Bronislaw Malinowski
Bronislaw Malinowski
Bronislaw Malinowski
Phatic Communion
The work of J.R. FIRTH , and of the group
called the London School that has
succeeded him, is considering at this point,
since it in opposition to the tradition of
linguistic study in America as inaugurated
by Leonard Bloomfield.
The object to be studied in linguistics,
according to Firth, is language in actual
use, since “using language is one of the
forms of human life, and speech is
immersed in the immediacy of social
intercourse .
The purpose of the study
The method of the study
Firth recognized that his terminology is
Although Firth would have denied
vehemently that he was a structuralist if
the term is taken to mean that he was
aligned with the principles of the
phonemicists, he was certainly a
structuralist in the De Saussurean sense.
the principal components of the whole
meaning are the phonetic function and the
major functions of lexical, morphological,
and syntactic items, and of the whole
context of situation.
The first level is that of phonetics
The second level is lexical
The third level that Firth cited is the
A fourth level is the situational
For Firth, the study of language was the
study of meaning it is interesting that, in
view of the fact that both he and
Bloomfield advocated a situational
approach to meaning, one of the
weakness Firth found in Bloomfield’s
otherwise laudable work was a “rejection of
Firth’s characteristic contributions
Firth’s thought the phonological level of
The Prosodic approach
Difference between phoneme and
phonematic units
› Phonetic desciption of an English Word