Business Proposal: Partnership Business Engaged in Trading

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Partnership Business Engaged in Trading
Form a partnership.
50/50 share in net profit.

Invest Capital.

Do the sales, marketing & accounting.

You invested capital of 10,000

100 - 180 =80

110 - 180 =70

120 - 180 =60

130 - 190 =60

180 - 280 =100

200 - 300 =100

120 - 190 =70

Capital – 10,000
Cost/unit - /120
= 83.33 or 83

Estimately 80 number of stocks of

Based on experience:

5/11 items = 45%

For one week


80 units x 45% = 36

35 items/week
35 items x 190 = P 6,650
35 items x 120 = P 4,200

Sales P 6,650
COGS (4,200)
P 2,450
Expenses (250)
Net Profit P 2,200/week
x 4
P 8,800/month

8,800 x 12 = 105,600/year
40 items x 190 = P 7,600 50 items x 190 = P 9,500
40 items x 120 = P 4,800 50 items x 120 = P 6,000

Sales P 7,600 Sales P 9,500

COGS (4,800) COGS (6,000)
P 2,800 P 3,500
Expenses (350) Expenses (400)
Net Profit P 2,450/week Net Profit P 3,100/week
x 4 x 4
P 9,800/month P 12,400/month

9,800 x 12 = 117,600/year 12,400 x 12 = 148,800/year

110 items x 190 = P 20,900
Capital – 30,000
110 items x 120 = P 13,200
Cost/unit - /120
Estimately 250 number of Sales P 20,900
stocks of items COGS (13,200)
P 7,700
Expenses (700)
Estimate: Net Profit P 7,000/week
250 units x 45% = 112.5 x 4
110 items/week P 28,000/month

28,000 x 12 = 336,000/year

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