Cell Coverage For Signal Traffic
Cell Coverage For Signal Traffic
Cell Coverage For Signal Traffic
Human-made structures
In a building area
In an open area
In a suburban area
In an urban area
Natural terrains
Over flat terrain
Over hilly terrain
Over water
Through foliage areas
Ground Incident Angle and Ground Elevation Angle
The ground elevation angle φ is the angle of wave arrival at the mobile unit.
(3) obtain a mobile point-to-point model using the area-to-area model as a base.
A Standard Condition
To generate a standard condition and provide correction factors, we have used
the standard conditions shown on the left side and the correction factors on the
right side of Table
Because the terrain configuration of each city is different, and the human-
made structure of each city is also unique.
The way to factor out the effect due to the terrain configuration from the man-
made structures is to work out a way to obtain the path loss curve for the area.
The path loss curve obtained on virtually flat ground indicates the effects of
the signal loss due to solely human-made structures.
We may have to measure signal strengths at those high spots and
also at the low spots surrounding the cell sites.
The measurements made in urban areas are different from those made in
suburban and open areas.
The 1-mi intercept point is the power received at a distance of 1 mi from the
There are two general approaches to finding the values of the two parameters
1. Compare the area of interest with an area of similar human-made structures
which presents a curve as shown.
As long as the building height is comparable to the others in the area, the
antenna location is not critical.
Take six or seven measured data points around the 1-mi intercept and
around the 10-mi boundary based on the high and low spots.
Then compute the average of the 1 mi data points and of the 10 mi data
In this case, we may take more measured data points to obtain the average
path-loss slope.
If the terrain of the hilly area is generally sloped, then we have to convert
the data points that were measured on the sloped terrain to a flat terrain in
that area.
where h1 is the actual height and he is the effective antenna height at either
the 1- or 10-mi locations.
Path-loss Phenomena
The plotted curves shown in the previous figure have different 1-mi intercepts
and different slopes.
(d) Explanation of the path-loss phenomenon.
The Phase Difference between a Direct Path and a Ground-
Reflected Path
A simple model.
Based on a direct path and a ground-reflected path, where a direct path is a
line-of-sight (LOS) path with its received power
and a ground-reflected path with its reflection coefficient and phase changed
after reflection, the sum of the two wave paths can be expressed as:
If φ is less than 0.6 rad, then sin(φ/2) ≈ φ/2, cos(φ/2) ≈ 1 and equation
simplifies to
Propagation over water or flat open area is becoming a big concern because
it is very easy to interfere with other cells if we do not make the correct
arrangements. Interference resulting from propagation over the water can
be controlled if we know the cause.
the permittivities of seawater and fresh water are the same, but the
conductivities of seawater and fresh water are different.
Based upon the reflection coefficients formula with a small incident angle,
both the reflection coefficients for horizontal polarized waves and vertically
polarized waves approach 1.
Because the 180◦ phase change occurs at the ground reflection point, the
reflection coefficient is −1.
Below shown are the two antennas, one at the cell site and the other at the
mobile unit, are well above sea level, two reflection points are generated.
where h1 and h2 are actual heights and H1 and H2 are the heights of hills.
In general, both antennas at fixed stations are high, so the reflection point
of the wave will be found toward the middle of the radio path. The path
difference d can be obtained as
Therefore, the reflected power of the two reflected waves can reach the
mobile unit without noticeable attenuation. The total received power at the
mobile unit would be obtained by summing three components.
Where Δφ1 and Δφ2 are the path-length difference between the direct
wave and two reflected waves, respectively. Because Δφ1 and Δφ2 are
very small usually for the land-to-mobile path, then
In most practical cases, Δφ1 + Δφ2 < 1; then << 1 and the
equation reduces to
Foliage loss is a very complicated topic that has many parameters and
variations. The sizes of leaves, branches, and trunks, the density and
distribution of leaves, branches, and trunks, and the height of the trees relative
to the antenna heights will all be considered.
A characteristic of
foliage environment.
This unique problem can become very complicated . For a system design, the
estimate of the signal reception due to foliage loss does not need any degree
of accuracy.
Furthermore, some trees, such as maple or oak, lose their leaves in winter,
while others, such as pine, never do.
Sometime the foliage loss can be treated as a wire-line loss, in decibels per
foot or decibels per meter, when the foliage is uniformly heavy and the path
lengths are short.
When the path length is long and the foliage is non uniform, then decibels
per octaves or decibels per decade is used.
At the 1-mi intercept, the received level is −61.7 dBm based on the reference set
of parameters; that is, the antenna height is 30 m (100 ft).
At the 120-m (400-ft) antenna height, the mobile received signal is the same as
that received at the free space.
At d = 100 m (328 ft) [mobile antenna height = 3 m (10 ft)], the incident
angles and elevation angles are 11.77◦ and 10.72◦, respectively.
Curves for near-in propagation.
Calculation of Near-Field Propagation
The range dF of near field can be obtained by letting φ in the equation below be π.
The signal received within the nearfield (d < dF ) uses the free space loss
formula, and the signal received outside the nearfield (d > dF ) can use the
mobile radio path loss formula, for the best approximation.
The advantage of a high cell site is that it covers the signal in a large area,
especially in a noise-limited system where usually different frequencies are
repeatedly used in different areas.
The interference is due to not only the existence of many co-channels and
adjacent channels in the system, but the long-distance propagation also affects
the interference.
Within an Area of 50-mi Radius
For a high site, the low-atmospheric phenomenon would cause the ground
wave path to propagate in a non-straight-line fashion.
Then we may have the experience that at one spot the signal may be strong
at one time but weak at another.
At a Distance of 320 km (200 mi)
Tropospheric wave propagation prevails at 800 MHz for long-distance
propagation; sometimes the signal can reach 320 km (200 mi) away.