35-Article Text-68-1-10-20200516
35-Article Text-68-1-10-20200516
35-Article Text-68-1-10-20200516
DOI Number:
14, No. 1 10.37506/v14/i1/2020/ijfmt/192888
Aim:The aim of this study is to compare and evaluate the effects of auxillary grooves on retention of
complete cast crown on molars. Method: Thirty mounted teeth were divided randomly into three groups of
10 each and grooves are placed using NOF104R diamond point. In group A , no groove is placed – control,
group B, one groove is placed proximally in the centre of mesial surface – Test group. In group C, two
groove is placed proximally , each in centre of mesial surface and distal surface - Test group. Castings were
prepared luted and retention was checked using a Universal Testing machine Results were subjected to
one way ANOVA and Student T Test. Results: Auxilary retentive features produces a significant increase
in retention of complete cast crowns. Incorporation of two proximal grooves on the mesial and distal side
produces the most retention as compared to one groove or conventional tooth preparation Conclusion:
Retentive features produces a significant increase in retention of complete cast crowns
Key words: auxillary grooves, complete cast crowns, tooth preparations, mandibular molar
Clinically a short crown requires crown lengthening, height of 3.5mm as measured at the mid-buccal surface.
which is a periodontal surgical procedure before crown
preparation which adds to the cost and complexity of IMPRESSION TECHNIQUE:
treatment. Other modalities for inadequate crown height Impressions of the prepared teeth were made
to improve retention are incorporation of grooves, with multiple mix single step technique with polyvinyl
boxes, pins & ledges. The aim of this study is to compare siloxane impression material. and cast is poured in type
and evaluate the effects of auxillary grooves on retention IV die stone following manufacturer’s instructions
of complete cast crown on molars. taking care to see mix is free of any defects or air bubbles
by mixing with a vaccum mixer.
Materials and Method
Thirty extracted mandibular first molars, of equal PREPARATION OF WAX PATTERNS: The dies
dimensions mesiodistally, buccolingually and cervico- are painted with three coats of die spacer 1mm short
incisally were selected for the study. The roots of teeth of finish lines. Die lubricant (Isolit) is painted
were notched for anchorage and mounted vertically in on the master die and excess of lubricant is removed
auto polymerizing acrylic resin block 2mm below the with a gentle stream of air. Wax copings of 1mm is
cementoenamel junction . A dental surveyor is used to prepared by using blue inlay wax(BEGO) , carved with
position the long axis of the tooth . These mounted teeth PKT wax instrument simulating a cylinder axially and
were divided randomly into three groups of 10 each and flat occlusally . A 2mm sprue wax is made as loop and
grooves are placed using NOF104R diamond point. attached to the centre of occlusal surfaces of wax pattern
for testing in a universal testing machine . Wax patterns
In group A , no groove is placed – control group are designated with a code number for convenience of
identifying it for corresponding prepared tooth. These
In group B, one groove is placed proximally in the wax patterns are sprued and invested with phosphate
centre of mesial surface – Test group bonded investment. Burn out is done by lost wax process.
In group C , two groove is placed proximally , Casting And Finishing:
each in centre of mesial surface and distal surface - Test
group. Test copings are cast using nickel chromium alloys(
Wirolloy Bego, Germany) in electronic centrifugal
The groove were placed parallel to the path of induction casting machine( Gallloni) . These castings are
insertion and minimum of 3mm long . Groove should retrieved from investments and sprues are cut using high
be terminated 0.5mm above the chamfer finish line and speed grinder( Speed Master) . Minor adjustments to seat
are parallel to each other with the axial walls converging the casting are done with a small round bur mounted on
towards the occlusal surface. Size of groove should be a laboratory hand piece. Internal surface of the castings
half the diameter of the diamond point with buccal and are air abraded with 100-150 um Aluminium oxide
lingual walls diverging from each other. particles at 40 psi and fit of casting are verified on the
Tooth Preparation: preparation . All the casting are cleaned with ultrasonic
cleaning unit ( USG 4000 Ultrashall , Dentarum) for 15
Teeth preparation was done with a high speed minutes .
airotor handpiece attached to vertical arm of surveyor
using a lockable joint . A custom made paralleling Cementation:
device is used to attain parallelism of axial walls and Teeth and crowns are thoroughly cleansed and dried
constant taper for each crown preparation. All teeth with filtered compressed air before cementation. All these
were then photographed ( at an image size of 4:1) for teeth are cemented with Type I glass ionomer cement
facial and/or lingual aspect as well as mesial and / according to manufacturers recommendation. Each
or distal aspect. A protactor was used to measure the casting is filled with sufficient luting cement to evenly
degree of taper. A constant taper of 10 + - 1 degree was cover the inner surface, seated with digital pressure on
obtained for all the preparations . A uniform chamfer the tooth taking care to see that excess cement is flown
finish line of 0.5mm width is established at the cemento- all around. An explorer is used to carefully remove the
enamel junction. All preparations are refined using SF excess cement.
-102R diamond point. Teeth are prepared to constant
170 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2020, Vol. 14, No. 1
Table 2: Comparison of different groups using Mandibular teeth are generally prepared with greater
least significant difference test TOC compared to maxillary teeth1, hence axial grooves
are routinely incorporated in preparation of mandibular
molars for fixed partial dentures . Also FPD abutments
Group (X) Group (Y) difference p are prepared with greater TOC compared to individual
(X-Y) crowns.
Group A Group B -8.693 0.047 Woosley and Matisch 5 determined that proximal
grooves provided complete resistance to faciolingual
Group A Group C -31.814 .001 forces , whereas facial or lingual grooves provided
only partial resistance to faciolingual dislodgment .
Group B Group C -23.121 0.001 Proximal grooves increase the resistance and retention
of restoration. Ayad etal 6 in a study found a marked
difference between the degree of taper of full crown
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2020, Vol. 14, No. 1 171
preparation of 18- 22 degree and that of boxes and grooves as compared to one groove or conventional tooth
in the axial surface of preparations as shorter distance preparation
between walls allows dentist to prepare more precisely.
Also Woosley and Matich reported that proximal Conflict of Interest : Nil
grooves on short 15 degree dies provide complete Source of Funding : Self
resistance to faciolingual horizontal displacement.
Ethical Clearance for this study is taken from
The results showed highly significant amount of our college institutional ethical committee. Enclosed
separation force required to dislodge casting between certificate of ethical clearance.
one groove (Group B) and no grooves (Group A)
p≤0.047 and very highly significant forces required References
to dislodge castings with two grooves p≤0.001. This
suggests incorporation of proximal grooves improves 1. Schillinburg, HT ,Hobo S , Whitsett LD.
the retention of cast crowns. The increased retention Fundamentals of fixed Prosthodontics. Ed 2
may be attributed to the fact that the lateral walls of the Quintessence publishing Co 1981 pg 119-24.
grooves will help in the tensofrictional resistance and 2. El –Mowafy OM, Fenton AH , Forrestor N,
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et al and, Omar et al 2,3 taper and height. J Prosthet Dent.1996;76:524-9.
3. Kishimoto M, Shillinburg HT , Duncanson MG
Limitations :
. Influence of preparation features on retention
Unidirectional forces were applied for dislodgement and resistance . Part II : Three quarter crowns . J
of crowns in this study . masticatory forces are Prosthet Dent 1983;49:188-92.
multidirectional . In addition only one luting agent that 4. Chan K.C., BoyerD.B. Auxillary retention for
is Type I glass ionomer was under consideration . This complete crowns provided by cement keys. J
study was an invitro study and did not consider the Prosthet 1981;45:152-5
role of saliva which has an influence of the physical 5. Woosley G.D; Matich J.A. Effect of axial groves
properties of the luting agent. on the resistance form of cast restorations. J Amer
Dent Assoc 1978; 97:978- 80.
6. Ayad MF , Johnston WM, Rosensteil SF. Influence
1. Auxiliary retentive features produces a of tooth preparation taper and cement type on
significant increase in retention of complete cast crowns recementation strength of complete metal crowns.
J. Prosthet Dent.2009;102: 354-61.
2. Incorporation of two proximal grooves on
the mesial and distal side produces the most retention