15 - Duct Sizing

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The following example of the procedure for
sizing ducts is based on the residence used to
make the previous cooling and heating load
The first floor plan (figure 1), basement plan
(figure 2), and a tabulation of the Btu/hr values
for each room are required to size the supply
and return duct system and the supply registers
and return grilles.
Locate and number the supply outlets and locate
the return grilles as shown on the floor plan,
figure 1.
Sketch the duct system as shown on the
basement plan, figure 2.
Fig. 1 Floor plan
Fig. 2 Duct layout in basement
The Btu/hr values determined for the specific
residence and listed on the cooling and heating load
estimates are used to make the duct sizing data table
shown in Table 6.
The plenum size is given in Table 5 as 18 in x 8 in
(An additional 40 cfm added to the basic values
equals a total cfm of 740. Interpolating from the
table, 700 = 16 in. x 8 in. and 800 = 20 in, x 8 in
Therefore, 740 cfm equals a plenum size of 18 in x 8
The return grille size (two grilles) is given in Table 4:
24 in x 6 in. The return duct size is 28 in x 8 in from
Table 5.
Table 6 Duct Sizing Data (Cooling)
Table 5 Minimum Supply And Return Duct
Sizes For Residential Application
Table 4 Return Air Grilles For Residential Use
Duct Sizing Procedure
1. List the supply register numbers and describe
the register location (such as floor or wall).
2. Using the values from the cooling and heating
load estimate forms, record the Btu/hr for each
room. (Use two supply registers for the living
room and kitchen and split the load.)
3. The value of the cooling cfm for each register
is determined by dividing the Btu/hr by 20, as
indicated in table 6.
4. The value of the heating cfm for each register
is determined by dividing the Btu/hr by 63.
Duct Sizing Procedure
5. For each register, the largest cfm value is used
to determine the appropriate register size from
Tables 1 and 2. The student is cautioned to
select values from the proper table according
to the type of register used (such as floor or
6. Determine the supply branch duct size from
Table 5. Most residential supply ducts are 6 in
in diameter.
7. Determine the riser size from Table 5, for the
high wall outlets in the kitchen, bath, and
Table 1 High side wall registers for residential
Table 2 Perimeter outlets
Duct Sizing Procedure
8. Determine the supply air plenum size from
Table 5. The total cfm is 740. This value is
approximately midway between 700 and 800
cfm as listed in the table. Thus, the plenum
should be slightly larger than the 16 in x 8 in
size shown for 700 cfm; use a size of 18 in x 8
in for the full length of the plenum.
Duct Sizing Procedure
The size of the plenum can be reduced after
each runout to three outlets.
For a total cfm of 740, the plenum size is 18
in x 8 in.
First reduction: cfm after runouts to outlets
1; 4, and 10 = 740 - (126 + 82 + 12)
= 740 220 = 520 cfm
- The plenum size is 14 in x 8 in.
Second reduction: cfm after runouts to the
next three outlets (6, 8, and 9)
= 520 -(83 + 46 + 32) = 520 161 = 349 cfm
- The plenum size is now reduced to 10 in x
8 in.
Duct Sizing Procedure
9. Two return grilles are used; thus, the grille size
is divided into two 24 in x 6 in grilles. Since
the 24 in width of the grille is larger than one
stud space, the grille must cover two stud
spaces. Therefore, two return duct risers are
used for each grille. Since joist space is used
for the return duct, the two risers should be fed
into one joist space duct where possible.
10.The return air plenum is sized according to
Table 5. For 740 cfm, the suggested plenum
size is 28 in. x 8 in.

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