Lec 2

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Chapter 02


• Diode Operation
• Voltage-Current ( V-I) Characteristics of a Diode
• Diode Models
• Half-Wave Rectifiers
• Full-Wave Rectifiers
• Power Supply Filters and Regulators
• Diode Limiters and Clampers
• Voltage Multipliers
After completion of this chapter students will be able to..

• Use a diode in common applications

• Analyze the voltage-current (V-I) characteristic of a diode
• Explain how the three diode models differ
• Explain and analyze the operation of half-wave rectifiers
• Explain and analyze the operation of full-wave rectifiers
• Explain and analyze power supply filters and regulators
• Explain and analyze the operation of diode limiters and clampers
• Explain and analyze the operation of diode voltage
• multipliers
The Diode
A diode is made from a small piece of
semiconductor material, usually silicon, in which half
is doped as a P region and half is doped as an n
region with a PN junction and depletion region in

The p region is called the anode and is connected to

a conductive terminal. The n region is called the
cathode and is connected to a second conductive
Anode Cathode
p n

Depletion region

Fig: 1 Basic structure of diode

Fig :2 Symbol of diode

Forward Bias
To bias a diode, you apply a dc voltage across it.
Forward bias is the condition that allows current
through the p-n junction.

Forward biasing the p-n junction drives holes to the

junction from the p-type material and electrons to the
junction from the n-type material. At the junction the
electrons and holes combine so that a continuous
current can be maintained.
Basic structure of forward bias

A forward-biased diode showing the flow of majority carriers and the

voltage due to the barrier potential across the depletion region.
• This external bias voltage is designated as
V The resistor limits the forward current

to a value that will not damage the diode.

• V must be greater than the barrier


• Barrier potential is the amount of energy
required to produce full conduction a
cross the pn junction in forward bias.
The Effect of Forward Bias on the
Depletion Region
As more electrons flow into the depletion region, the
number of positive ions is reduced. As more holes
effectively flow into the depletion region on the other side
of the p-n junction, the number of negative ions is
reduced. This reduction in positive and negative ions
during forward bias causes the depletion region to narrow.
The depletion region narrows and a voltage drop is produced across the p-n
junction when the diode is forward-biased.
The Effect of the Barrier Potential During Forward Bias

• When forward bias is applied, the free electrons are

provided with enough energy from the bias-voltage
source to overcome the barrier potential and
effectively “climb the energy hill” and cross the
depletion region.

• The energy that the electrons require in order to pass

through the depletion region is equal to the barrier
Reverse Bias
• Reverse bias is the condition that essentially
prevents current through the diode.
• The application of a reverse voltage to the p-n
junction will cause a transient current to flow as
both electrons and holes are pulled away from the
junction. When the potential formed by the
widened depletion layer equals the applied
voltage, the current will cease except for the small
thermal current.
Notice that the positive side of Vbias is connected to
the n region of the diode and the negative side is
connected to the p region. Also note that the
depletion region is shown much wider than in
forward bias or equilibrium.
Because unlike charges attract, the positive side of the
bias-voltage source “pulls” the free electrons, which are
the majority carriers in the n re g ion, away from the p n
As the electrons flow toward the positive side of the
voltage source, additional positive ions are created. This
results in a widening of the depletion region and a
depletion of majority carriers.
When a forward-bias voltage is applied across a diode, there is current. This
current is called the forward current and is designated If.
• With 0 V across the diode, there is no forward current. As you gradually
increase the forward-bias voltage, the forward current and the voltage
across the diode gradually in-crease.
• The diode forward voltage (VF) increases to the right along the
horizontal axis, and the forward current (IF) increases upward along the
vertical axis.
• As you can see in Figure , the forward current increases very little until
the for-ward voltage across the pn junction reaches approximately 0.7
V at the knee of the curve. After this point, the forward voltage
remains nearly constant at approximately 0.7 V, but IF increases

• Three points A, B, and C are shown on the curve in Figure. Point A

corresponds to a zero-bias condition. Point B corresponds to where
the forward voltage is less than the barrier potential of 0.7 V. Point C
corresponds to where the forward voltage approximately equals the
barrier potential. As the external bias voltage and forward current
continue to increase above the knee, the forward voltage will increase
slightly above 0.7 V.
When a reverse-bias voltage is applied across a diode, there
is only an extremely small re-verse current ( IR ) through the pn
junction. With 0 V across the diode, there is no reverse current.
As you gradually increase the reverse-bias voltage, there is a
very small reverse current and the voltage across the diode
The diode reverse voltage (VR) increases to the left along the
horizontal axis, and the reverse current ( IR) increases downward
along the vertical axis.
Combine the curves for both forward bias and reverse bias, and you have the
complete V-I characteristic curve for a diode.
• The Ideal Diode Model
• The Practical Diode Model
• The Complete Diode Model
The ideal model of a diode is the least accurate approximation
and can be represented by a simple switch. When the diode is forward-
biased, it ideally acts like a closed (on) switch.
When the diode is reverse-biased, it ideally acts like an open (off) switch.
Although the barrier potential, the forward dynamic resistance, and the
reverse current are all neglected.
The ideal V-I characteristic curve graphically depicts the ideal diode
operation. Since the barrier potential in the forward
The diode is assumed to have a zero voltage across it when forward-
biased, as indicated by the portion of the curve on the positive vertical axis.
The forward current is determined by the bias voltage and the limiting
resistor using Ohm’s law.

VF = 0 V

The forward current is determined by the bias voltage and the

limiting resistor using Ohm’s law.

IF = Vbiased Eq: 01
Since the reverse current is neglected, its value is assumed to be zero.

The reverse voltage equals the bias voltage.

VR = Vbias
The Practical Diode Model

The practical model includes the barrier potential. When

the diode is forward-biased, it is equivalent to a closed
switch in series with a small equivalent voltage source
(VF) equal to the barrier potential (0.7 V) with the
positive side toward the anode, as indicated in Figure.
This equivalent voltage source represents the barrier
potential that must be exceeded by the bias voltage
before the diode will conduct and is not an active source
of voltage.
The characteristic curve for the
practical diode model is shown
in Figure. Since the barrier
potential is included and the
dynamic resistance is neglected,
the diode is assumed to have a
voltage across it when forward-
biased, as indicated by the
portion of the curve to the right
of the origin.

VF= 0.7 V
The forward current is determined as
follows by first applying Kirchhoff’s
voltage law to
The complete model of a diode is the most accurate approximation and
includes the barrier potential, the small forward dynamic resistance and
the large internal reverse resistance The reverse resistance is taken into
account because it provides a path for the reverse current, which is
included in this diode model.

When the diode is forward-biased, it acts as a closed switch in series with

the equivalent barrier potential voltage (VB) and the small forward
dynamic resistance as indicated in Figure
Complete Diode Model
Because of their ability to conduct current in one direction and
block current in the other direction, diodes are used in circuits
called rectifiers that convert ac voltage into dc voltage.
All active electronic devices require a source of constant dc that can be
supplied by a battery or a dc power supply. The dc power supply converts
the standard 120 V, 60 Hz ac voltage available at wall outlets into a
constant dc voltage.

The filter eliminates the fluctuations in the rectified voltage and produces
a relatively smooth dc voltage.

The regulator is a circuit that maintains a constant dc voltage for

variations in the input line voltage or in the load.
• A diode is connected to an ac source and to a load resistor, RL
forming a half-wave rectifier.
• When the sinusoidal input voltage ( Vin) goes positive, the diode is
forward-biased and conducts current through the load resistor.
• The current produces an output voltage across the load RL which has
the same shape as the positive half-cycle of the input voltage.
• When the input voltage goes negative during the second half of its cycle,
the diode is reverse-biased. There is no current,
The output voltage (Vout) can be determined by the value of peak
voltage divided by the number of radians in a full cycle (Pi).

A full-wave rectifier allows unidirectional (one-way) current through the
load during the entire of the input cycle, whereas a half-wave rectifier
allows current through the load only during one-half of the cycle. The result of
full-wave rectification is an output voltage with a frequency twice the input
frequency and that pulsates every half-cycle of the input,
The filter is simply a capacitor connected from the rectifier output to ground.
RL represents the equivalent resistance of a load.

During the positive first quarter-cycle of the input, the diode is forward-
biased, allowing the capacitor to charge to within 0.7 V of the input peak.
When the input begins to decrease below its peak, the capacitor retains its
charge and the diode becomes reverse-biased because the cathode is more
positive than the anode.
During the remaining part of the cycle, the capacitor can discharge only
through the load resistance at a rate determined by the RLC time constant,
which is normally long compared to the period of the input. The larger the
time constant, the less the capacitor will discharge. During the first quarter of
the next cycle.
The capacitor quickly charges at the beginning of a cycle and slowly
discharges through RL after the positive peak of the input voltage (when the
diode is reverse-biased). The variation in the capacitor voltage due to the
charging and discharging is called the ripple voltage. Generally, ripple is
undesirable; thus, the smaller the ripple, the better the filtering action
The ripple factor ( r) is an indication of the effectiveness of the filter and
is defined as

Where Vr( pp) is the peak-to-peak ripple voltage and VDC is the dc (average) value of the
filter’s output voltage

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