Lec 0.5 Operating System

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3 – Operating Systems

Prepared By:-
Mr.Suman Jyoti

Rick Graziani [email protected] 2


• Application software: Programs for performing a specific task

– Word processing, spreadsheets, gaming, web page design, graphic design
• System software:
– Operating software: Software that controls the overall operation of the
• (more next)
– Utility software: Software that extends or customizes the capabilities of
the operating system
• Formatting
• compress/decompress data
• network communications
• Distinction between Application and System software can be vague.
– Anti-trust and unfair business practice lawsuits against Microsoft have
been filed over the years.
Rick Graziani [email protected] 3
What is an Operating System?
• An Operating System is a program that acts as an
intermediary/interface between a user of a computer and
the computer hardware.
• OS goals:
– Control/execute user/application programs.
– Make the computer system convenient to use.
– Ease the solving of user problems.
– Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.

A. Frank - P. Weisberg
Where does the OS fit in?
Services provided by an OS

• Facilities for program creation

– editors, compilers, linkers, debuggers, etc.
• Program execution
– loading in memory, I/O and file initialization.
• Access to I/O and files
– deals with the specifics of I/O and file formats.
• System access
– resolves conflicts for resource contention.
– protection in access to resources and data.

A. Frank - P. Weisberg
7 • Accounting
– Collect usage statistics
– Monitor performance
– Used to anticipate future enhancements
– Used for billing purposes
• Responsible for managing resources
• Functions same way as ordinary computer software
– It is program that is executed
• Operating system relinquishes control of the processor
Why are Operating Systems Important?

• Important to understand and know how to

correctly use when writing user applications.
• Large and complex systems that have a high
economic impact and result in interesting
problems of management.
• Few actually involved in OS design and
implementation but nevertheless many general
techniques to be learned and applied.
• Combines concepts from many other areas of
Computer Science: Architecture, Languages,
Data Structures, Algorithms.
A. Frank - P. Weisberg
Operating System Software

• Operating System (OS) – Software that controls the overall operation

of a computer

Rick Graziani [email protected] 9

Operating System Software

Software which manages the overall operation of the computer system

• hardware (CPU, RAM, I/O)
• security
• system interface
• application interface

Rick Graziani [email protected] 10

Resource Management

Rick Graziani [email protected] 11

The User’s View

Rick Graziani [email protected] 12

What “is” an operating system?

Software files (programs) which are stored on the hard disk

• kernel with the internal programs
• external programs

Supporting Data Files

Rick Graziani [email protected] 13

The kernel
The operating system software file (program) which is copied into
RAM, usually from the hard disk drive, during the boot-up.

The kernel remains in RAM while the computer is on and is in

charge of the overall operation of the computer system.

The kernel contains the “internal programs” for the most often used
operations like copying files.

• kmem (Linux)
• command.exe (Microsoft)

Rick Graziani [email protected] 14


• Kernel – The internal part of the operating system.

– Those software components that perform the basic functions
required by the computer.
• File management
• Memory management (RAM)
• Security
Rick Graziani [email protected] 15
The functions of an operating system

1. Manages and Interacts with Computer Hardware

2. Provides and Manages System Security

3. Provides the System Interface

4. Provides the Interface for Application Software

Rick Graziani [email protected] 16

1. Manages and Interacts with Computer Hardware

• Manages the CPU

- What software programs the
CPU works on and when

• Manages RAM
- What is stored in RAM and
where it is stored
- Virtual memory
- OS will send message when
RAM is full

Rick Graziani [email protected] 17


• Provides the interface for

storage devices and manages
how data is stored on those
- in charge of formatting disks
- creates sectors and clusters
- creates F.A.T. or V.T.O.C.
- sends message when disk is
full or there is some other
problem with writing data to
the disk
- virtual memory
- Flash drive

Rick Graziani [email protected] 18


• Provides the Interface for Input

and Output Devices
– keyboard, mouse, printer,
– device drivers = software
programs which allow the
hardware device to be used
by the operating system and
by application software

Rick Graziani [email protected] 19

Preemptive Multitasking vs Cooperative Multitasking

Cooperative Multitasking
OS gives CPU processing
time to other programs at a
logical point, usually during
idle time

Preemptive Multitasking
OS allocates CPU time
between the different
programs based on amount
of time and priority of the
software application

Rick Graziani [email protected] 20

Multiprocessing with Multiple CPU’s
Asymmetric Multiprocessing = Tasks are assigned to a specific
CPU and each CPU has its own RAM memory

Symmetric Multiprocessing = Tasks are assigned to any

available CPU and CPU’s can share RAM memory

Rick Graziani [email protected] 21


• Scheduler – Maintains a record

of the processes.
– Adds new processes when
– Removes old processes
when completed.
– Uses a process table.
• Process Table – Information
about each process including:
– Main memory cells (RAM)
– Priority
– Running or waiting (input
from user or saving to disk)

Rick Graziani [email protected] 22

• Viewing processes with Microsoft Windows
• Task Bar – Right-click, Task Manager
• Ending a process – Killing the process
Rick Graziani [email protected] 23

• Dispatcher - Oversees
the execution of each
process by the CPU.
– Gives each process a
time slice of CPU time.
– Changes between

Rick Graziani [email protected] 24

2. Provides and Manages System Security

Single-user Operating Systems

• minimal security
• user has full authority

Server Operating Systems

• login and password capability
• protection of user’s data
stored on the server’s central
hard disk drives
• protection and security for
software programs

Rick Graziani [email protected] 25

3. Provides the System Interface

System Interface or shell =

the interface between the
user and the computer

Command Line Interface (CLI)

• Linux, UNIX, DOS, older

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Rick Graziani [email protected] 26

Command Line Interface, DOS, UNIX, others

Rick Graziani [email protected] 27

DOS plus Windows 3.1

Rick Graziani [email protected] 28

Windows 95

Rick Graziani [email protected] 29

Windows XP

Rick Graziani [email protected] 30


Rick Graziani [email protected] 31

Mac OS X

Rick Graziani [email protected] 32

UNIX with X-Windows

Rick Graziani [email protected] 33

Microsoft Windows 8

Rick Graziani [email protected] 34

4. Provides the Interface for Application Software

• Operating systems are software

• Operating systems are designed

and developed for a specific CPU
or “family of CPUs”
– Macintosh OS: Motorola
680xx, PowerPC Gx, Intel
– DOS: Intel CPUs
– Windows 9x and XP: Intel
80386, 80486, and Pentium
– Linux: Intel CPUs
– MS NT & 2000: Intel CPUs

Rick Graziani [email protected] 35


• Application software is developed

for an operating system

MS Word for Windows XP

• Windows XP
• Intel CPU

MS Word for the Macintosh

• Macintosh OS X
• Gx CPU or Intel CPU

Rick Graziani [email protected] 36

Will software developed for one operating system work on another?
Will MS Word for Macintosh run on a PC with Windows XP?
No (unless there is special emulation software or hardware). The
software must be developed separately for each operating
Much of this is beginning to change with MAC using the Intel CPU.

Rick Graziani [email protected] 37

Order of Development

1. The CPU

2. Other Hardware

3. Operating System

4. Application Software

Rick Graziani [email protected] 38

Today’s Operating Systems
• Today’s CPUs (multiprocessors)
– Multiple processors
– Load balancing
• Dynamically allocating
tasks to the various
processors so that all
processors are used
– Scaling
• Breaking tasks into a
number of subtasks
equal to the number of
processors available.
– The Network (Internet)
• Becoming a single
network-wide operating
system rather than a
network of individual
operating systems.
Rick Graziani [email protected] 39
Examples of OS

DOS - Disk Operating System - one of the first operating systems for the personal computer.
When you turned the computer on all you saw was the command prompt which looked like c:\ >.
You had to type all commands at the command prompt which might look like c:\>wp\wp.exe.
This is called a command-line interface.
It was not very "user friendly“

Windows - A product of Microsoft, is a GUI(graphical user interface) operating system. This

type of "user friendly" operating system is said to have WIMP features: Windows, Icons,
Menus, Pointing device (mouse).

MacOS - Macintosh, a product of Apple, has its own operating system with a GUI and WIMP

Unix - Linux (the PC version of Unix) - Unix and Linux were originally created with a
command-line interface, but recently have added GUI enhancements.

*user-friendly is a relative term. The current GUI interfaces provided by Windows and Mac
operating systems are more friendly than the previous DOS systems, but still require us to
conform to their specifications (use of a keyboard or mouse instead of voice and/or hand-writing

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