Elderly Urinary Tract Disorders Fix
Elderly Urinary Tract Disorders Fix
Elderly Urinary Tract Disorders Fix
Sahala Panggabean
Department of Internal Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
26 October 2016
Urinary Tract Infection
Introduction and Definition
• Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): the presence and
multiplication of antimicrobial pathogens within the
urinery tract.
• Limited to the bladder (cystitis, lower UTI) and serious
consequences can occur if the infection spreads to the
kidneys (acute pyelonephritis, upper UTI).
• Women are most at risk of developing a UTI. About half
of all women will develop an UTI episode during their
lifetimes, and many will experience more than once.
• UTI is the second most common type of infection in
human, accounts for 8.3 million doctor visits per year.
Figure 23.1
Epidemiologic categories of UTI
Bacterial Etiology of UTI
Routes of spreads
Ascending transurethral route
From the lower UT is the
At first there is colonization
of the distal
urethra & introitus in female
by coliform
Through blood stream e.g.
Direct extension from vesico
colic fistula
Risk Factors for UTI
Conditions affecting Pathogenesis
• Septicemia
• Symptoms:
– Pain in the perineum, lower abdomen, testicles, penis, and with
ejaculation, bladder irritation, bladder outlet obstruction, and
sometimes blood in the semen
• Diagnosis:
– Typical clinical history (fevers, chills, dysuria, malaise, myalgias,
pelvic/perineal pain, cloudy urine)
– The finding of an edematous and tender prostate on physical
– Will have an increased PSA (Prostat Specific Antigen)
– Urinalysis, urine culture
• Treatment:
– Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, fluroquinolone or other broad
spectrum antibiotic
– 4-6 weeks of treatment
• Risk Factors:
– Trauma
– Sexual abstinence
– Dehydration
• Chlamydia trachomatis
– Frequently asymptomatic in females, but can present with dysuria,
discharge or pelvic inflammatory disease.
– Send UA, Urine culture (if pyuria seen, but no bacteria, suspect Chlamydia)
– Pelvic exam – send discharge from cervical or urethral os for chlamydia
– Chlamydia screening is now recommended for all females ≤ 25 years
– Treatment:
• Azithromycin – 1 g po x 1
• Doxycycline – 100 mg po BID x 7 days
• Neisseria gonorrhoeae
– May present with dysuria, discharge, PID
– Send UA, urine culture
– Pelvic exam – send discharge samples for gram stain, culture, PCR
– Treatment:
• Cipro – 500 mg po x 1
• Levofloxacin – 250 mg po x 1
• Ofloxacin – 400 mg po x 1
Diagnostic Testing
Proteinuria, pyuria, hematuria microskopis are usually
found in urinalysis, glomerular cast is a sign for
The urine culture is an important diagnostic procedure
to determine the type and number of bacteria in urine.
Microscopic bacteriuria which is best assessed with
Gram-stained urine seiment, is found in 90% of
specimens from patients whose infections are
associated with colony counts of at least 105/mL, and
this finding is very specific.
Urine culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
Ultrasound exam to look for stones and obstruction.
BNO – IVP to look for structural abnormality.
Women who experience frequent symptomatic UTIs (3
per year on average) are candidates for long-term
administration of low-dose antibiotics directed at
preventing recurrences.
Such women should be advised to avoid spermicide use
and to void soon after intercourse. Daily or thrice-weekly
administration of a single dose of TMP-SMX (80/400 mg).
Prophylaxis should be initiated only after bacteriuria has
been eradicated with a full-dose treatment regimen.
All pregnant women should be screened for bacteriuria in
the first trimester and should be treated if bacteriuria is
Preventions - 2
• Medical History
• Physical Exam*
‒ Prostate Exam
• Digital rectal exam (DRE)
‒ Urinary Output Testing
• Peak urinary flow (Qmax) testing
• Post-void urine volume testing
‾ Ultrasound
*Additional testing is optional and may be done at physician’s discretion and/or depending on patient symptoms
Treatment Options Overview
Analgesic suppositoria
In case of infection:
Urine culture
Blood culture accordingly e.g. febrile
The most morbid and potentially dangerous aspect of
stone disease is the combination of urinary tract
obstruction and upper urinary tract infection.
Early recognition and immediate surgical drainage are
necessary in these situations
Obstruction relief:
Ureteral stent insertion
Percutaneous nephrostomy
Definitive surgical treatment:
Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy
Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Open, laparoscopic and robotic pyelo-
lithotomy, ureterolithotomy,
Open anatrophic nephrolithotomy
Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 5e, by Richard J. Johnson MD and Feehally DM FRCP.
BPH-00977(2)b/March 2014