Types of Maxillary Major Connectors

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Types of maxillary major


Dr.Mohammad Al Sayed

Horseshoe or U-shaped connector.4


.When several anterior teeth being replaced.1

In tooth borne partial denture with anterior and .2
. posterior teeth are being missing
When a hard midline suture or palatal torus .3
cannot be covered

It consists of U-shaped thin band of metal of 6-8mm.1

.in width
The borders must be either 6mm away from the .2
gingival margin or extend onto the lingual
. surfaces of the teeth
The connector should be uniform in thickness, .3
. symmetric, and with curved and smooth borders
It solves the problem of missing anterior teeth .1
especially when there is deep anterior vertical
. overlap
It offers a definite advantage in the presence of .2
. hard median suture or large torus
It tend to be less rigid than other connectors as a .1
buccolingual movement may occur in the
. posterior area
It covers the rugae area and interferes with .2
. phonetics and patient’s comfort
Anteroposrerior palatal strap.5
(closed horseshoe)

In tooth borne, and mucosa borne partial .1

dentures when replacement of anterior and
.posterior teeth is required
.When a palatal torus exists.2
Anteroposterior palatal strap
Anteroposreior palatal strap

The anterior strap should be positioned as back .1

. as possible on the rugae area
The posterior strap should be placed as far back .2
. as possible on the hard palate
The borders of the connectors should be placed .3
6 mm away from the gingival margins or
should extend above the height of contour of
.the teeth

.It is rigid because it lies at two different planes.1

.It provide good support to the partial denture.2

May be not accepted by some patients due to
multiple borders and coverage to the rugae area
The complete palatal plate.6
In long span bilateral tooth-mucosa borne partial .1
denture with and without anterior teeth
. replacement
Should be used whenever maximum tissue support.2
. is desired
.In patients with palatal defect.3
Maximum palatal coverage should be considered .4
in the presence of poor residual ridge,
periodontal disease, increased muscular force
.and poor bone indices
.In transitional partial denture.5

The anterior border should be 6 mm away from .1

. the gingival margin
Posterior borders are extended to the junction of .2
. movable and immovable soft palate
The posterior border is beaded to prevent debris .3
. from collecting beneath the palate

It offers maximum rigidity support and retention .1

. to the partial denture
It is made in a uniform thin metal plate, which .2
reproduce anatomic contour of the palate and
. feel natural to the patient

Often cannot be used in the presence of a palatal .1
. torus
Complete palatal coverage may alter taste and .2
. tactile sensation
:Types of palatal plates

Complete cast metal plate covering the entire .1

. palate. It may not be relined easily
Complete resin plate, which can be relined or .2
. rebased
Combination of anterior metal with posterior .3
resin area. The resin area may be relined or
. rebased

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