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The key takeaways are that SAP Plant Maintenance deals with maintaining industrial equipment and infrastructure. It involves activities like inspection, preventive maintenance and repair.

SAP Plant Maintenance is a function or system that helps maintain machinery and infrastructure in prime condition for quality and optimal operations. It involves inspection, preventive maintenance and repair activities.

The main activities involved in SAP Plant Maintenance are inspection to determine equipment condition, preventive maintenance to maintain ideal condition, and repair to restore ideal condition.

SAP Plant Maintenance

SAP PM Consultant
Course List
Plant Maintenance in the R/3 System

Plant Maintenance: An overview

Organizational Structure

Master Data in SAP PM

Maintenance Processing

Business Process of Plant Maintenance

SAP Transactions


PM – Integration / Interfaces
Maintenance in
the R/3 System
Plant Maintenance in the r/3 System

• Plant Maintenance (PM) is a high-performance application component

integrated in the logistics chain of the R/3 System that supports you when
carrying out all maintenance tasks

• The Plant Maintenance component supplements resource planning for

the maintenance of your production systems, vehicles, buildings and so on,

across all branches of industry.

PM application component has already been successfully implemented

• Automotive industry • Petrochemical industry

• Chemical industry • Pharmaceutical industry
• Commerce/service industries • Precision engineering
• Energy suppliers • Primary industries
• Electronics industry • Public service industry
• Food industry • Publishing industry
• Mechanical engineering • Software and computing
• Metal-working industry • Steel industry
• Mining industry • Transportation industry
• Paper industry
An overview
What is SAP Plant Maintenance
• Plant Maintenance is a function or an essential support system in an
industrial process. This system helps and keep all the machinery and
infrastructure into prime condition or ideal in terms of quality and

SAP Plant Maintenance comprises the following activities:

• Inspection
Determining the actual condition of a technical system
• Preventive Maintenance
Maintaining the ideal condition of a technical system
• Repair
Restoring the ideal condition of a technical system
• Maintenance is an action required to preserve or to retain the health
of equipment.
Objective of Maintenance:
• Maintain the plant at minimum cost
• Machine and Equipment for maximum time of production
• Safe Working condition

Why SAP Plant Maintenance (Enterprise Asset Management)

• Improve asset performance to reduce downtime
• Extends assets life to avoid new capital purchase
• Tracks equipment according to regulatory guidelines
• Improve processes such as warranty management and streamlines purchasing
• Schedules preventive maintenance to prevent problems
Concept of Plant Maintenance
nal Mainte Mainte
Locatio nance nance
n Work Strateg
/Equip Centers ies
Cost Task
Class tenan
Center Lists
Charact Cost n
eristic records
Order REL

Master Data Capacity load
Purchase Req

Time Create & Rel

Material issue
confirmation PO

Order Goods Recipt


Invoice Receipt
Organizational Structure
Client Plant
Planning Plant
Company Code Plant

Maintenance Maintenance
Planning Plant Plant

• Maintenance Planning Plant: Plant in which maintenance tasks are planned

and prepared. Example: Maintenance planner group, maintenance work
• Maintenance Plant: Plant in which the technical objects of a company are
installed. Example: Building, production area
Master Data
Master Data in SAP PM
• Functional Location
• Equipment
• Serial Number
• Bills of material

Measuring Point/
• Work Centres Master Data
• Warranties
• Permits

• Maint. Task List

Maintenance • Maint. Plan
Plan • Scheduling Parameters
Functional Location
A functional location is an element in a
technical structure, representing an area of
a system at which an object can be installed.
These objects are called piece of equipment Hierarchical
in the PM system structure

It structures maintenance objects of an

organization based on the following

• Functional (for example, ”pump station,” ”power unit”)

• Process-oriented (for example, ”polymerization,” ”condensation”)

• Spatial (for example, ”hall,” ”location”)

Functional Location-Master
Functional Location Master Record data is divided into:
• General
• Location
• Organization
• Structure
• Sales

The business object functional location is an organizational unit within Logistics, that structures the maintenance objects of a company according
to functional, process-related or spatial criteria. A functional location represents the place at which a maintenance task is to be performed.

• A piece of equipment is an individual physical object maintained as an autonomous unit.

Pieces of equipment usually represent single objects such as pumps, motors, vehicles, for
which maintenance tasks should be performed and recorded.
• Equipment can be installed at functional locations. A piece of equipment can be linked with
a material, if there is inventory management, in the sense of Materials Management, for
the object.
Equipment- Master
Equipment Master Record data is divided into:
• General
• Location
• Organization
• Structure
• Serial number
Functional Location Vs. Equipment
Functional location Equipment
Buildings, Fans, Pumps, Reducers, Motors and
Big areas of Plants, similar things which often are removed
Big machines (may be a Furnace or a for repairs and replaced at other
Crane), locations are mapped as Equipment's.
Functions (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil,
Instrumentation etc)
and similar are mapped as the
Functional Locations
Plant Equipment & Serial numbers
In a Particular Plant, There are Common
equipment's, for example, MOTORS , and PUMPS.
In SAP Plant Maintenance, we can distinguish
these common equipment's by creating a Material
Item for Equipment so that it can have the Plant
Maintenance Order Management functionality and
we can be able to track their Maintenance History

• Serialization
Serialization is a process that uniquely identifies a material by assigning a serial number to distinguish identical
materials and track costs and reliability history. In the case of repairable equipment, such as motors and pumps, a
material number and an equipment number are linked and assigned a serial number to create what is called a
serialized spare. This is a vital part of reliability history tracking and also provides a cost tracking and averaging
capability in the refurbishment process of materials and equipment.
Bill of Material(Maintenance BOM)
A maintenance BOM describes the structure of a technical object or material. It can help you determine on what part of
technical object maintenance work has to be carried out

BOMs are used in plant maintenance for the following functions:

• Assigning spare parts to task lists
• Assigning spare parts to maintenance orders
• Localizing damages (identifying maintenance assemblies in maintenance notifications or orders)

Note: All the Materials(spare parts) should be defined first in SAP so

that you can use them. You can also attach a Text Item or Non-Stock
Item also depending on your requirement.
Bill of Material(Maintenance BOM)
A maintenance BOM Structure equipment, a functional Location or material based on its structure and allocated spare parts
Measuring Point
Measuring Points / Counters
Measuring points are located on technical objects, in other words, on pieces of equipment or functional locations.

Which are discontinuous reading (define that only readings that fall between the upper and lower limits are

For example, in a storeroom for fruit, a certain room temperature has to be created and maintained. The temperature is kept constant
by a regulator, and is also checked regularly by a measuring device


Counters are located on technical objects, in other words, on pieces of equipment or functional locations.

Which are continuous reading (measurement range limits do not apply to the counter readings that are read, but
to the total counter reading determined by the system)

For example, in the reservoir of a clarification plant, the volume of sewage that flows out of the drainage channels into this reservoir is
measured in m3.
Maintenance Work Center
Work Center in Plant Maintenance is an organizational unit that performs maintenance activities.
It provides the capacity required to perform tasks.

Work Centers are usually defined according to groups of similar skill, function or team of people
Warranty and Permit
Warranties define the scope of the services that a company performs at a technical object in the event of damage or problems

You can assign warranties to pieces of equipment, functional locations, or serial numbers.

• Warrantee (inbound) (for example, manufacturer or vendor warranty)

• Guarantor (outbound) (for example, customer warranty)

Permits are agreement required depending on setting before an order may be released or technically completed.

Can use permits to ensure that special approval must be obtained before orders are executed.

Permits can be assigned to the following objects:

• Technical objects – functional locations and equipment. Thus copied from Technical objects into the Maintenance Order could
also be based on the Planned value of the MO, Actual value of MO, Equipment number etc

• Orders
Maintenance Task list
Maintenance task lists describe a sequence of individual maintenance activities which must be performed repeatedly within a company.
Task lists are used to standardize these recurring work sequences and to plan them more effectively


• Complete library of repair and inspection schemes

• Pre-planning for labor, material resource and tools

• Cost analysis


• Standardize maintenance procedures

• Plan maintenance order effectively and consistently

• Create preventive maintenance plans

Activities for a technical object include for example

• Inspections

• Maintenance

• Repairs

Task lists help to reduce the maintenance effort when standardized work
sequences change, for example as a result of new legal regulations.
Maintenance Plans
The Maintenance Planning consists of the planning and scheduling the maintenance tasks for any equipments at the regular interval
as per Time based or at the respective counters i.e. Performance based (kms, hours of running etc.)

There are 3 types of maintenance plans in SAP PM.

1. Single Cycle Plan : this is based on the single measuring cycle whether its as per in Days, Months or in Hours either of the cycle is
possible in this kind of planning.

2. Strategy Plan : This is the counter based plan in which the strategy is decided as per the interval or the packages specified in each
of the strategy.

e.g. Monthly Strategy which consists of the Packages 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months etc. which means the Maintenance Call objects
(Maintenance Order or Maintenance Notifications) will be generated as per the plan scheduled at the given Packages.

3. Multiple counter Plan : This type of maintenance Plan consists the Cycle set with different dimensions wise based on the running
hours and at the interval of months.
e.g. at the interval of 10000 Hours and at the Interval of every 6 Months which ever occurs earlier.
The measuring point at the equipment level should be maintained properly for this multiple counter planning.
Scheduling Parameter of Maintenance Plans
The Scheduling Parameters Play the vital role in the scheduling of the Maintenance Planning and for generating the
call objects at the specified cycles.

Scheduling Parameters:
1. Scheduling Factor
2. Call Horizon
3. Scheduling Date
4. Scheduling period
5. Tolerance
6. Shift Factors etc.

Maintenance Item:

The maintenance Items are maintained at the Maintenance Plan level for each equipment or the Functional
Locations. They can be in multiple number for each maintenance Plan.

Task List:

Task lists are to be incorporated with maintenance plan and the strategy should be applied at the task list level.
Maintenance Notifications
You use this application component in maintenance processing in the event of a malfunction or
exceptional situation to:
• Describe the exceptional technical condition at an object
• Request the maintenance department to perform a necessary task
• Document work that has been performed
Maintenance notifications document maintenance tasks completely, and make them available
for analysis in the long term. You can use them for preliminary planning and execution of tasks.
Code groups that belong together in terms of content are grouped in catalogs.
These catalogs are identified by the catalog type (a number or a letter). For
example, in this way you combine
• All code groups for particular problems for a catalog type

There is a corresponding code for each set of findings. The codes are grouped
together in code groups according to particular characteristics. For example,
there is
• A code group with all codes for problems and damage relating to engines
• A code group with all codes for problems and damage relating to pumps
There are also code groups for problems, causes, object parts, tasks and activities
in the PM application components.
Maintenance Order
Detailed planning assistance for maintenance tasks to be performed.
You can use an order to:
• Plan tasks in detail with regard to type, scope, dates and resources
• Monitor the execution of tasks
• Define rules for account assignment, settlement and budgets
• Enter, assign and settle the costs which arise from tasks

Order category determines the application component to which an order belongs. It is

usually used as a program-internal selection criterion and to all intents and purposes does not
appear to users.
The order categories for the respective applications are fixed in the system.

Different order types should be used for different business situations because many
system control functions depend on the order type.
A distinction is made here between parameters that depend directly on the order type
and those that are assigned to a combination of order type and planning plant:
What is different between Notification and Work Order

• Maintenance Notifications • Maintenance Orders are a complete

are Reporting objects to record of:
Operations performed
Maintenance requirement Components used (Stock/Non stock)
Cause, Object Impacted, Tasks External Services
due & Activities Performed
Time, plan costs and actual costs
• Types: Maintenance Request, posted
Malfunction (Breakdown)
Report, Activity Report, Settlements executed
Service Notifications • Types: Breakdown Orders,
• Maintenance Notifications Corrective Orders, Predictive Orders,
generally do not record Costs Refurbishment Orders, Preventive
Workflow-Supported Maintenance Processing for
Unplanned Maintenance Tasks
Planning Maintenance Tasks


•• Direct creation
Creation of a maintenance
of a maintenance order with immediate order
Notification Order

• Creation ofNotification
a maintenance order basedOrder
on a notification

• Combination of maintenance notification to make a order

Notification Order
Process of
Business Process of Plant Maintenance

Maintenance Break down Notification

Maintenance Internal/External Serv.

Maintenance Task List/ Maint.Plan

of Spare Parts Rotable Process
Breakdown Maintenance Processing
Malfunction Reports Malfunction Order

Technical object Date Maintenance

Description Malfunction planner

Order release Capacity leveling

Printout Availability check

Execution Planned/unplanned mat. withdrawal Storeperson

Time conf. Order settlement Maintenance

Tech. completion Technical confirmation supervisor

Material usage, orders, notifications, PMIS, usage list
Corrective Maintenance Processing
Internal External Service Material

Technical object Date Maintenance

Description Malfunction planner

Work to be performed Material

Internal/external resources Tools

Order release Capacity leveling

Printout Availability check

Execution Planned/unplanned mat. withdrawal Storeperson

Time conf. Order settlement Maintenance

Tech. completion Technical confirmation supervisor
Preventive Maintenance Processing
Refurbishment of Spare Parts/ Rotable Processing
Refurbishment Process- Internal / External
Stock Material Process Flow (Reservation)
Order Planning, Order Technical
Assign operation, Completion
Create CTRL Key PM01, Goods Issue (IW32)
Notification Stock Material Materials Sys. Status - Order Closure
(IW21) (IW32) (MIGO) TECO (co99)

Create Order Order Release Order Settlement a

refer from (IW32) Confirmation for maintenance
Notification Actual Work order
(IW22) (IW41) (KO88)

Non-Stock Material/Service Process Flow (PR-PO)

Order Planning,
Non-Stock Release Order Settlement a
Create Material / Purchase Confirmation maintenance
Notification Services Requisition Release PO for Actual Work order
(IW21) (IW32) (ME54N) (ME29N) (IW41) (KO88)

Create Order Order Release Create PO refer Goods Receipt Order Technical Order Closure
refer from (IW32) from Purchase from PO/ Completion (co99)
Notification Requisition Service Entry (IW32)
(IW22) (ME21N) Sheet
Sys. Status -
Func. Loc, equipment, and BOM Structure List
Notification Transaction
Maintenance Order Transaction
Report List of Order
Analysis / Reporting
Maintenance History and Analysis

PM – IS Reporting Overview
Major Integration with PM (EAM)
Plant Maintenance (EAM) Controlling
QM Master Sender Activity
Equipment's Function Type
Notification PM Work Cost Center
Financial Accounts Cost Center

Maintenance Order
Equipment Plan Header
GL Fixed
Account Asset Operation
Shutdown Material Management
BOM Spare
Service Master
PP Work
-Machine Costs Material Master
Major Integration with PM (EAM)
EAM – MM Integration Points :
Non-Stock Materials : To create a PR directly from a Work order.
Material Reservations : For Stock materials to be reserved against a Work order
Bill Of material : for setting up BOM for Functional location & Equipment
Material Availability check : Material availability check number should be available in material master record ( MRP 3 View)
Serial Number profile for Material & Auto generation of Equipment with default equipment category maintained in Serial number profile.

EAM – MM – FICO Integration Points :

PR creation from Work Order – Accounting data for a external procurement ,Service maser record etc.
Material master record for batch managed material
Material Valuation class & Valuation type for Refurbishment process
Goods issuance : Moving average price for a material during goods issuance.

EAM – FICO Integration Points :

Activity Based costing for calculations of Labor cost for a Work Order
Work Order settlement – Settlement Profile
Cost Analysis reporting
G/L standard chart of Account
Invoice Receipt

EAM – PP Integration Points :

Availability with Machine work centers
Production resources / tools

EAM – PS Integration Points :

Availability of Funds
Maintenance Budge

EAM – QM Integration Points :

Maintenance of test Equipment

EAM – HR Personal Points :

Work Time Entry

EAM – EHS Integration Points :

WCM with Workers Safety
Safety Measures
PM Interface -Non SAP
The PM-PCS interface transfers filtered data from a process control system (PCS) to the R/3
System. Measurement documents are created automatically in the R/3 System for the
measurement and counter readings. (Transferring Measurement and Counter Readings )
Process control systems provide a wealth of data that arises within a particular process, building, or infrastructure.
SCADA systems perform a filter function in these circumstances. They filter out the maintenance-relevant data and, in
this way, prevent the R/3 System from being flooded with process data.
In addition, SCADA systems enable communication between one or more process control systems and the R/3 System

SCADA System Connected Directly to the Field Bus -> PCS does not require a SCADA interface

SCADA System as Middleware Between PCS and R/3 System

PM Interface -Non SAP
The PM-PCS interface transfers filtered data from a process control system (PCS) to the R/3
System. Measurement documents are created automatically in the R/3 System for the
measurement and counter readings.
Some process control systems have their own necessary filter and interface functions, which means that
they can be connected directly to the R/3 System without the requirement of an intermediate connection to
a SCADA system.

SCADA System as the Integrator of Various PCS

Direct Connection Between PCS and R/3 System

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