10 CH26 Nutrition and Metabolism 2 2015
10 CH26 Nutrition and Metabolism 2 2015
10 CH26 Nutrition and Metabolism 2 2015
Physiological Sciences 2
School of Biomedical Sciences, Charles Sturt University
1 Images provided by Saladin, K. (2012). Anatomy & Physiology: the unity of formSchool
and function
of Biomedical Sciences
Learning Objectives
Glucose 2 pyruvate
2 NAD+ 2 NADH + 2 H+
2 phases:
energy investment phase (steps 1 and 2)
energy recovery phase (5).
2. membrane reactions
whose enzymes are
bound to the
membrane (electron
Saladin, Figure 26.6
transport chain)
• Electrons transferred
along transport chain;
•Protons are pumped
into the
intermembrane space
• Oxygen is final
electron acceptor (
water molecule)
•Movement of
hydrogen ions
through enzyme
spins it thus creating
the energy needed
to form ATP from
ADP and Pi
Google images “ATP synthase”
21 Figure
School of Biomedical 24.18b
6. Define post-absorptive state & fate of macronutrients in this state
Post-absorptive State
Homeostasis of blood glucose critical to brain. when stomach and
small intestine are empty, stored fuels are used to ensure supply.
Carbohydrates - glucose is drawn from glycogen reserves for up to 4
hours and then synthesized from other compounds
Fat – adipocytes & liver cells convert glycerol to glucose
• free fatty acids are oxidized by liver to ketone bodies
Protein metabolism - used as fuel when glycogen and fat reserves