Introduction Genetic Quantitative
Introduction Genetic Quantitative
Introduction Genetic Quantitative
Quantitative Genetics
Many organisms traits are genetically influenced, but do
not show single-gene (Mendelian) patterns of
They are influenced by the combined action of many
genes and are characterized by continuous variation.
These are called polygenic traits.
Continuously variable characteristics that are both
polygenic and influenced by environmental factors are
called multifactorial traits. Examples of quantitative
characteristics are height, weight.
Types of Quantitative Traits
1. a continues measurement (quantity).
2. a countable meristic (measured in whole numbers). It can
take on integer values only: For example, litter size.
3. a threshold characteristic which is either present or absent
depending on the cumulative effect of a number of additive
factors (diseases are often this type). It has an underlying
quantitative distribution, but the trait only appears only if a
threshold is crossed.
Types of Quantitative Trait
In general, the distribution of quantitative traits values in a population
follows the normal distribution (also known as Gaussian distribution or
bell curve). These curves are characterized by the mean (mid-point)
and by the variance (width). Often standard deviation, the square root
of variance, is used as a measure of the curves width.
Principles of Quantitative
Quantitative traits are influenced by the combined effects
of numerous genes. These are called polygenic or
multifactorial traits.
The genes follow Mendelian laws of inheritance; however,
multifactorial traits have numerous possible phenotypic
Environmental influences blur the phenotypic differences
between adjacent genotypes.
As the number of loci affecting
the trait increases, the #
phenotypic categories
Number of phenotypic
categories =
(# gene pairs 2) +1
(average -
center of
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Economically important traits =
quantitative traits
Quantitative genetics theory -> basis
for breeding programs
Environmental variation reduces
efficiency of selection
Why is quantitative genetics
Consequences of inbreeding and out-crossing
Fisheries inbred lines, hybrids, F1s
Conservation endangered species, captive
breeding programs
Why is quantitative genetics
Natural selection requires heritable variation for
Around 1900, there were two camps:
Continuous traits
Discrete traits
In fact we are looking at variation in the traits, which is
measured by the width of the Gaussian distribution curve.
This width is the variance (or its square root, the standard
Variance is a useful property, because variances from
different sources can be added together to get total
Mathematical Basis of
Quantitative Genetics
Quantitative traits can thus be expressed as:
VT = VG + VE
where VT = total variance, VG - variance due to
genetics, and VE = variance due to environmental
(non-inherited) causes.
This equation is often written with an additional
covariance term: the degree to which genetic and
environmental variance depend on each other. We
are just going to assume this term equals zero in
our discussions.
Measured using resemblance between relatives
h2 = genetic variation
phenotypic variation
Phenotypic correlation:
A combination of genetic and environmental (incl. nonadd gen
effects) corr:
rP = hX hY rG + (1-h2X)0.5 (1-h2Y)0.5 rE
rP = hX hY rG + eX eY rE
1. Trait-trait correlation
Relation between different traits.
For studies of how the improvement of one trait will affect another trait.
2. Age-age correlation
Relation between a trait at young and mature age. Gives info about when
reliable estimations can be achieved.
3. Site-site correlation
Relation between genotype and environment. For deliniation of breeding and
seed zones and for optimization of number of trials per zone
1) The three components are hard to estimate with any precision, i.e.
large materials are needed.
Type B correlations are routinely made
by univariate methods
1) Correlation estimates are biased for unbalanced data and when
variances across environments are heterogenous.
2) The estimates are frequently out of the theoretical parameter space due
to sampling errors of genetic variances and covariances (rG > 1.0).
CRY = i hX hY rG PY
Scale effects
1 2
True interaction
1 2