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Types of noun

• Common noun
A common noun is a noun that refers to people or things in general.
Example: materials
• Proper noun
A proper noun is a name that identifies a particular person, place,
or thing
Example: Metallurgy Engineering
• Concrete noun
A concrete noun is a noun which refers to people and to things that
exist physically and can be seen, touched, smelled, heard, or tasted.
Example: aluminium
• Collective nouns
Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things
Example: Metals
• Abstract noun
An abstract noun is a noun which refers to ideas,
qualities, and conditios - things that cannot be seen or
touched and things which have no physical reality
Exmaple: Safety

• 1. Yesterday, Kiki went to the English (depart) in the University to
follow a TOEFL test.
• 2. My father needs a full time rest during his (recover).
• 3. The (associate) of football in my regency celebrate its 16th
• 4. Can you show me the (enter) of that building?
• 5. A (happy) that you get from your family will last forever.
• Jawaban :
• Department
• Recovery
• Association
• Entrance
• Happiness
Types of Pronouns
• A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Pronouns are used so that our language is not
cumbersome with the same nouns being repeated over and over in a paragraph. Some examples of pronouns
include I, me, mine, myself, she, her, hers, herself, we, us, ours and ourselves. You may have noticed that they
tend to come in sets of four, all referring to the same person, group or thing.
He, him, his and himself, for example, all refer to a male person or something belonging to him
They, them, theirs and themselves all refer to a group or something belonging to a group, and so on.
The truth is that there are many different types of pronouns, each serving a different purpose in a sentence.
• Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns can be the subject of a clause or sentence. They are: I, he, she, it, they, we, and you.
Example: “They went to the laboratory”
Personal pronouns can also be objective, where they are the object of a verb, preposition, or infinitive phrase.
They are: me, her, him, it, you, them, and us.
Example: “David gave the nickel to her.”
Reny and … are going to visit a new born baby this weekend
a. Me
b. Mine
c. I
• Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns show ownership. The
term covers both possessive
pronouns and possessive adjectives.
Absolute possessive pronouns –
mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its –
are truly pronouns because they refer to a
previously named or understood noun.
They stand alone, not followed by any
other noun. Take a look at this sentence:
Example: You have your nickel, and I have
• Demonstrative Pronouns
There are five demonstrative pronouns: these, those, this, that, and such. They focus attention
on the nouns that are replacing.
Example: These are most often used as alloys
• Interrogative Pronouns
These pronouns are used to begin a question: who, whom, which, what, whoever, whomever,
whichever, and whatever.
Example: What are you bringing to the laboratory?
.......has been to Bali lately?
a. Who
b. Whom
c. whose
• Reflexive Pronouns
There is one more type of pronoun, and that is the reflexive pronoun. These are the ones that
end in “self” or "selves." They are object pronouns that we use when the subject and the object
are the same noun.
Example: We also use them to roasting the subject.
“you can make ... happy every day." said the therapist to her patients.
a. Yourself
b. yourselves

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