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Mechanical Ventilation Design

Worksheet for Swine Housing

This worksheet is intended to guide you through a simplified

procedure for selecting the components of a ventilation
system. It will help you decide on fans and inlets needed and
how to set controls to create a prescribed environment.
Ventilation design is an important factor in ensuring the
health and superior productivity of your animals, as well as
the health of workers, and should not be taken lightly. It also
is important because of the large potential for wasted energy
in a poorly designed facility. For a complete systems design
beyond this simplified approach, seek guidance from an
agricultural engineer.

Step 1. Determine the minimum ventilation rate

The minimum ventilation rate, represented by W, is the rate
used during cold weather to maintain air quality and humidity within the building while minimizing the loss of heat.
Use the recommended ventilation rates (see Table 1) to
determine the amount of air exchange required to maintain

good air quality. To calculate the minimum ventilation rate,

the number and size of animals in the ventilated space must
be known. Multiply the number of animals by the cold
weather rate, expressed in cubic feet of air per minute or

Minimum ventilation rate formula (W):

(W) =

No. of animals x
rate (cfm/animal) =

cold weather

Example 1.
What is the minimum ventilation rate for a farrowing house
(22 by 66) that contains 24 farrowing crates?
= 24 animals


x 20 cfm/animal

= 480 cfm

Table 1. Recommended Ventilation Rates*

Sow and Litter
Nursery Pigs
Finishing Pigs
Gestating Sows
Boars & Breeding Sows


Cold Weather Rate


Hot Weather Rate


*From MWPS-8 Swine Housing and Equipment Handbook, MidWest Plan Service, Ames, Iowa.

Funding provided by the

Iowa Energy Center

PM 1780 Revised October 1999

Intermediate ventilation rate formula (I2) :

Step 2. Determine the maximum ventilation

rate (S)

(I2) = 2 x (12,000 cfm - 480 cfm) + 2400 cfm= 6240 cfm

( 4 stages + 2)

The maximum ventilation, represented by S, is the highest

practical rate for hot weather conditions. Once the outdoor
temperature exceeds the target indoor temperature, the best
that the ventilation system can do is to move enough air to
maintain indoor conditions only a few degrees warmer than
the outside conditions. This is calculated using a similar
procedure as in step 1. Multiple the number of animals by
the recommended hot weather rate from Table 1.

Step 4. Determine the fan capacity needed for

each ventilation stage
Once the ventilation stages are determined, the fans that
provide the proper rate at each stage should be selected. Fans
that are available from manufacturers will likely not deliver the
exact rate needed so stages may need to be adjusted. Calculate
the fan size needed at each stage (see below). The first stage
(W) will be provided with a continuously running fan. Using
static pressure ratings of 0.125 or 0.1 inches of water is
recommended for selecting winter fans (stages W and I1).
Static pressure ratings of 0.05 to 0.08 inches of water may be
used for summer fans (stages I2 and S). In some applications
the minimum ventilation rate is less than the smallest fan that is
available and may be attained using a variable speed controller.

Maximum ventilation rate formula (S):


No. of animals
rate (cfm/animal) =

hot weather

Example 2.
What is the maximum ventilation rate for the same farrowing
house in Example 1?

Fan test data is examined to find fans that are available that
meet the calculated size requirement. Fan test data is available
from the Air Movement and Conditioning Association
(AMCA) or from the Bioenvironmental and Structural Systems
Laboratory (BESS) at the University of Illinois (IL-99).

= 24 animals x 500 cfm/ animal = 12,000 cfm

Step 3. Determine two intermediate ventilation

stages (I1 and I2)
In most mechanical ventilation systems there should be at
least 4 ventilation stages: one based on the cold weather rate,
one based on the hot weather rate and 2 stages between these
stages. In practice, the number of stages will depend on the
total span of the ventilation rates and the availability of
appropriate fans. It is generally better to start with smaller
fans to prevent constant fluctuations in temperature due to
large changes in ventilation rate during cold weather. Usage
of more than four stages is often used in systems in which
many animals are housed in one room. Calculation of these
fan stages would be done in a similar manner.

For more information on fans, see Choosing Fans for Livestock and Poultry Ventilation, Pm-1587.

Intermediate ventilation rate formula (I1) :

Example 4.
Using the calculated ventilation stages from the previous
example, what are the approximate fan sizes needed for each



no. of stages +2)

Minimum Ventilation Fan


Intermediate ventilation rate formula (I2) :



2 x


no. of stages +2)



2nd Fan =


(W) =


3rd Fan =


(I1) =


4th Fan =


(I2) =


Minimum Ventilation Fan = 480 cfm


Example 3
What would be two intermediate stage ventilation rate
based on the information in examples 1 and 2?

2nd Fan =

2400 cfm - 480 cfm

= 1920 cfm

3rd Fan =

6240 cfm - 2400 cfm = 3840 cfm

4th Fan =

12,000 cfm - 6240 cfm

= 5760 cfm

An 8 fan was found to deliver 521 cfm at 0.1 inches of water.

This will be selected as our continuously running minimum
ventilation fan. Likewise, a 16 fan was found to deliver

(12,000 cfm - 480 cfm) + 480 cfm = 2400 cfm

( 4 stages + 2)

Continuous Slot Inlets

Continuous slot inlets, Figure 1, are used to bring fresh air
into the room through inlets that are mounted in the ceiling
next to the sidewall. Generally these types of buildings will
have hinged flap doors over the eave openings that are closed
during the winter in order to bring tempered air in through
the attic. During summer, these same doors are opened to
allow cooler air to enter the room rather than hot attic air.
Inlets are adjusted by hand to different season conditions and
are used on one side for buildings 25 wide or narrower and
on both sides for buildings 25 to 40 wide. Wider buildings
use additional center-ceiling inlets. The inlet baffle adjustment is sized such that air will enter at a speed of 800 feet
per minute. This will cause the air to be thrown further into
the building and cause proper air mixing. The throat of the
inlet should be sized at least big enough to accommodate the
hot weather ventilation rate. Continuous inlets should be
discontinued within 5 feet of sidewall fans. The formulas
below are used to size the inlets based on the desired air
velocity of 800 feet per minute (fpm).

1950 cfm at 0.1 inches of water. An 18 fan had a rating of

3720 cfm at 0.05 inches of water. A lower pressure rating is
used here because it will be a summer fan. This means with
three stages, 6191 cfm will be provided. To complete our
system we will look for a fan to deliver approximately 5809
cfm (12,000 minus 6191). A 24 fan is found that will
provide 5900 cfm at 0.05 inches of water. To summarize, the
actual fan stages appear below.

Table 2. Actual fan stages for the example.1

8 fan Model V
16 fan Model X 1950
18 fan Model Y 3720
24 fan Model Z 5900

Stage CFM

Actual fan test data with model number removed comes from
Agricultural Ventilation Fans, Perfomance and Efficiencies. 1997
University of Illinois. Available through MidWest Plan Service.
The continuous and 2nd stage fan are chosen using 0.10 inches of
water and the 3rd and 4th stages use 0.05 inches of water.

Inlet area openings at each ventilation stage (Ax)

Ventilation rate at stage X / 800 fpm =

sq feet

Step 5. Determine the size and type of inlet

Inlets can be made with continuous slot inlets or commercially available, self-adjusting inlets. These two cases will
be handled separately.

Width of the inlet opening (Ix):

Ax (sq feet)
Total Length of
Continuous Inlet (ft)

Figure 1. A Continuous Slot Eave Inlet.

x 12 in/ft = width of continuous

inlet (in)

Example 5A.
In the farrowing house example, the building was 66 feet
long. Because it is a relatively narrow building (narrower
than 25 feet), only one eave will have a continuous slotted
eave inlet and the opposite sidewall will have the fans
mounted in it. For this example, there is 66 feet of sidewall
inlet. Use ventilation stage rates found in Example 4 to
calculate inlet opening size.
Minimum ventilation opening
(A1) = 521cfm / 800 fpm =


Inlet Air
From Attic


sq feet


(I1) = 0.65 sq feet / 66 ft x 12 in/ft = 0.12 in opening

Figure 2. Two Sided Ceiling Inlet.
Stage 2
(A2) = 2471 cfm / 800 fpm
(I2) = 3.1 sq feet / 66 ft
Stage 3
(A3) = 6191 cfm/ 800 fpm
(I3) = 7.7 sq feet / 66 ft


sq feet

In some cases the number of inlets should be chosen based

on distribution needs rather than rate. Locate inlets so they
are no more than 10 to 12 feet apart in the direction that they
do not deliver air. Locate inlets so they are no more than 25
to 30 feet apart in the direction that they deliver air.

x 12 in/ft = 0.56 in opening


sq feet

Example 5B.
In the farrowing house example, the building was 66 feet
long and had 2 rows of 12 crates of sows. Using two sided
commercial ceiling inlets, determine the size, number and
placement of the inlets. Use ventilation stage rates found in
Example 4.

x 12 in/ft = 1.4 in opening

Stage 4
(A4) = 12,091 cfm / 800 fpm =


sq feet

(I4) = 15.1 sq feet / 66 ft x 12 in/ft = 2.8 in opening

In the case of our example, 12,091 cfm is the designed

maximum fan capacity. This means that 10-1200 cfm inlets
are required (one every 6 feet). However, because there are
12 crates in a row, it will distribute the air better if each pair
of crates that are across that alley from one another have one
inlet. Therefore, we would chose to use 12-1200 cfm bidirectional inlets over the center alley, one every five feet. In
winter, every other inlet would be closed to force more air
through the open inlets. This would promote a better air jet
across the ceiling and, therefore, better mixing. Inlets should
be adjusted so that they deliver a jet of air at 800 cfm during
any conditions. During summer conditions, the mixing of air
is not as important as it is in winter. Inlets may be adjusted
so that they channel air at an angle that may strike sows on
the back. This is a good method to promote sow cooling as
long as it does not chill the piglets in a draft.

The opening in the ceiling for this inlet should be larger than
the largest opening (2.8 inches). This opening in the ceiling
would probably be at least 4 inches wide (see Figure 1) and
the hinged baffle door would be used to set the actual opening.
As can be seen in Example 5A, winter ventilation rates
require a small opening to create the proper air velocity.
When using a continuous slot inlet this is hard to manage
because the hinged baffle boards tend to warp, creating gaps
that are bigger and smaller than desired. This will cause
drafts in some places and stagnant air in others. An alternative is the use of commercially available, self-adjusting inlets.
Commercial Self-Adjusting Inlets
Commercially available inlets, Figures 2 & 3, generally come
with a rating of maximum airflow delivery. Typical maximum ratings for inlets are 600 cfm, 800 cfm, and 1200 cfm
but others are available. Models are constructed that send air
in one direction, two directions, or four directions. Unlike fan
ratings, they do not come from an independent laboratory but
are set by the company that manufactures them. These inlets
are usually spaced out in order to provide a good distribution
of air. At the winter ventilation rate there are generally too
many inlets to maintain proper air velocity and, therefore,
good air mixing. Most inlets are capable of being closed so a
typical strategy is to close off every other inlet until higher
ventilation rates are needed. Inlets will adjust to changing
static pressure, i.e. more fans being used, but they should be
seasonally adjusted to maintain proper air velocity.

Step 6. Determine the required attic opening

When using ceiling inlets, openings that allow air from the
outside into the attic often are overlooked. If these openings
are too small, they will restrict the entrance of air into the
attic and not allow inlets to properly regulate airflow. To
prevent restricted airflow, one square foot of opening should
be allowed for every 400 cfm. This opening should be big
enough to accommodate hot weather ventilation rates. A
portion of the openings may be closed during winter.
Attic Opening Formula (AO):
(AO) = Air flow rate (cfm) =
400 cfm per square feet

square feet of attic


Example 6.
For the farrowing house in the previous examples, how large
should the attic opening be to prevent constricting airflow to
the ceiling inlets during winter and summer?

Step 7. Determine thermostat settings

Thermostats should be set so that no fan stage operates except
the minimum ventilation rate while the furnace is on. Temperatures should be set at a comfortable level for pigs. Use
Thermal Environmental Guidelines for Swine, ISU Extension publication Pm-1586 for the initial settings. Watch pigs to
determine their comfort level and make appropriate adjustments as needed. Other stages should be set 3 to 5 degrees
apart, depending on the precision of the controller.

The opening to the attic should be calculated using the

maximum ventilation rate for summer, the 4th stage in this
case, and the 2nd stage for winter ventilation. The minimum
rate should not be used to size the attic openings because
during the winter the 2nd stage will run on occasion. Sizing
the attic openings using the 2nd stage will prevent restricting
air flow when the 2nd stage fans run during winter.

Example 7.
Assume that we are trying to maintain 68oF in the farrowing
house while using heat lamps to maintain the microenvironment for the piglets. What should the thermostat settings be
for the ventilation and heating stages?

(AO ) =2471 cfm / 400 cfm


square feet of attic


The ventilation stages would be as follows:

Continuous Fan 521 cfm
521 cfm
3000 Btu/hr-sow* 72,000 Btu/hr
2nd Stage
1950 cfm
2471 cfm
3rd Stage
3720 cfm
6191 cfm
4th Stage
5900 cfm
12,091 cfm

(AO ) =12,091 cfm/ 400 cfm =


square feet of attic


The opening into the attic should be more than 30 square feet
during the summer. This area may be provided through
gable louvers, eave vents, or ridge vents. Square footage
should be based on the areas of the actual openings and not
the overall louver size. If small openings are used, the actual
useable opening is only 66 percent of the openings. During
winter, only 6.2 square feet should be provided so the northside openings may be closed to prevent snow from drifting
into the attic. This is based on the needs for the 2nd stage to
prevent choking of the system during intermittent weather.

on continuou sly
on at 65 oF
on at 71 oF
on at 74 oF
on at 77 oF

* Heating capacity needed may be found in MWPS-8, Swine

Housing Handbook. Recommendations are 3000 Btu/hr-sow for
farrowing, 350 Btu/hr-pig for nursery, 600 Btu/hr-pig for finishing,
1000 Btu/hr-animal for breeding/gestation.

Figure 3. A system using commercial ceiling inlets.

Step 8. Sketch the System

Sketch the ventilation system including fans, inlets, heaters,
and thermostat locations.

12 Sow Crates

12 Sow Crates

1200 cfm inlets (12)

Fans 1 through 4


lightly. Do not hesitate to seek guidance from agricultural

engineers to make sure your system operates properly for
years to come.

This method of designing a mechanical ventilation system

uses general rules to design a simple system. It summarizes
some of the critical aspects of good ventilation design in
order to help you improve your knowledge of ventilation
systems. This should be helpful in working with building
and equipment contractors, in operating the ventilation
system, and in troubleshooting the ventilation system.

Figures 1, 2, and 3 are from Ventilation Worksheet for Dairy

and Swine Buildings by Brian J. Holmes, University of
Wisconsin Extension, Madison, WI.
Other resources available from Iowa State University
Extension include Pm-1587, Choosing Fans for Livestock
and Poultry Ventilation, Pm-1586, Thermal Environmental
Guidelines for Swine Housing, and IL-99, Agricultural
Ventilation Fans Perfomance and Efficiencies ($8).

Design is critical to a well-functioning system. Without

proper matching of fans, inlets, and controllers the ventilation system will not create a proper environment, which can
affect pig health and productivity, worker health, and energy
costs. Proper design is critical and should not be taken


Project Title Example Farrowing House
Date December 1998
Stage Rates
Min.Vent. Rate (W):
Max. Vent.Rate (S):


Animals x
Animals x



Intermediate Stage 1 (I1)

{12,000 480}
( 4 stages +2)

Intermediate Stage 2 (I2)

2 x {12,000 - 480}
( 4 stages +2)

Ideal Fan Capacities

Continuous Fan
2nd Fan
3rd Fan
4th Fan

2400 - 480
6240 - 2400
12,000 - 6240


Actual Fan Stages

Continuous Fan =









2,400 cfm

6,240 cfm

Actual Fan Capacities



Stage 2 =

Continuous + 2nd Fan =

Stage 3 =

Stage 2 + 3rd Fan =

2,471 + 3720

= 6,191


Stage 4 =

Stage 3 + 4th Fan =

6191 + 5900 = 12,091


521 + 1950 = 2,471


Needed Continuous Eave Inlet Area

Actual Fan
Stage (cfm)

Opening (ft )

Inlet Opening

Continuous Fan

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4





Divided by 800

Divided by 800

Divided by 800

Divided by 800





Divided by
inlet length (66 ft)
times 12

Divided by
Divided by
Divided by
inlet length (66 ft) inlet length (66 ft) inlet length (66 ft)
times 12
times 12
times 12

0.12 in

0.56 in

1.4 in

2.8 in

or Commercial inlets = Maximum Rate Rated Capacity = 12,091 cfm 1200 cfm/inlet = 10 inlets

Needed Attic Opening

Actual Fan
Stage (cfm)

Opening (ft )

Winter (Stage 2)

Summer (Stage 4)



Divided by 400

Divided by 400

6.2 ft

Target Temperature =
Thermostat Settings
2nd Stage
3rd Stage
4th Stage

30.2 ft


Stage Capacity

Total Capacity

Thermostat Setting

521 cfm
3,000 Btu/hr-sow
1,950 cfm
3,720 cfm
5,900 cfm

521 cfm
72,000 btu/hr-sow
2,471 cfm
6,191 cfm
12,091 cfm

on continuously

Sketch the Facility

12 Sow Crates

12 Sow Crates

1200 cfm inlets (12)

Fans 1 through 4

Prepared by Jay D. Harmon, Ph.D.,P.E.,associate professor

and extension agricultural engineer, agricultural &
biosystems engineering department.
File: Engineering 1-8
. . . and justice for all
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and
activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political
beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all
programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To
file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten
Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in
cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Stanley R. Johnson, director,
Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames,


Project Title
Stage Rates
Min.Vent. Rate (W):
Max. Vent.Rate (S):

Animals x
Animals x

Intermediate Stage 1 (I1)


Intermediate Stage 2 (I2)

2 x {(S)
- (W)
No. stages +2)

Ideal Fan Capacities

Continuous Fan
2nd Fan
3rd Fan
4th Fan





- (W)
} + (W)
No. stages +2)

- (W)
- (I1)
- (I2)

} + (I1)





Actual Fan Capacities


Actual Fan Stages

Continuous Fan =


Stage 2 =


+ 2nd Fan


Stage 3 =

Stage 2

+ 3rd Fan


Stage 4 =

Stage 3

+ 4th Fan


Needed Continuous Eave Inlet Area

Continuous Fan

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Divided by 800

Divided by 800

Divided by 800

Divided by 800

Divided by
inlet length (ft)
times 12

Divided by
inlet length (ft)
times 12

Divided by
inlet length (ft)
times 12

Divided by
inlet length (ft)
times 12

Actual Fan
Stage (cfm)
Opening (ft2)

Inlet Opening
or Commercial inlets = Maximum Rate

Rated Capacity


PM-1780 worksheet February 1999

Needed Attic Opening

Winter (Stage 2)

Summer (Stage 4)

Divided by 400

Divided by 400

Actual Fan
Stage (cfm)

Opening (ft )

Thermostat Settings
Stage Capacity
2nd Stage
3rd Stage
4th Stage

Total Capacity

Thermostat Setting
on continuously

Sketch the Facility

Prepared by Jay D. Harmon, Ph.D., P.E., associate professor

and extension agricultural engineer, agricultural &
biosystems engineering department.
File: Engineering 1-8

. . . and justice for all

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and
activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political
beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all
programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To
file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten
Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in
cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Stanley R. Johnson, director,
Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames,

Target Temperature =


Project Title
Stage Rates
Min.Vent. Rate (W):
Max. Vent.Rate (S):

Animals x
Animals x

Intermediate Stage 1 (I1)


Intermediate Stage 2 (I2)

2 x {(S)
- (W)
No. stages +2)

Ideal Fan Capacities

Continuous Fan
2nd Fan
3rd Fan
4th Fan





- (W)
} + (W)
No. stages +2)

- (W)
- (I1)
- (I2)

} + (I1)





Actual Fan Capacities


Actual Fan Stages

Continuous Fan =


Stage 2 =


+ 2nd Fan


Stage 3 =

Stage 2

+ 3rd Fan


Stage 4 =

Stage 3

+ 4th Fan


Needed Continuous Eave Inlet Area

Continuous Fan

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Divided by 800

Divided by 800

Divided by 800

Divided by 800

Divided by
inlet length (ft)
times 12

Divided by
inlet length (ft)
times 12

Divided by
inlet length (ft)
times 12

Divided by
inlet length (ft)
times 12

Actual Fan
Stage (cfm)

Opening (ft )

Inlet Opening
or Commercial inlets = Maximum Rate

Rated Capacity


PM-1780 worksheet February 1999

Needed Attic Opening

Winter (Stage 2)

Summer (Stage 4)

Divided by 400

Divided by 400

Actual Fan
Stage (cfm)

Opening (ft )

Thermostat Settings
Stage Capacity
2nd Stage
3rd Stage
4th Stage

Total Capacity

Thermostat Setting
on continuously

Sketch the Facility

Prepared by Jay D. Harmon, Ph.D., P.E., associate professor

and extension agricultural engineer, agricultural and
biosystems engineering department.
File: Engineering 1-8

. . . and justice for all

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and
activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political
beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all
programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To
file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten
Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in
cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Stanley R. Johnson, director,
Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames,

Target Temperature =

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