This document provides a three-step process for completing a reconditioning/shutdown order in SAP PM:
1) Creation of an order using transaction code IW31 to input order details.
2) Order confirmation using IW44 to confirm operations were completed.
3) Technical completion using IW32 to fully complete the order.
The document outlines procedural steps for navigating transactions and inputting required fields at each step. It also describes pre- and post-SAP manual processes for material handling.
This document provides a three-step process for completing a reconditioning/shutdown order in SAP PM:
1) Creation of an order using transaction code IW31 to input order details.
2) Order confirmation using IW44 to confirm operations were completed.
3) Technical completion using IW32 to fully complete the order.
The document outlines procedural steps for navigating transactions and inputting required fields at each step. It also describes pre- and post-SAP manual processes for material handling.
This document provides a three-step process for completing a reconditioning/shutdown order in SAP PM:
1) Creation of an order using transaction code IW31 to input order details.
2) Order confirmation using IW44 to confirm operations were completed.
3) Technical completion using IW32 to fully complete the order.
The document outlines procedural steps for navigating transactions and inputting required fields at each step. It also describes pre- and post-SAP manual processes for material handling.
This document provides a three-step process for completing a reconditioning/shutdown order in SAP PM:
1) Creation of an order using transaction code IW31 to input order details.
2) Order confirmation using IW44 to confirm operations were completed.
3) Technical completion using IW32 to fully complete the order.
The document outlines procedural steps for navigating transactions and inputting required fields at each step. It also describes pre- and post-SAP manual processes for material handling.
For each of the above processes, there are separate End User Training Manuals are available
This document covers sl. No. 5. Of the above list, that is Reconditioning / Shut down Process.
This End User Training manual on Reconditioning / Shut down Process consists of the following sequence of sub-processes 1. Creation of an Order - Transaction code IW31 2. Order Confirmation - Transaction code IW44 3. Technical Completion - Transaction code IW32
Procedural Steps Purpose Creation of an Order for Reconditioning / shut down process Transaction Code IW31 Navigation: SAP Easy Access > Logistics > Plant maintenance > Maintenance Processing > Order > IW31 (Create (General) Procedure Enter the Transaction code IW31 in the command field as shown in the screen below
Or go as per the navigation shown below and click IW31 - Create
2. Order Confirmation - Transaction code IW44 Procedural Steps Purpose To Confirm the Order Transaction Code IW44 Navigation: SAP Easy Access > Logistics > Plant maintenance > Maintenance Processing > Complete Confirmation > Entry > Collective Time confirmation > IW44 (without Selection) Procedure Enter the Transaction code IW44 in the command field as shown in the screen below
Or go as per the navigation shown below and click IW44- Order Confirmation
ln Lhe above screen, a) key-ln Lhe Crder no, ln our example lL ls 46002S ln Lhe order fleld b) key-ln Lhe operaLlon no ln Lhe operat|on f|e|d as shown ln Lhe screen above and c) Check mark ln Lhe check box of Lhe I|na| conf|rmat|on f|e|d as shown above
ln order Lo geL Lhe operaLlon no, cllck on Lhe operaLlon fleld, a drop down lcon appears aL Lhe end of Lhe fleld, (as shown below)
Key-in the order Number in this field Key-in t he operation number in this field Check mark this field Project: MISSION SURE
And cllck LhaL drop down |con Lo geL a drop down llsL of operaLlons (see screen below)
ln Lhe above screen selecL Lhe, LhaL ls operaLlon no 0010, double cllck on lL Lo geL lL populaLed on Lhe operaLlon fleld of Lhe screen. Also Check mark ln Lhe check box of Lhe I|na| conf|rmat|on f|e|d as shown below
Check mark this Final Confirmation Field Project: MISSION SURE
3. Technical Completion - Transaction code IW32 Procedural Steps Purpose To complete the order Transaction Code IW32 Navigation: SAP Easy Access > Logistics > Plant maintenance > Maintenance Processing > Order > IW32 Procedure Enter the Transaction code IW32 in the command field as shown in the screen below
Or go as per the navigation shown below and click IW32 Change Order