Use of Paclobutrazol in Fruit Crops.

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JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 1 1


JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 2
Today, horticulture contributes 28.5% of GDP in agriculture and 52% of export share

in agriculture from cultivated area of 8.5%. Globally, India is the second largest producer of

fruits with potential to reach the first spot retained by China till date. Production of horticulture

crops has jumped 44% to 240 million tonne as well as area has increased by 14% to 21 million

ha in six years from 2004 to 2011 (Khan, 2012). Various fruits are grown in India of which

tropical, sub-tropical and the temperate group are also grown in a sizeable area.

Although fruits are grown throughout the country, the major fruit growing states are

Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. Early

bearing and high productivity per ha have the most effect on profitability of orchards and

consequently have been the aim of much tree management research. It is now possible to obtain

commercial crops as little as 18 months after planting and to have fully developed orchards,

capable of maximizing yield within 3- 4 years of planting.

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 3
Research workers have developed a number of methods to
control tree size, early bearing, precocity in flowering, off season
production, increase C:N ratio and fruit quality, etc. For
manipulation of all these aspects growth retardants and especially
paclobutrazol (Cultar) have been used successfully.
It has been suggested that paclobutrazol offer a means of
increasing yields by controlling vegetative growth, protecting the
crop against environmental stress, promoting reproductive
development, increasing assimilate partitioning to flowering
bodies, increasing fruit quality and facilitating harvesting.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Plant Growth Regulators:

Plant growth regulators (PGR) are the organic

compounds occurring naturally in plants as well as synthetic
other than nutrients which in small amount promote, inhibit or
modify any physiological process. Simply plant growth
regulators (also known as growth regulators or plant hormones)
are chemicals used to alter the growth of a plant or plant part.
Hormones are substances naturally produced by plants and
control normal plant functions such as root growth, fruit set,
fruit growth and reduce fruit drop.

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 5
• Growth hormones are substances synthesized in particular
cells and transferred to other cells where in extremely
small quantity influence developmental process.
• The use of plant growth regulators in agricultural
production began during the 1930s in United States.
• The first discovery and use was with acetylene and
ethylene, which enhanced flower production in pineapple.
• Subsequently their use has grown exponentially and
became major components of Agricultural commodity
• There are six major classes of plant growth regulators
according to the American Society for Horticultural
Science (ASHS). JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 6
Plant Growth Regulators Classification:
Class Functions Practical uses

1 Thin tree fruit, increase
Shoot elongation rooting and flower formation

2 Increase stalk length,

Gibberellins Stimulate cell division
and elongation increase flower and fruit size

3 Prolonging storage life of flowers and

Cytokinins Stimulate cell division
vegetables, bud initiation and root growth

4 Induce uniform ripening in fruit and

Ethylene generators Ripening

5.a Stops growth Promote flower production by shortening

Growth inhibitors internodes
Slows growth Retard growth, shoot inhibition,
Growth retardants root development, induction of flowering,
sex expression, resistance to diseases
Stops growth Complete abolition of polarity in plants,
6 Morph actins
inhibition of mitosis in apical meristem,
abolition of geotropic and phototropic
responses .

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Growth Retardants
Majority of PGR used now a days are plant growth
retardants. They reduce shoot length of plants without
changing development pattern or being phytotoxic. This is
primarily by reducing cell elongation or also by lowering
rate of cell division. In respect of morphological structure
of plant, growth retardants are antagonistic to gibberellins
and auxins i.e. plant hormones are responsible for shoot
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 8






JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Background Information of Paclobutrazol:
Paclobutrazol is triazole plant growth regulator that inhibit gibberellin
and sterol biosynthesis.
Common Name: Paclobutrazol is also known as pp333, Cultar, Boltar, Austar,

Bonzi and Cripper.

Chemical Name: N-dimethyl amino succinamic acid, -tetra -Butyl-

(4-chlorobenzyl) 1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol

Chemical Class: Triazole

Place of Origin: Jiangsu China

First registered in 1985; therefore it was not subject to reregistration.
Technical registrants:
A. Syngenta Crop Protection,
B. Chemtura USA Corporation,
C. Fine Agricultural Chemicals Limited and,
D. Zhejiang Tide Crop Science Co. Ltd.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 10
Mol. Wt. 293.8
Tech. material 90% pure
M. P. 165-166 ºC White crystalline form
M. F. C15H20ClN3O
S. g./density 1.22 g/cm3
Solubility 350 mg/l (20 ºC)
Solvents Cyclohexanone, Hexane, Methanol, Propylene glycol
, etc.
Form White, crystalline solid
Formulation types GR; SC; WP.
Stable At hydrolysis (pH 4-9) Structure o f
Stability For more than 2 years at 20 ºC or
More than 6 months at 50 ºC.
U.V. light effect not found pH 7, 10 days
All kinds of specification: 90%TC, 95%TC, 23%SC, 25%SC, 35%SC, 40%SC, 15%WP , 20%WP.

100ML, 500ML, 1LT, 5LTS, 25KGS, 40KGS, 50KGS, 200KGS.

All kinds of packing:
Paclobutrazol :
Paclobutrazol has been extensively used in the Horticulture industry
to regulate the growth of fruit trees and ornamentals. Also there is a
considerable interest in using it to regulate the growth of grass and trees in amenity
areas. Because paclobutrazol is very active at low rates, the potential for error and
crop damage is much greater. Usually as a spray, is applied at the rate of 2 to 90

Environmental Characteristics of Paclobutrazol :

Adsorption and leaching in basic soil types: Paclobutrazol could leach in sandy
soils with low organic content. In other soil types, the chemical does not have a
high to leach.
Loss from photodegradation: Paclobutrazol does not photo degrade even exposed
to 10 days of simulated sunlight.
Resultant average persistence: Paclobutrazol degrades aerobically in soil with
half-life of about 1-7 months depending upon soil type. Paclobutrazol is not
expected to hydrolyze in the environment.
Paclobutrazol is a post-emergence growth regulator and is applied at anytime after
emergence of target plants. Effects may not be noticeable for up to 18 months.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 12
Mode of action:
Plant growth regulator taken up into the xylem through the
leaves, stems, or roots, and translocated to growing sub-apical meristems.
It enhances flowering and fruiting. Paclobutrazol is taken passively by
roots (xylem), stem tissues and foliage. Movement of paclobutrazol
within plant is acropetal (base to apex). It moves in xylem vessels
towards leaf. PBZ is absorbed by roots and translocated in the xylem

Its principle mode of action is inhibition of gibberellins

biosynthesis. It results in retardation of vegetative growth and diversion

of assimilates to reproductiveJPB/Fruit
organs giving increase in yield potential.
Science/FSC-691 13
Although the direct role of PBZ is on inhibition of the oxidation step of ent-kaurene → ent-
kaurenal → ent-kaurenoic acid and thus inhibition of gibberellin’s (GAs) biosynthesis, it has a
secondary role of promoting the synthesis of cytokinins.
The three stages of gibberellin biosynthesis
In stage 1, geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) is converted to ent-
kaurene via copalyl diphosphate (CPP) in plastids.
In stage 2, which takes place on the endoplasmic reticulum, ent-
kaurene is converted to GA12 or GA53, depending on whether the
GA is hydroxylated at carbon 13. In most plants the 13-
hydroxylation pathway predominates, though in Arabidopsis and
some others the non-13-OH pathway is the main pathway.
In stage 3 in the cytosol, GA12 or GA53 are converted other GAs. This
conversion proceeds with a series of oxidations at carbon 20. In
the 13-hydroxylation pathway this leads to the production of
GA20. GA20 is then oxidized to the active gibberellin, GA1.
Compounds such as AMO-1618, Cycocel, and Phosphon D are
specific inhibitors of the first stage of gibberellin biosynthesis, GA1
Is the Biologically Active Gibberellin Controlling Stem Growth.
Role of Paclobutrazol

1. Lower production of malformed panicles

2. Fruit Setting
3. Panicle Length
4. Shoot emergence
5. Shoot length
6. Leaves per shoot
7. Early and intense flowering
8. Diminishing vegetative growth
9. Reducing the extension of buds
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 16
Role of Paclobutrazol

10. Initiation of apical buds inflorescence

11. Hormones
1. GA levels
2. IAA levels
3. Cytokinins levels
4. ABA levels
12. Carbohydrates
13. Inhibitor of P450 monooxygenases
14. Mimic the effects of the environmental factors
15. Total acidity
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 17
Application methods
a. Soil application:

Soil treatments are preferred for all crops where efficient

Methods of application of paclobutrazol
irrigation practice is followed.

I.Liquid form-TSLP (Trunk Soil Liquid Pour method)

b. Foliar application:

This method may not give consistent results and also it is

expensive method than others. Mostly this method is suitable for
annual crop.

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 18

One method to manipulate flowering is to use the plant growth

regulator i.e. paclobutrazol. The post- harvest application of a small amount of
paclobutrazol to the soil significantly promotes flowering and fruiting in the
following year. Trials over the two years have shown the following benefits
from the treatment.

• A significant increase in flowering leading to increased yield.

• The early flowering considerably enhanced fruit maturity.

• Treated trees flowered three to four weeks early, which reduced the time to
fruit maturity by at least two weeks.

• Visually, the fruit developed a better external colour.

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 22
Floral induction
↑ ← Mature leaves and receptive buds
Increased sucrose levels
Timely increase in nitrogen levels?
Possible increase in starch levels?
Increase in ethylene levels?
Increased abscisic acid levels
Increased cytokinin levels
Reduced or maintained auxin levels?
Reduced gibberellins levels
↑ ←Genetic factors (varietal differences)
Temporal check of vegetative growth

Low temperature (<20° C)
Growth retardant

Model for floral induction in mango under tropics climate

 At what age should trees be treated and when should treatment be

 The size of trees at first application is important and it depends on the age of the
trees and the spacing between them.

 Apart from promoting flowering it also restricts tree vigour hence trees should
be allowed to develop a good canopy before commences treatment.

 In high tree density situations closer spacing is recommended to apply

paclobutrazol earlier when trees are about three years old.

 However, at more spacing say 10 m, early application with paclobutrazol will

reduce size and the fruit bearing area.

 In such a situation treatment should commence when trees are about five years
old i.e. tree size and canopy fill are important considerations.

 Large trees, especially young, bearing and grafted trees respond more than
seedling trees. The dosage required also varies between cultivars.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 24
o Any treatment that leads to increased production should be
supported by good management to maintain tree healthy.

o This includes nutrition, irrigation, control of pests and diseases,

pruning and skirting.

o It is desirable to prune and skirt trees after harvest and before the

o Unhealthy and weak trees should not be treated with

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 25
Application Methods

Collar Drench:
 Uptake of Austar is most efficient when it is applied to soil which
receives adequate moisture and where there is a high density of
feeder roots.

 Apply required amount of Austar in 0.5 to 2 litres of water per tree

onto the soil/trunk crack line evenly around the base of the trunk.

 Ensure that trees are adequately irrigated following treatment under

dry conditions. Individual trees which are smaller than average
should be left untreated or given a proportionally smaller dose of
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 26
Foliar Sprays:
Apply in a sufficient volume of water to
ensure penetration of the spray and good
coverage of target tissue, new green stem
tissue in case of apples. Apply in a
minimum volume of 1000 l of water per ha.
Surfactant (such as Agrol 600 or Wet spray
600) at 18 ml per 100 lit of water must be
added to the final spray volume. It is not
normally necessary to re-apply the spray if
rain follows soon after application. For best
results, foliar spray after the sunset.

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 27
Foliar sprays on Mango Soil injection Collar Drench Method Trunk Drench methods

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 28

 However, not like other fruit trees the mango need 2-3 months drought to flower
and flower will develop even though the rainy season is not started yet.
 Induction of off-season flowering of mango is relatively easy through soil-drench
application of paclobutrazol which is effective for flower forcing.
 The ideal application of paclobutrazol is in month of Aug- Sept.
Paclobutrazol (pp333) application :
For irregular bearing varieties e.g. Alphonso, Kesar, Langra application of Growth
retardant i.e. Paclobutrazol (pp333) is recommended to convert "off year" into
"on year" Application of pp333 is done during 15th July to 31st August.
Formula for application of (pp333) for mango tree :

(N-S)m + (E-W)m X 3ml. Paclobutrazol (0.75g) 23% a.i

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Cont…… 29

Agriculture Experimental Station, NAU, Paria, Pardi, Valsad

1 Under rain fed condition for the induction of early and regular
flowering in Alphonso of 25-30 years age group, one application of
paclobutrazol (Cultar) at the rate of 2.5 g a.i. per tree during August
end to 15th September is recommended for the farmers of south

2 For obtaining best yield from 35-40 years old orchards of Alphonso
mango, in which branches are intermingled with one another trees
and due to poor sunlight penetration, production of flowers and
fruits are very much reduce in south Gujarat agro climatic zone;
Farmers are advised to rejuvenate their old orchards by heading back
the trees by keeping the height and diameters up to 5-6 meters and
soil application of Paclobutrazol @ 7.5 g a.i./ 10 litres of water per
tree every year in the month of August from second year of heading
back. JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Cont…… 30
 Citrus fruit crops are also salt sensitive like others thus can accumulate Cl or Na or both
toxic levels.
 In plant tissues salinity is most serious problem in arid and semi arid regions making soil and
water salinity as common occurrence.
The most commonly used practice for alleviating salt stress is leaching where a large quantity
of water is used to flush salts from the root zone.
With diminishing supply of irrigation water leaching may become as expensive or impractical
This negative effect of salt could be mitigated by use of paclobutrazol in citrus for higher
yield with less deterioration in plant health.
Paclobutrazol mediated stress protection is often explained in terms of hormonal
Thus PBZ has biochemical effect on plants such as detoxification of active oxygen,
increasing level of proline, antioxidants and chlorophyll content.
Less water absorption will results in physiological water stress in the plants.
Water stress will hydrolyze starch and protein to be a simpler form to be used by plants
to induce flowers.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Cont…… 31
• It is technically feasible to advance the flowering more than 2 months from
normal season in acid lime, eventually advance the harvest time of lime to
address the off-season market.
• Time of paclobutrazol application is very important and critical for off-season
• An application made during different portion of the growing season might
produce different responses.
• The early dates of paclobutrazol application were the most effective in
inducing off-season flowering than later dates.
• However, suggested to standardize the date of application to produce the
lime at desired time to address the off-season markets.

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 32
 Mangosteen flower is induced by drought stress at dry season, and the
flowers develop and differentiate soon after the beginning of rainy season.
Mangosteen tree can be induced for earlier flowering by using drought
stress or application of paclobutrazol that inhibit gibberellins
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 33
Naturally durian trees are only induced to flower by dry season and the
flower develops at the beginning of rainy season.
 The second period of flowering will happen at the middle of rainy season if at
the first period flower has not developed into fruit.
 Application of paclobutrazol for flower induction is less successful for durian.
 Paclobutrazol is only effective if applied during dry season while in nature
the induction is also happen at dry season.
 To be effective to force durian to flower the application of paclobutrazol
need to be accompanied by several weeks of drought.
 While without paclobutrazol drought season is already a good stress to induce
flowering on durian.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 34
 Plant growth regulators can be applied to Rambutan trees to modify flowering,
fruit set, yield and the prevention of fruit drop.
 These include naphthalene acetic acid and paclobutrazol.
 The application of these growth regulators to promote flowering in
rambutan can be regarded as a means of stimulating water stress which is
known to promote flowering.
 Under conditions of water stress many fruit trees produce growth inhibitors or
 But the choice of the correct growth regulator and application rate is
important to induce off-season flower initiation and development.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 35
Application Method: Foliar Spray
Rate: 500 ml or 1 lit/ ha.
Critical Comments:
• Apply in a sequential spray programme commencing 28 days after the
full bloom on Red Delicious or 35 days after the full bloom on Granny
• Use lower rate on less vigorous trees.
• Apply subsequent sprays at the lower rate at an interval of 21 days
for as long as growth control is required.
• Activity results from uptake of chemical by young green stem tissue.
• Do not apply more than 4 lit/ ha/ season.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 36
Application method : Trickle Irrigation/ Collar Drench

Rate: 2 to 4 lit/ ha

Critical Comments:

 Apply in early autumn or spring between 14 days prior to bud burst and full bloom.

 In plums, ensure that pollinator trees are treated at the same time to
synchronise flowering.

 Divide rate per ha by the number of trees per ha to determine the rate per

 Use high rate on medium and heavy soil types.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 37
Application method: Trickle irrigation/ collar drench

Rate: 2 to 4 lit/ ha

Critical Comments:

• Above rates apply to the Haas variety in subtropical areas and can vary greatly

with other cultivars, climatic and soil conditions.

• Austar is used in some countries for limiting the effects of alternate bearing or

synchronizing flowering.

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 38
Application method: Trickle irrigation/ collar drench
Rate : 1 to 2 lit / ha.
Critical Comments
• Apply in early autumn or spring between 14 days prior to bud burst and full
• Bloom dates may be advanced.
• Ensure that pollinator trees are treated at the same time to synchronise flowering.
• Divide rate per ha by the number of trees per ha to determine the rate per tree.
• Use high rate on medium and heavy soil types.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 39
1. Decreased yearly increment of tree trunk cross
sectional area, tree spread and volume.
2. Number of nodes were slightly increased but
internodal length decreased.
3. Flowering intensity, per cent bloom, per cent fruit set
and yield efficiency were increased by increased dose
of paclobutrazol.
4. Fruit length, breadth, pedicel length, volume, weight,
acidity, vitamin C, percentage of bruised fruits,
incidence of pitting and fruit cracking were reduced by
the application of paclobutrazol.
5. Fruit colour, organoleptic rating, total soluble solids,
reducing sugars, total sugars, anthocyanin and yield
were increased. JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 40
• Treated trees may produce heavier crops and require a higher
level of fertilizer application.
• Ensure that treated trees are not over watered or subjected to
drought stress.
• In some instances treated trees may set excess fruit and careful
attention should be given to thinning operations.
• When replanting a treated orchard at least two years should
elapse since the last application of Austar.
• Where young trees are to be planted in an established orchard
which has been treated with collar drenches of Austar remove
treated soil and replace with fresh soil.
• An alternative is to avoid tree holes and place young trees as
far as practicable from the treated soil (minimum 1.5m).
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 41
Storage and disposal of PBZ packs:
 Store the PBZ in a closed and well ventilated cool condition in original
 Do not store it for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.
 Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site.
 If not recycling break, crush or puncture and bury empty containers.
 Empty containers and product should not be burnt.
Safety directions:
 Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
 After use and before eating, drinking or smoking wash hands, arms and
face thoroughly with soap and water.
 If poisoning occurs contact a doctor .
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 42
 Some of the fruit crops like mango has the problem of alternate bearing i.e. it
gives heavy yield in one year and next year it does not flowers are called off year.
 In cashewnut problem of the recurrence flowering occurs hence for harvesting
labour cost increases and ultimately cost of production also increases.
 Most of the fruit crops does not show consistency in yield productions.
 The fruit crops have the disadvantage of physiological disorders as fruit
cracking in pomegranate.
 The problems regarding induction of flowering, flower dropping, fruit
dropping, fruit setting are becoming the major constraints of the orchard
 And one of the drawback of fruit growing is fruit production concentrates to the
particular season of the year hence, there is less demand for the fruits in that

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 43

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 44
Table 1: Effect of soil application of paclobutrazol on bearing mango tree cv.

Flowering Yield
Shoot length of Gain in Gain in Proportion of
Date of No. of fruit per
the growth flush tree tree flowering shoot
Application flowering tree
(cm) height canopy (%)
rate after spread
(g per tree) two after
year two
Year 1 Year 2 (cm) year Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2

1.25 20.7 22.7 73.3 75.3 27.5 43.3 20 Jan 86 26.0 41.6
2.5 12.4 18.7 57.3 54.3 28.4 55.0 20 Jan 86 26.0 57.3
drench 5.0 10.2 14.7 40.6 46.3 31.7 70.8 15 Jan 86 36.0 75.0

10.0 6.7 5.4 21.0 25.6 29.1 94.1 10 Jan 86 32.3 139.0

Control 0.00 23.7 23.8 79.6 78.0 30.0 31.6 20 Jan 86 27.6 30.6

LSD at 5% 8.02 6.6 12.0 12.9 NS 10.8 - NS 27.7

ANGRAU., Hyderabad JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 Kulkarni (1988)45

Dashehari with 10 g paclobutrazol
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 46
application Dashehari control
Table 2 : Effect of soil and foliar application of paclobutrazol on growth,
flowering and fruiting characters of Alphonso mango (Pooled data of two years)
Flowering Fruiting
Treatments % of
Treat. % of lengt Earlier
Application Rate of termina
No. terminal h of to
paclobutrazol/tree l No. fruits per Wt. of fruits
vegetati new contro
floweri tree (Kg)/tree
ve growt l
growth h (days)
Foliar spray
T1 500 ppm 28.80 18.76 38.43 5.31 98.52 25.17
T2 1000 ppm 16.83 15.51 61.75 13.94 197.12 46.51
T3 2000 ppm 22.52 21.85 55.83 9.36 142.50 36.58
Soil drench
T4 5 g a.i. 5.31 12.24 82.29 19.76 274.19 63.90

T5 10 g a.i. 5.12 11.29 85.85 25.28 287.98 71.01

T6 Control 48.54 19.65 34.16 - 101.87 25.17
S. Em. + 2.90 1.37 3.69 - 26.04 6.73
C. D. at 5% 8.03 3.79 10.25 - 72.17 18.65

RFRS., Vengurle Burondkar and Gunjate (1993).

Table 3: Effect of cultar on flowering in mango cv. Dashehri (1991)
Treatment No. of panicles % of new shoot
( soil application of 10 per tree produce of
ml cultar/ tree) panicle

T1 Control 28.5 5.00

T2 September 178.5 95.83

T3 October 161.5 91.11

T4 November 205.5 90.83

T5 December 144.5 47.14

T6 January 79.0 26.89

T7 February 25.0 4.73

CD at 5% 8.46 22.49

Pantanagar, UP Ram and Tripathi (1993)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 48
Table 4 :The Effect of plant growth regulators on flowering, fruit setting,
fruit dropping and production in Mango var. Alphonso.

Data pertaining to 20 selected shoots

Flowering Number of Fruit dropping Yield (Kg)

Treatments (%) fruit set at (%)
marble stage
T1-KNO3 2% 53.88 17.55 29.78 2.82

T2-Urea 2% 35.55 16.22 30.61 2.75

T3- GA3 100 ppm 54.44 24.88 24.25 4.54
T4-Cultar 10ml\5lit 71.11 26.22 19.41 5.39
T5-Cultar 16ml\5lit 89.44 33.99 17.12 6.62
T6-Cultar 30ml\5lit 89.99 35.55 16.37 7.06
T7-Control 46.10 13.99 33.49 2.60
CD at 5% 5.421 0.243 2.689 0.011

GAU., Paria Anon., (1994)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Table 5.1: Effect of paclobutazol on physical qualities of mango fruit cv. ‘Alphonso’

Treatment Average weight Percent stone Percent peel Per cent pulp
of ripe fruits weight weight weight

T1 control. 264.9 16.5 21.5 62.2

T2 –4 g.a.i./ tree 272.8 17.4 21.2 57.5
T3 -8 g.a.i./ tree 281.7 16.7 21.2 61.9
T4-12 g.a.i./ tree 271.5 17.4 20.1 62.4
Mean 272.7 17.0 20.9 61.0

NAU., Navsari Desai and Chundawat (1994)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 50
Table 5.2: Effect of paclobutrazol on chemical qualities of mango fruit of cv. ‘Alphonso’
Treatments Ascorbic Reducing Non-reducing Total sugar T.S.S (%)
acid sugar (%) sugar (%) (%)

T1 control. 63.9 2.2 8.2 10.8 15.5

T2–4 g a.i./ tree 52.3 2.1 8.4 10.5 15.9

T3 -8 g a.i./ tree 62.6 2.3 8.2 10.5 15.7

T4-12 g a.i./ tree 63.4 2.2 8.7 10.9 15.8

Mean 60.2 2.2 8.4 10.6 15.7

NAU., Navsari Desai and Chundawat (1994)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 51
Table 6: Effect of Paclobutrazol on flowering and fruiting behaviour of
mango cv. Alphonso (Average of three years)

Treatment Treatment Percent Panicle Fruit set per No. of fruits Yield per tree
flowering lenght (cm) panicle at per tree (kg.)
shoots mustard stage

T1 D0-T0
33.30 34.2 7.9 118.6 30.03
D1-T1 51.35 31.2 10.5 178.6 44.28
D2-T2 68.48 25.8 13.2 380.1 92.82
D1-T3 73.96 22.6 14.5 398.9 96.21
D2-T1 61.36 28.1 12.9 298.8 69.15
D1-T2 77.93 24.1 14.9 319.7 93.76
T7 D2-T3
80.60 24.0 15.4 491.9 117.87

CD P=0.0 5 4.05 4.22 1.63 212.0 51.84

Vengurle (MH) Shinde et al. (2000)
D0T0-control, T1-60 day,
D1-0.75g.a.i., T2-90 day,
D2-1.25g.a.i T3-120JPB/Fruit
day before bud break.
Science/FSC-691 52
Table 7: Effect of paclobutrazol on emergence of intensity of flowering (%) and
yield (Kg/tree) in mango varieties (two years pooled data).
Treatments Va r i e t i e s
(soil application of
Paclobutrazol.) Alphonso Dashehari

Flowering (%) Yield (Kg/ tree) Flowering (%) Yield

Kg/ tree)

P0-Control 35.75 27.00 46.00 44.00

P1-10 ml/tree (2.5 g a.i.) 50.38 35.63 49.00 54.50

P2-20 ml/tree (5.0 g a.i.) 59.00 42.50 63.13 62.50

P3-30 ml/tree (7.5 g a.i.) 65.63 56.38 68.38 77.88
P4-40 ml/tree (10.0 g a.i.) 77.88 66.38 75.63 89.63

S. Em. + 3.32 4.24 1.48 4.51

C.D. at 5 % 6.73 5.28 4.29 13.07
RHRS., Navsari. Padhiar (2000)
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 53
Alphonso with 40 ml
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 54
Alphonso : Control treatment paclobutrazol application
Dashehari with 40 ml
paclobutrazol applicationJPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Dashehari : Control treatment
Table 8 : Effect of cultar on flowering in Langra mango during 1998 (off year).

Treatment Length of Flowering Fruit set Fruit Fruit yield/ plant

terminal of shoots (%) retention
shoots (cm) (%) (%) number kg
T1 10.57 21.57 24.45 3.00 171.67 36.69
T2 9.57 20.17 42.32 3.20 222.67 53.25
T3 9.42 22.00 32.34 3.34 221.33 53.39
T4 9.37 36.20 44.06 3.75 232.33 54.26
T5 9.32 33.43 42.19 3.84 218.33 52.25
T6 10.90 18.23 26.37 0.97 51.33 10.53
T7 12.55 18.70 24.77 0.94 59.33 11.83
CD p=0.05 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 17.73 3.91

Bhagalpur Hoda et al.(2001)

T1- 500 ppm spray. T4- 5 g.a.i. T7- control (water trunk soil line pour method).
T2- 1000 ppm spray. T5- 10 g.a.i.
T3- 2000 ppm spray. T6 control (water spray).
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 56
Table 9 : Effect of cultar on fruit quality of mango cv. Langra
Treatment 1997 (on year) 1998 (Off year)
T.S.S. Reducing Total Ascorbic acid T.S.S. Reducing Total Ascorbic
(%) sugar (%) sugar (mg/100g) (%) sugar (%) sugar (%) acid
(%) (mg/100g)

T1 19.50 4.49 17.34 65.00 19.48 4.43 17.40 70.99

T2 19.60 4.55 17.63 67.00 19.51 4.50 17.67 72.00

T3 16.80 4.60 17.70 68.00 19.70 4.58 17.75 73.00

T4 20.00 4.90 17.80 68.34 19.90 4.80 17.83 78.00

T5 20.13 4.97 17.95 70.34 20.17 4.93 17.99 80.34

T6 19.10 4.00 17.10 63.37 19.20 4.13 17.13 63.00

T7 19.20 4.22 17.21 62.34 19.30 4.24 17.18 65.39

CD p=0.05 0.40 0.07 0.21 2.38 0.39 0.08 0.24 2.34

Bhagalpur Hoda et al.(2001)

T1- 500 ppm spray. T4- 5 g.a.i. T7- control (water trunk soil line pour method).
T2- 1000 ppm spray. T5- 10 g.a.i.
T3- 2000 ppm spray. T6 control (water
Table 10 : Effect of Paclobutrazol on tree vigour and flowering in mango
cv. Alphanso.
Treatments Tree Tree Trunk girth Mean Flowering
height volume (cm ) shoot (%)
(m) m3 length

Control 5.90 210.2 112.5 22.6 52.5


5g a.i./ tree 5.50 195.9 111.5 15.9 92.5

10g a.i./ tree 4.65 140.6 103.6 11.7 95.0

IIHR., Bangalore Murti et al. (2001)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 58
Table 11: Effect of Cultar on Flowering and Fruiting of Mango cv. Dashehari
during off year.

Treatment Length of Flowering Fruit Fruit Fruit

Cultar terminal shoot set retention Yield\plant
shoot (cm) (%) (%) (%) (Kg)

T1-500 ppm 10 . 64 23 . 41 35 .13 3. 11 42.00

T2-1000 ppm 9. 66 21.34 43.13 3. 31 52.14
T3-2000 ppm 9. 51 23 . 98 33.11 3.49 52 . 50
T4-5 g a.i.\tree 9. 31 35.18 56 .17 3 . 97 56.11
T5-10 g a.i\tree 9. 44 33 . 28 42.98 3. 91 54 .18
T6-Control 11.13 19.14 28.11 0. 96 12.14
(Water spray)
T7-Control 12 .71 19.87 25.67 0.95 12.94
(Water trunk soil
line pure methods)
CD at 5% 1. 80 2. 17 5. 11 0.23 3. 96

Bhagalpur Singh and Singh (2005)59

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Table 12: Effect of PBZ on shoot length of Alphonso Mango

Treatment Shoot length (cm)

1997 1998 1999
T! PBZ 500 ppm 13.2 14.9 15.2
T2 PBZ 1000 ppm 11.6 12.2 12.5
T3 PBZ 2000 ppm 11.1 12.2 15.5
T4 PBZ 5g. a.i. 10.5 11.7 12.1
T5 PBZ 10 g.a.i. 10.1 11.4 11.7
T6 Control 16.6 18.2 19.7
S.Em+ 1.4 2.0 1.9
LSD p=0.05 4.4 5.9 5.7

IIHR., (Bangalore ) Reddy and Kurian (2008)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691
Table 13 : Effects of paclobutrazol (PBZ) on percentage flowering of
biennially bearing mango cultivars, Miska and Totocombo

Sudan Adil et al. (2011)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 61
Table: 14.1 : Effect of different bio-regulators on vegetative growth and flowering in
different varieties of mango
Treat. No. of shoots / terminal Shoot length (cm) Date of full bloom

Alphonso Kesar Rajapuri Alphonso Kesar Rajapuri Alphonso Kesar Rajapuri

T! 0.98 1.02 1.11 11.08 11.40 10.56 24thDec. 23rd Dec. 18th Dec.

T2 1.17 1.11 1.27 11.84 12.84 13.30 28th Dec. 3rd Dec. 23rd Dec.

T3 1.29 1.21 1.30 12.45 13.34 13.40 26th Dec. 24th Dec. 23rd Dec.

T4 2.08 2.01 2.02 17.54 16.57 16.04 9th Jan. 10th Jan. 13th Jan.

T5 1.98 2.07 2.03 17.02 17.75 17.00 1st Jan. 12th Jan. 15th Jan.

T6 2.20 2.25 2.21 22.06 23.90 21.41 15th Jan. 18th Jan. 22th Jan.

S.Em + 0.07 0.04 0.06 0.51 0.50 0.49

CD at 5% 0.20 0.11 0.16 0.47 1.45 1.41

Treatment details
1. July 2. August
3. September 4. Ethrel 200 ppm (15th September until flower bud differentiation at 15 days
interval) 5. KNO3 @ 2% (Mid September and October) 6. Control

RHRS., Navsari Tandel and Patel (2011)

Table: 14.2 Effect of different bio-regulators on yield in different varieties of
Treat. No . of fruits/tree Average weight of fruit (g) Yield (Kg/tree)

Alphonso Kesar Rajapuri Alphonso Kesar Rajapuri Alphonso Kesar Rajapuri

T! 846.1 920.6 714.2 225.2 214.9 603.3 11310 11820 25188

T2 824.8 872.1 681.1 214.4 213.1 604.1 10458 11124 24096

T3 808.5 845.3 672.2 207.4 203.9 595.6 9894 10254 23352

T4 752.1 797.3 626.3 203.5 204.6 619.7 9156 9678 22260

T5 683.8 816.3 589.4 236.9 200.1 622.1 9708 9732 21654

T6 514.0 552.5 450.2 240.6 184.3 622.0 7404 6133 16632

S.Em + 26.95 26.94 17.23 7.92 6.48 18.42 282.6 393.6 399.3

CD at 5% 70.40 76.39 48.86 22.45 18.36 NS 802.2 1116.6 1138.1

RHRS., Navsari. Tandel and Patel (2011)


JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 64
Table 15 : Growth and Yield attributes of Sapota Cv. Kalipatti after pruning and treating
with paclobutrazol under high density plantation (Three years pooled mean).

Treatments (Spacing) Tree height Stem girth Av. Fruit Av. Yield
(cm) (cm) Weight q/ha.
T! 10X10M 544.72 63.75 55.98 197
T2 10X5M 567.85 60.92 52.59 214.25
T3 5X5M 575.49 56.48 53.27 224.39
S.Em. (T) 5.16 0.60 0.42 10.16
S.Em. (TXY) 8.76 1.05 0.76 16.26
C.D. at 5% (T) 14.85 1.71 1.22 NS
C.D. at 5% (TXY) NS NS NS NS

Treatments Details
T1- 10x10M (Control)
T2-10x5M + Pruning In Two Direction + Application Of Paclobutrazol 12ml/Tree
T3-5x5M + Pruning In four Direction + Application Of Paclobutrazol 8ml/Tree
Navsari JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 65
Anon., (2000)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 66
Table 16.1 : Effect of foliar sprays with paclobutrazol and zinc sulphate on
splitting of pomegranate.

Splitting fruit (%)

Treatments No. Treatments
Concentration 2002 2003
T1 Control 0 ppm 41.0 37.9
T2 Zinc sulphate 2000 ppm 38.3 35.6
T3 Zinc sulphate 3000 ppm 36.6 33.1
T4 Zinc sulphate 4000 ppm 32.7 29.1
T5 Paclobutrazol 50 ppm 35.1 31.6
T6 Paclobutrazol 100 ppm 30.8 28.8
T7 Paclobutrazol 150 ppm 26.5 24.1

LSD at 5% 10.3 9.7

Sohog (Egypt) El-Khawaga (2007)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 67
Table 16.2 : Effect of foliar sprays with paclobutrazol and zinc sulphate on some
chemicals properties of pomegranate .

Total Sugar Reducing TSS % Acidity %

Treatments (%) Sugar (%)
2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003

Control 11.6 11.2 10.8 10.5 16.2 16 1.2 1.18

Zinc sulphate 2000 ppm 11.8 11.4 10.9 10.6 16.4 16.2 1.22 1.24

Zinc sulphate 3000 ppm 12 11.8 11 10.7 16.6 16.4 1.24 1.26

Zinc sulphate 4000 ppm 12.2 12 11.2 11 16.9 16.6 1.25 1.27

Paclobutrazol 50 ppm 13 12.4 11.4 11.2 16.5 17 1.3 1.32

Paclobutrazol 100 ppm 13.2 12.6 11.6 11.4 17 17.3 1.34 1.35

Paclobutrazol 150 ppm 13.4 12.8 11.9 11.6 17.5 17.6 1.35 1.36
LSD at 5% 0.49 0.28 0.21 0.27 1.3 1.4 0.08 0.086

Sohog (Egypt) JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 El-Khawaga (2007) 68


JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 69
Table 17.1: Effect of paclobutrazol (pp333) on tree height (m) during main and off season

Treatment Main Main Pooled Off Off Pooled Produced Mean

season season Mean season season Mean (2006-07 & 2007-
(2006- (2007- (2006- (2007- 08)
2007) 2008) 2007) 2008)
1.25 g/tree (T!) 3.05 3.22 3.30 3.38 3.70 3.54 3.42
2.50 g/tree (T2) 3.18 3.33 3.44 3.48 3.86 3.67 3.56

3.75 g/tree (T3) 2.88 2.95 3.05 3.03 3.39 3.21 3.13

5.00 g/tree (T4) 2.91 3.08 3.16 3.24 3.56 3.40 3.28

Control (T5) 3.02 3.18 3.28 3.34 3.70 3.52 3.40

SEd + 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.01 0.08
CD (0.05) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.03 0.16
Periyakulam Baskaran et al. (2011)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 70
Table 17.2 : Effect of paclobutrazol (pp333) on canopy spread (m) (East-West) during main
and off season
Treatment Main Main Pooled Off Off Pooled Produced Mean
season season Mean season season Mean (2006-07 & 2007-
(2006- (2007- (2006- (2007- 08)
2007) 2008) 2007) 2008)
1.25 g/tree (T!) 3.69 3.94 3.82 3.82 3.97 3.90 3.85
2.50 g/tree (T2) 3.81 4.13 3.97 3.99 4.26 4.13 4.05

3.75 g/tree (T3) 4.18 4.62 4.40 4.35 4.81 4.58 4.49

5.00 g/tree (T4) 3.40 3.75 3.58 3.60 3.86 3.73 3.66

Control (T5) 3.50 3.85 3.68 3.69 4.09 3.89 3.78

SEd + 0.12 .0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.10 0.10
CD (0.05) 0.26 0.29 0.26 0.27 0.30 0.20 0.20
Periyakulam Baskaran et al. (2011)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 71
Table 17.3 : Effect of paclobutrazol (pp333) on canopy spread (m) (North-South) during
main and off season
Treatment Main Main Pooled Off Off Pooled Produced Mean
season season Mean season season Mean (2006-07 & 2007-
(2006- (2007- (2006- (2007- 08)
2007) 2008) 2007) 2008)
1.25 g/tree (T!) 3.81 4.24 4.03 3.99 4.41 4.20 4.12
2.50 g/tree (T2) 3.94 4.32 4.13 4.10 4.59 4.38 4.24

3.75 g/tree (T3) 4.35 4.89 4.62 4.64 5.12 4.88 4.75

5.00 g/tree (T4) 3.55 3.90 3.73 3.67 4.08 3.88 3.80

Control (T5) 3.63 4.00 3.82 3.75 4.21 3.98 3.90

SEd + 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.10
CD (0.05) 0.27 0.30 0.27 0.29 0.32 0.29 0.21

Periyakulam Baskaran et al. (2011)

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 72

JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 73
Table 18.1 : Effect of cultar on shoot and panicle length, and sex ratio in Rose
scented litchi.

Treatment Shoot length Panicle length Number of flowers Sex ratio

(cm) (cm) per panicle
Dose of cultar
D1 15.57 27.77 762.50 2.99
D2 12.76 25.88 879.50 3.15
CD (0.05%) 0.27 0.26 0.15 0.001
Time of application
T1 14.62 27.43 782.50 3.00
T2 13.71 26.21 859.50 3.15
CD (5%) 0.27 0.26 0.15 0.001
Control 16.65 29.99 631.00 2.50
CD at 5% 0.38 0.38 0.22 0.002

Pantnagar Faizan et al. (2000)

D1 -3ml/m2, D2 -5ml/m2. T1 -60 day before bud break, T2 -90 day before bud break.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 74
Table 18.2 : Effect of cultar and time of application of fruit set and TSS of fruit of
Rose scented litchi.

Treatment Fruit set Fruit Yield TSS

(%) (Kg/tree) (%)
Dose of cultar
D1 44.40 3.49 18.85
D2 50.26 52.06 19.59
CD (0.05%) 1.25 0.84 0.22
Time of application
T1 44.25 46.11 18.60
T2 50.28 50.13 19.80
CD (5%) 1.25 0.84 0.22
Control 37.49 42.61 18.01
CD at 5% 1.76 0.91 0.31

Pantnagar Faizan et al. (2000)

D1 -3ml/m2, D2 -5ml/m2. T1 -60 day before bud break, T2 -90 day before bud break.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 75
Paclobutrazol significantly reduces the vegetative growth, shoot

elongation and panicle length of many tree species. PBZ reduce internode

extension on various plant taxa. Due to paclobutrazol carbohydrate content of

various plant tissues can be increased and high reservation of photosynthesis

assimilates in temporary sinks. Paclobutrazol application leads to initiation of

flowering, precocity flowering, better fruit set and production. paclobutrazol

application increase TSS, total sugar, reducing sugar. Hence, it is advisable to

exploit the use of paclobutrazol on a commercial scale in fruit crops such as

mango, apple, litchi and citrus where it has shown proven results.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 76
Probable suggestion:
Paclobutrazol can be exploited in
commercial cultivation of many
fruit crops for consistence yield for
every year, precocity in flowering,
increase yield, increase quality of
fruits, disease resistance, maintain
tree size and shape, increase C:N
ratio, control vegetative growth,
hastening maturity, etc.
JPB/Fruit Science/FSC-691 77

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