Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: Pathogenesis, Mechanisms and Pathways

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Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: Pathogenesis,

Mechanisms and Pathways

Article  in  Clinics in perinatology · December 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.clp.2010.08.004 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Athena Kourtis Marc Bulterys

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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M o t h e r- t o - C h i l d
Tra n s m i s s i o n o f H I V:
and Pathways
a,b, c,d
Athena P. Kourtis, MD, PhD, MPH *, Marc Bulterys, MD, PhD

 Human immunodeficiency virus  Mother-to-child transmission
 Infant  Mechanisms

Without doubt, one of the greatest medical and public health achievements has
been the significant reduction in mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), especially in the developed world. Transmission rates
lower than 1% to 2% have been achieved,1,2 even in some resource-limited
settings,3 compared with transmission rates of 14% to 42% without any interven-
tion.4 This has been achieved with the use of antiretroviral drug combinations during
pregnancy, labor/delivery, and neonatal prophylaxis, as well as with elective
caesarean delivery and avoidance of breast feeding. Modalities to prevent
mother-to-child transmission of HIV are highly dependent on the timing and mech-
anisms of HIV transmission. The mechanisms and timing of MTCT of HIV, however,
have not been fully elucidated, are likely multifactorial, and many of their aspects
remain unclear.

The findings and conclusions in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, MS-K34,
Atlanta, GA 30341, USA
Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
Division of HIV/AIDS, Center for Global Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
CDC Global AIDS Program, China, Suite #403, Dongwai Diplomatic Office, 23 Dongzhimenwai
Dajie, Beijing, China
* Corresponding author. Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford
Highway, NE, MS-K34, Atlanta, GA 30341.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Clin Perinatol 37 (2010) 721–737

0095-5108/10/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier Inc.
722 Kourtis & Bulterys


MTCT can occur:

In utero by direct hematogenous transplacental spread or ascending infection of

the amniotic membranes and fluid
At the time of delivery by mucocutaneous contact of the infant with maternal blood,
amniotic fluid, and cervicovaginal secretions during passage through the birth
canal; ascending infection from the cervix; or maternal–fetal transfusion from
uterine contractions at labor and delivery
During breastfeeding.

There is not complete concurrence about the relative contribution of these different
periods in transmission of HIV to the infant.5 Approximately one-third of infant HIV
infections in nonbreastfeeding populations are detected in the first 2 days of life,
and two-thirds are detected after the first week of life and by 6 weeks of age, leading
some to argue that one-third of transmission occurs during pregnancy and the remain-
ing two thirds during labor in nonbreastfeeding populations.6–8 Indeed, the working
definition of in utero versus intrapartum HIV infection is based on virologic detection
of infection in the infant’s first 2 days of life versus after the first week.6 By synthesizing
results from many prevention studies using antiretroviral agents at various stages
during pregnancy, as well as the preventive benefits of cesarean section when per-
formed before the onset of labor,9 the authors have argued that approximately one-
half of MTCT of HIV occurs late in pregnancy, possibly in the days before delivery,
as the placenta begins to separate from the uterine wall.10 Only a small proportion
of MTCT (<4%) seems to occur in the first trimester,11 and less than 20% by 36 weeks
of gestation.10 Indeed, several studies using highly sensitive polymerase chain reac-
tion PCR techniques have found very little or no HIV positivity in lymphoid tissues of
first or second trimester human fetuses.12–14 A large study with twins did not find
that the birth order of twins was associated with risk for HIV-1 infection,15 supporting
the idea that birth canal exposure is not the major contributor to the baby’s risk; the
authors believe that about one-third of MTCT occurs during delivery.10
Postexposure infant prophylaxis, through administration of antiretroviral drugs to
the infant within hours of birth, protects against cell-free or cell-associated virus
that might have obtained access to the fetal/infant systemic circulation through
maternal–fetal transfusion or through systemic dissemination of virus swallowed by
the infant during passage through the birth canal.16 This approach likely provides
benefit when the virus remains unintegrated in quiescent cells.17,18 With the use of
a PCR that detects viral long terminal repeats (LTR) rather than gag, thus a partly
reverse-transcribed HIV-1 genome, it was found that about 18% of uninfected infants
born to HIV-1 infected mothers had evidence of unintegrated virus in their peripheral
blood mononuclear cells.18 The unintegrated viral intermediate is biologically active,
but in the absence of appropriate activation it decays with time.17 These findings
support the notion that HIV-1 might enter a fetus, but in the absence of appropriately
activated lymphocytes it might not integrate and establish infection until a later time, if
at all. Support for the efficacy of infant postexposure prophylaxis also comes from
studies in macaques.19 If indeed HIV-1 cannot complete reverse transcription until
cell activation occurs, then viral entry might not equal transmission, which arguably
occurs only at the time of viral integration and thus the establishment of infection.
Accepting this premise, most instances of MTCT must occur around the time of birth
(when extensive lymphocyte activation starts to occur), even though viral entry could
have occurred days or weeks earlier. Of interest, significant reduction in the in utero
Mechanisms of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1 723

transmission rate of HIV-1 was shown when nevirapine at labor was added to a zido-
vudine regimen started at 28 weeks of gestation.2 An explanation for this is that peri-
natal nevirapine may delay infant PCR positivity or even prevent infection from virus
that entered the fetus during the last few weeks of gestation, a conclusion consistent
with the hypothesis presented.
Breast feeding is also a time of major risk for MTCT of HIV in settings where safe
feeding alternatives are not available. The postnatal transmission rate is estimated
to be as high as 15% if women engage in prolonged breast feeding of about 2
years.20–22 This represents a substantial proportion (over one-third) of MTCT of HIV,
and indeed the period of highest risk if antiretroviral prophylaxis is given during preg-
nancy and peripartum.5,23
It is believed that the risk of breast feeding transmission of HIV to the infant is higher
during early lactation because of increased breast milk viral load in colostrum. The risk,
however, continues throughout breast feeding and is associated with low maternal CD4
count, longer duration of breast feeding, higher maternal viral load, mastitis, and mixed
feeding.24–28 The Breastfeeding and HIV International Transmission meta-analysis
calculated the risk of postnatal HIV transmission after 4 weeks of age to be 8.9 trans-
missions per 100 child–years of breast feeding, with a generally constant rate of trans-
mission between 1 and 18 months of infant age.29 Maternal breast pathologies, such as
mastitis (including subclinical mastitis, identified through elevated breast milk sodium
levels), nipple lesions and breast abscess26,29 and infant oral candidiasis30 also have
been identified as risk factors for MTCT of HIV in the breastfed infant.


Many factors may influence the risk of MTCT of HIV (Box 1). The risk of HIV transmis-
sion is higher for mothers with clinical and immunologic indicators of advanced
disease, and with increased viral load.31,32

Viral Factors of MTCT of HIV

Amount of virus
A higher maternal viral RNA load in the peripheral blood is associated with a higher risk
of MTCT for HIV,1,33 with the risk increasing as viral load increases.34–36 However,
overlap in HIV RNA copy number has been observed in women who transmitted
and those who did not transmit the virus to their infants. Although the risk of transmis-
sion of HIV from mothers with peripheral blood viral loads below the limit of detection
is very low, no threshold of peripheral blood viral load has been identified below which
transmission does not occur.37 Receipt of highly active antiretroviral therapy by the
mothers, which decreases viral load, has achieved very low MTCT rates. Antiretroviral
drugs decrease maternal viral load in the blood and genital secretions when given
antenatally. However, this is not the only mechanism by which they exert their benefit.
Antiretroviral drugs have been shown to reduce the risk of transmission even among
women with HIV RNA levels less than 1000 copies/mL.38 Additionally, the level of HIV
RNA at delivery and receipt of antenatal antiretroviral therapy are each independently
associated with the risk of transmission, suggesting that antiretroviral prophylaxis
does not work solely through its effects in viral load.1,39 Primary maternal HIV infection
during pregnancy or postpartum in the nursing mother, associated with higher viral
load, is also associated with an increased risk of MTCT.11,40 Indeed, the observed
increase in MTCT of HIV when mothers had frequent unprotected sexual intercourse
during pregnancy might be related to increased risk of primary HIV infection during
724 Kourtis & Bulterys

Box 1
Factors influencing mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Viral factors
Viral load in plasma, genitourinary tract, breast milk
Viral characteristics: genotype, phenotype, tropism, resistance to antiretroviral agents, capacity
for immune escape
Host factors
Immunologic factors
Maternal CD4 count–stage of HIV disease
Maternal immune factors (such as neutralizing antibodies)
Breast milk immune factors
Fetal/neonatal immune response (such as cytotoxic lymphocyte [CTL] responses)
Genetic factors (fetal HLA type, maternal-fetal HLA concordance, single nucleotide
polymorphisms [SNPs] for chemokines/chemokine receptors/innate immune factors)
Tissue/mucosal integrity
Chorioamnionitis/placental pathology/maturational stage
Maternal genitourinary (GU) lesions/sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Cracked or bleeding nipples/breast abscess/clinical or subclinical mastitis
Barrier integrity (neonatal skin and mucosal membranes)
Infant gastrointestinal (GI) maturity
Vitamin A/other micronutrient deficiency
Obstetric factors
Mode of delivery
Timing of delivery
Invasive monitoring/obstetric procedures
Duration of membrane rupture

pregnancy, or to the acquisition of other STDs increasing HIV viral load in those
already infected with HIV.41,42
In addition to peripheral blood viral load, a higher maternal genital tract viral load is
independently associated with a higher risk of MTCT of HIV.29 However, intrapartum
cleansing of the genital canal with virucidal agents such as benzalkonium chloride (eval-
uated in a small study in West Africa),43 or 0.25% chlorhexidine (evaluated in Malawi),44
and 0.2% and 0.4% chlorhexidine (evaluated in Kenya)45,46 did not show a benefit in
decreasing MTCT of HIV. A trial of 1% chlorhexidine, thought to be the highest tolerated
concentration,47 has been proposed. The viral load of HIV in the breast milk of the
nursing mother is associated with risk of postnatal transmission to the infant.24

Type of virus
It is likely that transmitted HIV has an advantage in either crossing mucosal barriers,
infecting or replicating in target cells, or evading immune responses compared with
the nontransmitted variants.48 Most evidence supports restricted viral heterogeneity
in the blood near the time of infection in most infected infants, with only one or very
Mechanisms of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1 725

few viral variants transmitted from mother to child.49,50 However, transmission of

multiple variants to infants also has been described.51–53 Transmission at the time
of delivery has been primarily associated with a single viral quasispecies,53–55 usually
a minor maternal variant,53 whereas in utero transmitters were more likely to transmit
single or multiple major maternal viral variants.51,53,56 The authors recently compared
the viral sequences from the blood and cervicovaginal fluid of three mothers who
transmitted HIV to their infants with those in their infants. Results indicate the presence
of more than one HIV variant in the neonate’s plasma that are derived from
the maternal blood and from the vaginal compartment, pointing to more than one
episode of transmission with more than one viral strain from different maternal
compartments.57 The authors’ findings also show transmission of cell-associated
maternal virus. This result concurs with those of several other studies, where higher
cell-associated HIV-1 DNA levels in blood and genital secretions or breast milk signif-
icantly increased risk of transmission to the infant.24,29,39,58–60 Even though early
studies of MTCT of HIV had identified plasma cell-free RNA viral load at delivery as
the most significant predictor of transmission,20,39,53 cell-free HIV-1 RNA in plasma
may only be a surrogate marker for the source of virus that is transmitted. Taken
together, the results of studies suggest that, in addition to levels of cell-free virus in
blood and genital secretions, cell-associated virus can independently predict vertical
transmission risk in utero, intrapartum, and via breast feeding.
HIV subtype differences in MTCT have been observed in some cohorts but not
others.48,60–64 Some have suggested that subtype C is preferentially transmitted in
utero compared with subtypes A and D.62 A predominance of CCR5 utilizing, macro-
phage-tropic, nonsyncytium-inducing viruses is noted in perinatal transmission.65
Restricted N-linked glycosylation of the infant viral envelopes (Env) compared with
the maternal Env is another characteristic of newly transmitted viruses.65,66 Most
studies have concentrated on the variable regions of the viral envelope surface protein
gp120, as this region defines viral tropism and contains major targets of the neutral-
izing antibody response. A study recently reported, however, that the replication
capacity of the polymerase gene from transmitting mothers was greater than that of
nontransmitters, suggesting that factors outside of the envelope may play a role in

Host Factors of MTCT of HIV

Immunologic factors
Innate immune parameters Chemokines, the natural ligands of viral coreceptors,
may inhibit HIV-1 infection; the b-chemokines CCL3, CCL4, and CCL5 are natural
ligands for CCR5, and their overexpression in exposed uninfected infants suggests
a possible role in mediating inhibition of MTCT.68 The role of a single strand poly-
morphism (or SNP) in the conserved 30 untranslated region of the cell-derived factor
–1 (SDF-1) gene, which encodes an a chemokine ligand of the CXCR4 viral corecep-
tor, is still unclear, as there are significant geographic and ethnic variations in the
frequency distributions of a and b chemokines and chemokine receptor
Defensins are an important family of antimicrobial peptides in people, and they may
play a role in protection from HIV infection. In an Italian study, SNP –44G/G of b defen-
sin 1 seemed to protect against MTCT of HIV,72 and in a Brazilian study where this
SNP was rare, SNPs –52A/A and –20G/G were associated with a lower risk of
MTCT.73 Homozygosity for –550G/G, the SNP of mannose-binding protein MBL2,
which plays a role in activation of the complement pathway and in phagocytosis,
was associated with protection against MTCT of HIV.74
726 Kourtis & Bulterys

Adaptive immune parameters HIV-specific humoral and cellular immune responses

may be important in influencing MTCT. Early studies had shown that higher levels of
maternal HIV-specific immunoglobulin (Ig)-G did not protect against MTCT.11 Such
studies, however, did not measure neutralizing activity. Neutralizing antibodies in
maternal serum have been correlated with protection from perinatal HIV transmission
in some studies,75–77 but not others.77,78 Perinatally transmitted envelope variants
were found to be neutralization-resistant but with relatively few glycosylation sites,67
indicating that maternal neutralizing antibody imposes a selective pressure on the
transmitted virus. Interestingly, a lack of maternal autologous neutralizing antibody
has been associated with in utero but not intrapartum infection in some studies,78,79
indicating that immune protection may differ by the route of infection.
HIV-specific CTL responses have been detected in uninfected, HIV-exposed individ-
uals, including uninfected infants of HIV-infected mothers.80,81 Their role in viral clear-
ance and prevention of infection is not fully elucidated. HIV-specific immune responses
among uninfected infants born to HIV-infected mothers have been detected in several
cohorts, and in some of them they were associated with protection against transmis-
sion during delivery and breast feeding,82,83 but the significance of these responses
remains generally unclear.48,84 One study suggested that higher levels of suppressive
regulatory T cells were associated with HIV-specific immune responses among
exposed uninfected infants.85 Another study suggested that reduced maternal
immune activation was associated with HIV-1 specific cellular immune responses
among exposed uninfected children.86 The authors have found that infants whose
HIV PCR becomes positive after the first week of life have lower levels of plasma-
soluble L-selectin, and thus immune activation levels,87 suggesting that higher levels
of immune activation in the fetus and newborn promote HIV replication. Thus, higher
levels of immune activation may promote HIV transmission from mother to child.48
Breast milk contains a multitude of factors with antimicrobial and immunomodula-
tory properties, both innate and adaptive, that may modulate the risk of MTCT of
HIV. Such factors include lactoferrin, lysozyme, epidermal growth factor, interleukins,
defensins, chemokines, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, specific antibodies, as
well as T lymphocytes, NK cells and macrophages that may provide protection to the
infant via different mechanisms.88

Genetic factors
Strong associations between infant gender and in utero transmission have been
reported in several cohorts.11,89,90 Female infants have a two-fold increased risk of
infection at birth when compared with male infants, perhaps because in utero mortality
is higher for male HIV-1 infected infants or because the Y antigens, present in male but
not female fetuses, activate maternal lymphocytes and either cause release of cytokines
with anti-HIV effects or limit maternal HIV-infected lymphocyte survival in male infants.90
CCR5 is the coreceptor for R5-type isolates, predominantly transmitted from
mother to child.69 A 32 base pair deletion (D32) within the CCR5 coreceptor generates
a truncated protein that is not expressed on the cell surface, and D32 homozygosity
confers resistance to infection by R5-type HIV isolates.91 Mothers who transmit infec-
tion to D32 heterozygous infants have a significantly higher viral load than mothers
who transmit infection to wild-type homozygous infants.92
Antepartum transmission of HIV is unique in that it occurs in a setting where the child
shares at least half of his or her major histocompatibility (MHC) genes with the mother,
and while the mother tolerates the paternally-derived fetal histocompatibility mole-
cules. Antepartum MTCT is potentially related to HLA class 1 alleles of the MHC
because of their role both in determining maternal–infant compatibility and in regulating
Mechanisms of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1 727

the CD8 T cell response to virally infected cells that results in either their killing or in the
production of factors that interfere with viral replication. In addition, HLA class 1 mole-
cules interact with natural killer cell receptors, a part of the innate immune system. The
HLA region includes 128 genes, and has considerable allele variation among individ-
uals. The breadth of HLA diversity is beneficial for the immunologic response.
The fetus or infant of an HIV-positive mother is exposed to both free HIV virions
and HIV-infected cells that display maternal MHC. Either fetal or newborn anti-
MHC antibodies or alloreactive T cell responses, resulting from HLA discordance,
could protect against infection from the mother. A higher risk of transmission has
been observed in infants whose class I HLA alleles more closely resembled their
mothers’, thus possibly limiting the effectiveness of infant immune responses against
HIV with a history of immune escape in the mother.48,78,93 In addition, maternal-infant
HLA concordance has been associated with clinical disease progression in HIV–
infected infants.94
Several studies suggest that HLA discordance and specific maternal HLA polymor-
phisms (such as B4901, B5301, A2/6802 and B18) are associated with a reduced risk
of MTCT, while others are associated with increased such risk.95–99 Certain
polymorphisms in chemokine receptors (CCR5–59356-T)100 and chemokine ligands
(SDF1–30 A)70 also have been associated with MTCT in African populations. The
HLA-G molecule is of particular interest, as it is a nonclassical MHC class 1 molecule
highly expressed in the placental trophoblasts at the maternal–fetal interface. HLA-G
has several SNPs that have been associated with a decreased risk of perinatal HIV
infection.98 The field of host genomics and associations with susceptibility to HIV
infection and with rate of disease progression is rapidly expanding as the means to
study the human genome have been revolutionized.

Tissue and mucosal integrity: placenta, infant skin and GI tract, maternal GU tract
and breast pathology
Detection of HIV in the placenta does not correlate with infant infection.101,102 As
placental morphology changes during gestation, it is possible that placental cells
with different susceptibility to HIV infection may appear at different times, and thus
the degree of risk of HIV infection of the placenta may differ throughout gestation.
Virus transmission also might occur by passage of cell-free virus through the placental
barrier. Maternal infections associated with chorioamnionitis could perturb the integ-
rity of the placental barrier. If the placental membranes of an HIV-infected woman have
a bacterial infection, maternal white blood cells infected with HIV could enter the amni-
otic fluid, resulting in chorioamnionitis. Chorioamnionitis and funisitis have been asso-
ciated with an increased risk of MTCT.103,104 A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of
antibiotic treatment during pregnancy to prevent chorioamnionitis-associated MTCT
of HIV was discontinued after interim analyses suggested no effect, however.105 Cho-
rioamnionitis also can mediate premature delivery and premature rupture of the
membranes, both factors associated with a higher risk of MTCT of HIV.106 A contrib-
uting factor in the case of a premature infant is the immaturity of his or her skin and
mucosal membranes, resulting in higher permeability to HIV.
Inflammation of the maternal genital tract mucosa, as occurs in genital ulcer
disease, has been shown to increase MTCT of HIV independent of maternal plasma
HIV load,29 and a clinical diagnosis of herpes simplex type 2 infection during preg-
nancy increased MTCT of HIV in several studies.19,107,108 Genital lesions increase local
inflammation and genital shedding of HIV.11
A study showed a marked correlation of maternal vitamin A deficiency with elevated
risk of MTCT of HIV in Africa.109 This observation led to a study investigating vitamin A
728 Kourtis & Bulterys

supplementation to decrease MTCT of HIV. Four such studies have been

completed.110–113 Collectively, these studies showed no benefit of vitamin A supple-
mentation in decreasing MTCT of HIV, with the study from Tanzania showing an
increased risk.112 Other data suggest that deficiencies of other micronutrients (such
as selenium) may be associated with increased risk of MTCT, through increased
genital shedding of HIV and mastitis.114,115 A recent study from Tanzania indicated
a higher risk of MTCT of HIV, perinatally and through breast feeding, in women with
low vitamin D level.116 Vitamin D has immunomodulatory properties and contributes
to the development of the fetal immune system, mechanisms possibly mediating
the observed effect.
With regards to breastfeeding transmission of HIV to the infant, integrity of the
infant’s GI mucosa may be an important factor in determining transmission, and
breaches to such integrity when inflammation occurs may facilitate passage of
HIV.22 Similarly, oral candidiasis in the infant has been associated with increased
risk of postnatal HIV transmission.30 Mastitis and elevated sodium-to-potassium ratio
in breast milk, thought to be a marker of subclinical mastitis, is associated with higher
risk of HIV transmission to the infant, with an increased risk as the mother’s plasma
HIV load increases.117

Obstetric Factors
Although several studies have noted an increased rate of MTCT with preterm delivery,
it remains unclear whether preterm delivery is a result or cause of HIV infection.118–121
Prolonged rupture of the amniotic membranes before delivery can increase MTCT of
HIV.119,122–124 In an analysis of 4271 deliveries with duration of ruptured membranes of
24 hours of less (vaginal deliveries as well as cesarean deliveries after ruptured
membranes or onset of labor), the risk of MTCT of HIV increased approximately 2%
with an increase of 1 hour in the duration of ruptured membranes.125 Amniocentesis
is linked to increased risk of MTCT, as are use of scalp electrodes, forceps, and
vacuum extractors during birth.126,127
Elective cesarean section prior to onset of labor and rupture of the amniotic
membranes has been shown in clinical trials to decrease risk of MTCT of
HIV.9,34,128,129 Potential mechanisms include avoidance of microtransfusions of
maternal blood to the fetus during labor contractions and of direct contact of the
fetus’s skin and mucosal membranes with infected secretions or blood in the maternal
genital canal. An individual patient data meta-analysis incorporating data from 8533
mother–infant pairs showed that the likelihood of MTCT of HIV was approximately
87% lower if a cesarean section was performed before labor and delivery and if anti-
retroviral therapy was provided antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum, as
compared with other modes of delivery and the absence of such therapy.125



The role of other systemic maternal infections influencing MTCT of HIV is unclear.
HIV-infected mothers seem to transmit human herpesvirus (HHV)-6, cytomegalovirus
(CMV), and hepatitis B and C to their babies more frequently than uninfected
women.130–132 MTCT of HIV appears to be more frequent among newborns with
congenital CMV infection.133 A study of perinatally HIV-infected infants from Thailand
showed that the rates of HHV-6 infection were lower in HIV-infected children, but that
HHV-6 coinfection correlated with faster progression of HIV disease.134
Mechanisms of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1 729

Malaria infects the placenta and leads to adverse pregnancy outcomes.135 This is
especially true in primigravidae, among whom malaria tends to be more severe.136,137
Several earlier studies have failed to reveal an interaction between malaria and MTCT
of HIV.135,138 More recent data, however, indicate that malaria increases HIV load, and
treatment of malaria reduces HIV load.139 A few recent studies have suggested an
increased risk of MTCT of HIV in pregnant women with malaria,140–142 while others
have not shown a significantly increased risk.137,143,144 In a study in Western Kenya
of women who were dually infected with HIV-1 and malaria, higher parasitemia levels
(>10,000 parasites/mL of blood) were associated with an increased risk of MTCT of HIV
compared to lower levels of parasitemia.145 Inconsistencies in study results may be
due, at least in part, to the epidemiology of malaria in different settings, which could
affect maternal immunity. Another very recent study suggested that maternal tubercu-
losis was associated with increased odds of MTCT of HIV independent of maternal HIV
viral load and CD4 count or of antiretroviral therapy.146


The accumulated evidence so far suggests that the most comprehensive antiretroviral
regimens for preventing MTCT of HIV are those initiated early in pregnancy and
continued throughout the first weeks of neonatal life and, in a breastfeeding mother,
continued during breast feeding.147,148 Early initiation of antiretroviral prophylaxis
during pregnancy is important, as it takes several weeks for optimal HIV suppression.
Neonatal prophylaxis is also important, both in the case the mother did not receive
optimal prophylaxis during pregnancy, and when she did receive prophylaxis, as it
might suppress low-level viremia; it is critical when the baby has to breast feed.
Approaches aimed at targeting early steps of viral entry and integration, taking advan-
tage of innate resistance to infection or a vaccine against HIV might provide future
advances in preventing MTCT of HIV that would minimize antenatal exposure to
multiple antiretroviral agents, the long-term effects of which on child health have yet
to be fully identified.


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