1 SIGOS SITE 2 1 0 User ReportingAndAlarmingV2
1 SIGOS SITE 2 1 0 User ReportingAndAlarmingV2
1 SIGOS SITE 2 1 0 User ReportingAndAlarmingV2
1 Training
Test Execution on
different locations
real time
(Input and Output)
Together with the Report Editor the Toolbox for Reports will be opened in the
navigation area...
You can open the Toolbox for Reports manually with the regarded button in the
navigation bar:
The Toolbox for Reports contains all items you need to define your reports:
You can build up a structure in the “Report Editor” by dragging items from the
“Toolbox for Reports” (navigation area) and dropping them in the working area:
You create a report by selecting the report definition node in the Report Editor
and pressing the “Show Current Report” button afterwards.
show current report by opening the context menu of the new report or
selecting the icon from the toolbar.
When you click on a Report Definition you will find the parameter tree in the
working area:
With the “size” parameter you can define the initial size of the
charts in the report. When set to automatic the value is taken from
the table ConfigurationParameters (report image width and report
image height) in the database sitecu. Default is 500x300)
The timing parameter defines the time range for the report. Only results of
testruns with a Timestamp value within this range will be shown in the report.
The timestamp value is the time when the final verdict of a testrun is set. So in
most cases the Timestamp will match the end time in the TestcaseStatus view.
• Rubberband (account KPIs from a certain start time till time of report generation)
start time Report generation
start time Report generation
• Window (account all KPIs within a certain time window before report generation)
window Report generation
window Report generation
If you select “Window” the time range displayed is aligned according to the data
aggregation interval. If you select “Until now” you will force the system to extend
the end point of the report window to the time of the report generation.
Aggregation method: count
Keynote SIGOS GmbH 2008, page 17
Report Definition - Report Schedule
You can schedule a report to be generated one or more times. Any time a
scheduled report is generated, the report data is stored in the database.
You can also enter an email address which the generated reports will be sent
When you click on a Chart Definition you will find the chart parameter tree in the
working area:
Chart Types:
marker lines lines marker matrix single
u can enter a title of a chart. The title will be displayed at the top of the chart.
ere are some text macros available (that will be substituted by the actual values):
TART/> : Begin of timing
ND/> : End of timing
ATH/> : Report-definition-Path
AME/> : Report-definition-Name
MEZONE/> : Time zone setting of the report's owner
When you click on a KPI Definition you will find the KPI parameter tree in the
working area:
You can define a test definition filter or you can define a column filter that
filters for certain test definition paths.
Both filters will only allow measurements of a specific test definition. What's
the difference?
In the Measurement Data view you can open the traces of the testcases
which resulted in the measurements had the chart consists of.
Note: Drill down is only possible if you use raw data.
Change Report
Update view of
current Report
Open Interactive
Chart Viewer
Change Report
Update view of
Show current Report
Save Chart Enable/Disable
Open Trace as Picture Cyclic Update
The first step to define an alarm is to drag an alarm item from the “Toolbox For
Reports” beneath a KPI Item of a report in the “Report Editor” via Drag and Drop.
If you click on an Alarm definition you will find a parameter tree like this in the
working area:
Chart showing the average duration of all testcases run in the last two weeks.
Chart showing the number of testruns for each testcase (TCName) run in the last
two weeks.
Chart showing the number of passed, failed and incomplete testruns for each
testcase (TCName) run in the last two weeks.