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of Building Infrastructure
of Building Modeling
Information Modelingin(BIM):
India Perspectives from
Indian Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) firms.
Gagan Ratan Koduri & Suhas Prabhudev Nagavalli | [email protected] & [email protected]
Civil & infrastructure Engineering | George Mason University


Building Information Modeling is 3D model-based process that INDIA
describes tools, processes, and technologies that are Organizational support: Some organizations believe that
Effective Time
facilitated by digital machine - readable documentation which Management
cost of BIM implementation is beyond their project
gives architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) budget. The software bundles which are used to develop
industry the insights about a building, its performance, its BIM are high and also subscription are also high for Indian
operation and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, standards (Chougule N. S, Konnur B. A, 2015).
and manage buildings and infrastructure. Governmental support: Lack of support and incentives
The application BIM for construction has received different from the governmental organization (Rogers J, Chong HY,
levels of acceptance in different countries. In the case of Benefits
Preece C,2015). Also, unavailability of standard codes for of BIM
developing countries like India, the level of adoption of BIM in BIM usage and absence of making BIM mandatory for
construction is not too high, but it has been evolving rapidly. public construction projects.
Aarti Nanajkar and Zhili Gao (2014) writes that the main Skilled labors: Adoption of BIM requires several
reason for not using BIM in India is the lack of technical fundamental changes within the team/organization adding
expertise, social support, lack of proper initiative and change in skill set of employees (Sawhney A, Singhal
involvement from the government. P,2013). For the training of employees, organization need Safety Emission
Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore the overview and Management Management
to spend time and money which in turn creates dilemma
adoption of BIM in the Indian construction industry, with its for the adoption.
objectives first, to determine the barriers for adoption of BIM Legal factors: For a developing country like India the main Figure 3 shows the benefits of BIM implementation in brief.
and second to determine to determine the benefits of BIM challenge is to determine the ownership of BIM data
adoption and how successful was it in other countries. (Dariusz Walasek, Arkadiusz Barszcz, 2016) and how to DISCUSSION
protect it through copyright and other laws.
The article is done according to Indian AEC firms consideration
CURRENT STATE OF BIM IN INDIA of BIM adoption and suggestions are based on this. As per the
The construction industry is the second largest contributor research Indian AEC has a fewer BIM users and people who want
towards Indias GDP and the current situation of the market to adopt is less. This situation can be overcome by government
is relatively slow when compared to the other countries. But Government taking initiative and providing the required infrastructure in the
Social Support
it is expected to rise within a year and the adoption of newer Support form of subsidized programs and bear higher cost of software
technologies with skilled work force will be on the rise. The that are used in the BIM development for smaller companies.
use/adaption of BIM in India is also being varied based on the lack of skilled engineers, employees can be overcome by
projects. According to the done by RICS school of built initializing specialized training programs for the BIM usage and
environment and KPMG it was found that 22% of respondent rapid adaptation can be observed by the involvement of
currently use BIM, 27% reported that they are aware and
considering for the adoption of BIM, 43% claim to be aware
Barriers for government and making BIM implementation compulsory. The
legal issues encountered can be overcome by implementing a
but are not ready to implement it and 8% are not all aware of
BIM. (Sawhney A, Kapoor A, Kamthan S, Agarwal N, Bhakre P,
Adoption of BIM program for proper documentation and data interpretation
related to BIM. with the substantial outcome from BIM
Jain S, 2014). in India implementation internationally, India seems to be a promising
new domain geographically for BIM with a lot of things to learn
and experience from the research in such a growing economy.


Aware of BIM and Considering to use

Chougule, N. S., & Konnur, B. A. (2015). A Review of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Construction
43% Industry. International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue, 4.
Aware of BIM, but not sure about
Skilled Labor Legal Issues Bui, N., Merschbrock, C., & Munkvold, B. E. (2016). A review of Building Information Modelling for construction in developing
countries. Procedia Engineering, 164, 487-494.Rogers, J., Chong, H. Y., & Preece, C. (2015). Adoption of building information
modelling technology (BIM) perspectives from Malaysian engineering consulting services firms. Engineering, Construction and
Architectural Management, 22(4), 424-445.
Not aware of BIM
Doumbouya, L., Gao, G., & Guan, C. (2016). Adoption of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) for construction project
effectiveness: The review of BIM benefits. American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 4(3), 74-79.
Azhar, S. (2011). Building information modeling (BIM): Trends, benefits, risks, and challenges for the AEC industry. Leadership
and management in engineering, 11(3), 241-252.
Figure 1 shows the Current state of BIM in India Figure 2 shows the barriers faced for BIM implementation
Martnez-Aires, M. D., Lpez-Alonso, M., & Martnez-Rojas, M. (2018). Building information modeling and safety management:
A systematic review. Safety Science, 101, 11-18.

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