization Team. This faculty team, with representation from each academic college and University
Libraries, worked together in Spring 2020 to develop the new CETL mission. The team sought input from
educators across campus throughout the semester in order to support the development of short- and
long-term goals. A SWOT analysis was conducted by the director and Revitalization Team in May 2020.
The SWOT analysis provided information for the director to determine the long- and short-term goals
for the CETL and to develop the annual action plans (see Appendix).

Strategic Planning Process Jan 2020-Dec 2022

From 2020-2022 the CETL strategic planning process will be guided by the ACE/POD Matrix in order to
revitalize the CETL using established metrics for practice in educational development. The goal of CETL
from 2020-2022 is to improve in each domain to achieve the Accomplished/Exemplary category in all 17
domains of practice. This will provide the foundation for the CETL to focus on achieving its mission-
specific goals moving forward at the conclusion of the 3-year revitalization process.

The goal of the CETL from 2020-2022 is to improve the ACE/POD Matrix score by 59%. The goal has
three objectives. Each objective has 5-6 strategies and each strategy has 1-5 actions (see p. 6) over the
three-year period with a corresponding action plan (see p. 9). The action plans will be reviewed in
December and May to ensure that the CETL is making progress on the objectives and goal. The cycle for
implementing the actions plans is illustrated in figure 1.

Review progress in Evaluate CETL with

December and May ACE/POD Matrix

Develop Action Plans

Review strategies
for each Strategy


Figure 1: Cycle for implementing action plans

2020-2022 Goals, Objectives, Strategies, And Actions

In January 2020 the CETL scored a 41% on the ACE/POD Matrix indicating growth needs in organizational
structure, resources and infrastructure, and programs and services. This established the 2022 goal: By
2022 the CETL will improve the ACE/POD Matrix score by 59%.

Standard Current Score 2020 Score 2021 Goal 2022 Goal

Standard 1: Organizational 9/18 (50%) 13.5/18 (63%) 15/18 18/18
Standard 2: Resource Allocation 7.5/15 (50%) 10.2/15 (60%) 12/15 15/15
& Infrastructure
Standard 3: Programs & Services 6/18 (33%) 11.5/18 (61%) 14/18 18/18
OVERALL SCORE 21/51 (41%) 34.2/51 (67%) 41/51 (80%) 51/51 (100%)

Objectives and Strategies

There are three main objectives for the CETL to reach in order to achieve the 2022 goal. Each objective
has 5-6 correlating strategies. Each strategy includes 1-5 actions across the three-year plan (see p. 6).
Objective 1: Develop an organizational structure that reflects an institutional commitment to
educational development, teaching, and student learning.
Strategy A: Align CETL mission, vision, and goals with the college’s strategic priorities.
Strategy B: Establish effective CETL leadership.
Strategy C: Increase knowledge and abilities of CETL leadership and staff.
Strategy D: Establish a place within the institution recognized as the principle faculty development
unit at the college.
Strategy E: Establish college-wide collaborations and a voice in decisions that affect the CETL.
Strategy F: Establish operational procedures and mechanisms for institutional memory.
Objective 2: Develop an infrastructure that supports sustainability and growth
Strategy A: Create a sustainable budget.
Strategy B: Establish adequate number of capable staff to fully support CETL goals and initiatives.
Strategy C: Develop an online presence of resources and programming.
Strategy D: Establish channels of communication to promote programming and a positive reputation.
Objective 3: Provide evidence-based, mission-aligned programming, based upon instructor,
student, campus, and university needs.
Strategy A: Establish a scope of programming responsive to UNC needs.
Strategy B: Target programming for specific populations and needs.
Strategy C: Offer an array of longitudinal programming and services.
Strategy D: Extend the CETL’s reach.


Objective 1: Develop an organizational structure that reflects an institutional commitment to educational

development, teaching, and student learning.
Strategy A: Align CETL mission, vision, and goals with the college’s strategic priorities.
Year 1 Actions
1. Create an articulated mission and vision
2. Align mission and goals with UNC’s Vision 2030
3. Develop a strategic planning process
4. Develop processes for documenting and measuring effectiveness
Year 2 Actions
1. Develop processes for documenting and measuring effectiveness
2. Implement strategic planning process
Year 3 Actions
1. Evaluate and improve planning process
2. Establish mission-focused goals
3. Implement assessment plan
4. Evaluate/improve assessment plan
5. Establish post-2022 strategic plan
Strategy B: Establish effective CETL leadership.
Year 1 Actions
1. Maintain a term for an interim director long enough to set and achieve goals
Year 2 Actions
1. Draft job description for permanent CETL director
Year 3 Actions
1. Get approved position permanently in the budget at a competitive salary.
Strategy C: Increase knowledge and abilities of CETL leadership and staff.
Year 1 Actions
1. Conduct training needs assessment for director and staff
Year 2 Actions
1. Provide training for director and staff
Year 3 Actions
Strategy D: Establish a place within the institution recognized as the principle faculty development unit at the
Year 1 Actions
1. Increase programming focused on teaching
2. Determine space needs
Year 2-3 Actions
1. Determine Space Needs
2. Continue to build programming
3. Enhance reputation of CETL among faculty
Year 3 Actions
Strategy E: Establish college-wide collaborations and a voice in decisions that affect the CETL.
Year 1 Actions
1. Determine potential campus partners for programming and services
2. Begin collaborating with units including, but not limited to, IDD, DSS, Graduate School, Division of
Student Affairs, University Libraries, Provost Office, Equity & Inclusion, IM&T
Year 2 Actions
1. Establish coordinated and integrated programming with partners

Year 3 Actions
1. Establish a means for CETL involvement in decisions that influence selection of instructional
technologies, learning spaces, resources that support teaching and learning, and campus decision
making about teaching learning
Strategy F: Establish operational procedures and mechanisms for institutional memory.
Year 1-3 Actions
1. Reorganize CETL SharePoint site
2. Determine online workflows for CETL project management
3. Determine mechanisms for archiving
Year 2 Actions
1. Determine mechanisms for archiving
2. Work with Academic Effectiveness units to determine organizational operations
Year 3 Actions
Objective 2: Develop an infrastructure that supports sustainability and growth
Strategy A: Create a sustainable budget
Year 1 Actions
1. Track budget for FY 21
2. Analyze last 5 years of budget expenses
Year 2 Actions
1. Determine future budget needs and draft goal budget
Year 3 Actions
1. Provide data for budget sustainability/growth to AE director and provost
Strategy B: Establish adequate number of capable staff to fully support CETL goals and initiatives.
Year 1 Actions
1. Determines staffing plan for CETL growth
Year 2 Actions
1. Write job descriptions for future positions
2. Hire part-time associate director
Year 3 Actions
1. Hire one educational developer
2. Hire permanent CETL director
Strategy C: Develop an online presence of resources and programming.
Year 1 Actions
1. Redesign CETL website
2. Create a video library in UNC Institutional Repository
3. Begin developing robust online resources for teaching and learning
Year 2 Actions
1. Analyze website usage statistics
2. Expand online resource for teaching and learning
Year 3 Actions
1. Develop hi-flex and online programming
Strategy D: Establish channels of communication to promote programming and a positive reputation.
Year 1 Actions
1. Meet with campus leadership groups to discuss CETL Revitalization
2. Create and maintain a means for regular communication and promotion to the university such as email,
newsletter, blogs, social media
Year 2 Actions
1. Establish a CETL communication plan that ensures communication is proactive and timely
Year 3 Actions

Objective 3: Provide evidence-based, mission-aligned programming, based upon instructor, student, campus,
and university needs.
Strategy A: Establish a scope of programming responsive to UNC needs and plans.
Year 1 Actions
1. Develop and implement a program for equity and inclusion in teaching
2. Develop faculty needs assessment to determine programming areas
3. Audit current program offerings
Year 2 Actions
1. Implement faculty needs assessment to determine programming areas
Year 3 Actions
1. Continue to grow programming
Strategy B: Target programming for specific populations and needs.
Year 1 Actions
1. Develop CETL field experience for graduate students
2. Partner with Human Resources on adjunct faculty onboarding
Year 2 Actions
1. Explore programming topics for pre-tenure, tenured, and long-term faculty
2. Develop special topics learning communities such as faculty of color, first generation students, hybrid
course design, gateway courses, LAC courses, etc.
Year 3 Actions
Strategy C: Offer an array of longitudinal programming and services.
Year 1 Actions
1. Expand faculty learning communities
Year 2 Actions
1. Establish process for individual consultations
2. Develop services for institutes/retreats
Year 3 Actions
1. Develop options for customized workshops
Strategy D: Extend the CETL’s reach.
Year 1 Actions
1. Assess reach in attendance based on college, career stage, appointment types
2. Determine strategies for reaching underserved populations
Year 2 Actions
1. Assess reach in attendance based on college, career stage, appointment types
2. Establish grants and other incentives for scholarship of teaching and learning
Year 3 Actions
1. Determine strategies for reaching underserved populations

Background Resources for Strategic Planning

SWOT Analysis


Revitalization in Progress: We have a full-time director and a Poor Reputation: We have not built confidence among our
strong Revitalization Team to begin rebuilding faculty; some faculty do not see PD as important
Dedicated Staff: While small, the staff we have are dedicated Space: We do not have a centralized space on campus
to CETL’s success which indicates we are not central to the university
Administrative Support: We have support from Director of mission. We do not have adequate space to serve as a hub
Academic Effectiveness and Provost for ideas and discussions. Faculty do not know where we
Strong Programs: We can build on our strong programs such are located, and the office is difficult to find.
as the FLC and program assessment Small Staff: We do not have an additional trained
developer and rely on faculty to deliver content
No Assessment: We do not properly assess programming
or campus needs
Small Operating Budget: small budget = limited growth
Limited Reach: We do limited work with adjuncts and
graduate instructors; not every faculty member attends
PD opportunities
Limited Collaboration: We do not collaborate with other
units such as IDD, graduate school, and

Revitalization: We get to redesign what CETL is and build a Staffing: We have a small staff and will likely not hire new
new Center; get to restructure and reimagine the advisory staff within the next 3 years. This limits the programming
board model we can offer and our campus reach. Our director is interim
UNC Vision 2030: UNC’s new visioning process allows us to so we will need to conduct a search soon. The new shared
map our work to UNC’s larger 10-year plan = equity and service model limits the time dedicated to our
inclusion and faculty development are key parts of this Vision; programming by our administrative assistant.
Visioning task forces have discussed the need for dedicated Space: We do not have a centralized space on campus
time for faculty development which indicates we are not central to the university
Campus desire for change: Faculty want a faculty mission We do not have adequate space to serve as a hub
development center for ideas and discussions. Faculty do not know where we
COVID-19 Response: We can build on the good work and are located, and the office is difficult to find.
reputation we gained with our response to COVID-19 Regional competition: Aims Community College plans to
Reach: We know specific populations we are not reaching host a regional teaching conference and does not want
including adjunct faculty and graduate student instructors. We support/co-sponsorship from outside institutions.
can work with adjuncts through a collaboration with HR and UNC Budget Concerns: UNC enrollments are not stable,
with graduate students as a new Dean of the Graduate School and UNC is still in a deficit. This affects hiring and the
beings in 2020. number of faculty on campus which impacts CETL.
Collaborations: We are starting collaborations across campus
by creating the TIE program with the current STEM-IEC;
Through initiatives related to OER we will collaborate with the
OER Committee; we can connect CETL work with various
offices/initiatives; with IDD and CETL under Academic
Effectiveness we have more opportunity to partner on
teaching development for faculty
HUB: We can be seen as the place for teaching-related
development at UNC and to serve as a hub to discuss teaching
practice and teaching-focused scholarship
Grants: Starting to work on grants to provide funding for
professional development in CETL.

Future External Environmental Scan: What outside of UNC/CETL can affect our plan?
S – society: lower number of college-age students; potential continued social distancing due to COVID-
C – competition: more institutions vying for same student population; others may be able to offer better
tuition incentives
E – economics: UNC fiscal reality; economy suffering due to COVID-19
P – political/regulatory: limited budget from state of CO means we rely more on tuition
T – technology: more comfort with remote learning/working
I – industry: more products for faculty development (i.e. Magna Library)
C – customers: more work to do means less time for development


SEEDS: What do we need to keep doing, what is going well, • Strong mission/vision
what is creating growth? • Increase faculty input in center
• Mapping work to UNC Vision 2030
• Increase in marketing
• Good programming (FLC)
• Equity and Inclusion programming
• Making progress on web design
• Shift from staff to faculty development
• Getting the message to faculty about CETL changes
WEEDS: what is weighing us down, holding us back, what do • Poor reputation among faculty
we need to get a handle on or stop doing? • Hodge-podge of online resources, what we have
not well advertised
• No clear information about role of HR in
onboarding and staff development
• Reliance on faculty to deliver a lot of content
• Location on campus
• Small programming budget
• One-time workshops not effective, need to focus
and embed in departments or cohort-based
NEEDS: What do we need that we don’t have, what would • Better staffing: Assistant director to oversee TIE,
make us more productive? FLC, NFO; additional faculty developer to deliver
• Increased programming budget
• Dedicated faculty time for professional
• Communication plan – proactive communication
• Central location on campus with dedicated space
• Integration with colleges/departments for specific
professional development
• More cohort-based offerings
• Active advisory board
• Funding for internal grants to support SoTL
• Longitudinal data/assessment projects that
measure impact of participants’ teaching
implementation of teaching practices, adoption of
reflective strategies, and direct/indirect diffusion
of effective practice.

Strategic Plan Document Updates

• Document created: Summer 2020

• Updated with specific Year 2 Actions 12/22/2020
• Updated with 2020 ACE/POD Matrix score 12/22/2020


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