Liaison Case Presentation 5: NAJIAH JANJAN (2013489586)
Liaison Case Presentation 5: NAJIAH JANJAN (2013489586)
Liaison Case Presentation 5: NAJIAH JANJAN (2013489586)
NAJIAH JANJAN (2013489586)
Patients initial Mrs. L
MRN (Ward 9C)
Age 47 years old
Sex Female
Ethnic group Indian
Marital status Married
Occupation and current employment Unemployed
Current address Setapak
Language spoken BM, BI
History taken from Patient and case notes
Date of admission 9 October 2017
Date of clerking 11 October 2017
Chief Complaint
Madam L, a 47 years old, Indian lady, unemployed for 23 years,
widow and alcoholic was referred from ward 9C for alcohol withdrawal
on day 2 of admission.
History of Presenting Illness
Allergic to penicilin.
Her father passed away many years ago. Her mother is alive and well.
Staying with her younger sister in Setapak.
She is 2nd out of 5 siblings.
She says that she has 3 adopted brothers. These brothers are her
close friends that she know since 2004.
They lived in same area, Selayang Prima.
She was treated like a sister by them.
Personal History
Birth history
Patient was unsure about pregnancy and birth.
Childhood history
Developmental milestones were normal
No physical and emotional abuse
Education history
Perceptual Disturbances
No hallucination or illusion.
Thought Disturbances
Content: Suicidal wish
No delusion
No obsessional thought
No flight of ideas
No suicidal ideation
She oriented to time, place and person.
Immediate recall: able to recall kacang, bola,batu
Short term : able to recall
Long term : able to recall her birthdate
Good judgment when asked about what she will do if there is fire in
the building call firefighter
She knew that she had alcohol addiction and having emotion problem
since her husband demise. She said she had to drink because she felt
She accept her current condition and not keen to seek a treatment.
General Examination
She was sitting comfortably with mild hand tremors,jittery, tachypnea and not in pain.
On nasal prong 3L
She had moderate hydrational status
No conjunctiva pallor/jaundice
Vital signs
Blood pressure : 132/86 mmHg
Pulse rate : 102 beat per minute, good volume and rhythm
Respiratory rate : 21 breaths per minute
Temperature : 36.7oC
Systemic Examination
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Normal power and reflexes with no significant abnormalities
Madam L, a 47 years old, Indian lady, unemployed for 23 years, widow
and alcoholic was referred from ward 9C for alcohol withdrawal on day 2 of
admission. She drank Orang Tua 500ml with 17% alcohol everyday, can
drinks up to 10 bottles per day. She had depressed mood and suicidal wish
since 2013 due to demise of her 2nd husband with 2 suicidal attempts.
Otherwise, no loss of appetite, no feeling of hopelessness or
worthlessness, no anhedonia, no hallucinations and no delusions.
On examination, patient had mild tremor and jittery and tacypneic. MSE
day 3, patient currently euthymic with appropriate affect.She had suicidal
wish and poor insight.